

英 [ˈbætlɪŋ]

美 [ˈbætlɪŋ]

v.  搏斗; 奋斗; 斗争


BNC.26860 / COCA.34599


  • N-VAR 战役;战斗
    Abattleis a violent fight between groups of people, especially one between military forces during a war.
    1. ...the victory of King William III at the Battle of the Boyne.
    2. ...after a gun battle between police and drug traffickers.
    3. ...men who die in battle.
  • N-COUNT (为争取成功或控制权的)斗争,冲突
    Abattleis a conflict in which different people or groups compete in order to achieve success or control.
    1. ...a renewed political battle over Britain's attitude to Europe.
    2. ...the eternal battle between good and evil in the world.
    3. ...a macho battle for supremacy...
    4. He was appalled to discover members of the board fighting damaging personal battles.
  • N-COUNT (在艰难环境中的)奋争,斗争
    You can usebattleto refer to someone's efforts to achieve something in spite of very difficult circumstances.
    1. ...the battle against crime...
    2. She has fought a constant battle with her weight...
    3. Greg lost his brave battle against cancer two years ago.
  • V-RECIP 与…抗争;与…搏斗;同…作战
    Tobattle withan opposing group means to take part in a fight or contest against them. In American English, you can also say that one group or personis battlinganother.
    1. Thousands of people battled with police and several were reportedly wounded...
    2. The sides must battle again for a quarter-final place on December 16...
    3. They're also battling the government to win compensation.
  • VERB 奋战;(与…)搏斗(在英国英语中用battle against something或with something,在美国英语中用battle something)
    Tobattlemeans to try hard to do something in spite of very difficult circumstances. In British English, youbattle againstsomething orwithsomething. In American English, youbattlesomething.
    1. Doctors battled throughout the night to save her life.
    2. ...a lone yachtsman returning from his months of battling with the elements...
    3. In Wyoming, firefighters are still battling the two blazes.
  • See also:pitched battlerunning battle
  • PHR-RECIP 作战;交战;竞争
    If one person or groupdoes battle withanother, they take part in a battle or contest against them. You can also say that two people or groupsdo battle.
    1. ...the notorious Montonero guerrilla group who did battle with the army during the dirty war...
    2. This March, a British and an American company will do battle in the High Court over the right to press compact discs.
  • PHRASE 成功的一半;成功的重要条件
    If you say that something ishalf the battle, you mean that it is the most important step towards achieving something.
    1. Choosing the right type of paint for the job is half the battle.
  • PHRASE 战线已划定;对垒之势已成
    If you say thatthe battle lines are drawnbetween opposing groups or people, you mean that they are ready to start fighting or arguing, and that it has become clear what the main points of conflict or disagreement will be.
    1. The battle lines were drawn after the government refused to budge from its final offer.
  • PHRASE 作无望成功的尝试
    If youare fighting a losing battle, you are trying to achieve something but are not going to be successful.
    1. The crew fought a losing battle to try to restart the engines.
    2. ...on a day when the sun is fighting a losing battle against the lowering clouds.
  • PHR-RECIP 一决胜负;一决高低
    If one group or personbattles it out withanother, they take part in a fight or contest against each other until one of them wins or a definite result is reached. You can also say that two groups or two peoplebattle it out.
    1. In the Cup Final, Leeds battled it out with the old enemy, Manchester United...
    2. Barbados could have three new political parties battling it out in the next General Election.
  • PHRASE 虽败犹胜/ 虽胜犹败
    If you say that someonehas lost the battle,but won the war, you mean that although they have been defeated in a small conflict they have won a larger, more important one of which it was a part. If you say that someonehas won the battle but lost the war, you mean that they have won the small conflict but lost the larger one.
    1. The strikers may have won the battle, but they lost the war.
  • PHRASE 考验意志的持久战
    Abattle of willsis a situation that involves people who try to defeat each other by refusing to change their own aims or demands and hoping that their opponents will weaken first.
    1. The President offered compromises to parliament to defuse the battle of wills over who should wield power.
  • PHRASE 智慧的较量;斗智
    If you refer to a situation as abattle of wits, you mean that it involves people with opposing aims who compete with each other using their intelligence, rather than force.
    1. With chess you're involved in a battle of wits from start to finish.


  • He flew from country to country, battling murderous mutant microbes.
  • The winds are calmer today. That's good news for the crews battling the blaze.
  • Big-name jewellers are battling it out to get celebrities to wear their bling.
  • I was constantly battling my parents because I thought I was always right.
  • I've been battling with my conscience for several days, and now I know I have to write to you.
  • The old lady was battling to keep control of her company.
  • They are already battling to eradicate illnesses such as malaria and tetanus
  • Microsoft and Sony are battling to dominate the high end of the console gaming market.
  • Improve your fighting skills battling pirates, sea monsters, and fearsome dragons!
  • Scientists are still battling with many diseases.