英 [ˈsentrɪst]
美 [ˈsentrɪst]
n. (政治上的)中间派,温和派
adj. 温和派的
Collins.1 / BNC.26137 / COCA.13442
- (政治上的)中间派,温和派
a person with political views that are not extreme
- ADJ-GRADED (政策或政党)温和的,中间派的
Centristpolicies and parties are moderate rather than extreme.- He had left the movement because it had abandoned its centrist policies.
他退出了该运动,因为它放弃了温和政策。 - Acentristis someone with centrist views.
- He had left the movement because it had abandoned its centrist policies.
- a person who takes a position in the political center
- supporting or pursuing a course of action that is neither liberal nor conservative
- He said he would take a tougher stand against Hamas than the ruling centrist Kadima party has done.
他说,他将对哈马斯采取比目前的中间派前进党政府更为强硬的立场。 - Unlike Bill Clinton, an instinctive centrist, Mr Obama is a progressive liberal.
与天生的中间派比尔克林顿(billclinton)不同,奥巴马是一个进步的自由派人士。 - Or take Fran ç ois Bayrou, a centrist leader, who kicked off his campaign by publishing a vitriolic book entitled "Abuse of Power".
或者看看中间派领袖白鲁(FrançoisBayrou)的看法,他出版了一本尖刻的名为《权力的滥用》的书,开始了竞选运动。 - The latest cause of Israeli uncertainty is that the Labour party, the junior partner to Mr Olmert's centrist Kadima in the ruling coalition, is choosing a new leader.
以色列最近的不确定事件是工党新领袖的选举,而工党是以奥尔默特为首中间派前进党执政联盟中的小伙伴。 - In his first press conference since taking office over the weekend, the centrist cleric yesterday insisted that Iran would not abandon its nuclear programme.
在上周末就任总统以来举行的首次记者招待会上,这名中间立场的毛拉昨日坚称,伊朗不会放弃核计划。 - All of which leaves a political space for Mr Monti, who has been asked by centrist groups to run for prime minister.
这一切都为蒙蒂留出了政治空间,中间派也呼吁他参与总理竞选。 - She has remodelled herself as an impeccably centrist senator, co-sponsoring bills with prominent conservatives.
她把自己重塑成一个完美的中间派议员,总是附议那些著名保守派人士的议案。 - While neither is a centrist candidate, they are also not fringe candidates.
他们都不是中立派,也不是边缘候选人。 - What this tells us about Mr Cameron is that he is a Conservative in the centrist tradition of Harold MacMillan rather than a radical such as Margaret Thatcher. A moderate in most things is how one colleague describes him.
这告诉我们,卡梅伦是一位继承哈罗德麦克米伦(HaroldMacMillan)之中间派衣钵的保守党人,而不是像玛格丽特撒切尔(MargaretThatcher)那样的激进分子。一位同事称他在大多数事情上都持温和意见。 - He has embraced a solution to America's immigration mess that is both centrist and sensible.