英 [kləʊz , kləʊs]
美 [kloʊz , kloʊs]
v. 关; 关闭; 闭上; 合上; 合拢; (使)关门,关闭(一段时间); 不开放
n. (一段时间或活动的)结束,终结,终了
adj. (在空间、时间上)接近; 几乎(处于某种状态); 可能(快要做某事); 亲密的; 密切的
adv. 接近; 靠近; 紧挨着; 不远地
n. 一端不通的街道; 死胡同; 死巷道; 大教堂所属的周围场地及建筑物
过去式:closed 比较级:closer 过去分词:closed 现在分词:closing 最高级:closest 第三人称单数:closes
Oxford 3000 / Collins.3 / BNC.647 / COCA.649
He was a bit too familiar with that girl after several drinks last night.
He felt closer to Susan after the campfire party.
We are close friends.
He is my intimate friend.
Let me have the novel when you finish reading it.
When do you finish your supper?
The football game finished at 7:30.
She failed to accomplish the task because she was in poor health.
The party was closed with a sound of applause.
The movie closed with an emotional reunion in London.
The national economic plan was successfully completed.
The bridge was completed in 1959.
It took him four years to complete his education in Europe.
The labour union of the factory agreed to end the strike two days later.
The party ended early due to the bad weather.
When will his contract of employment terminate?
The woman decided to terminate the pregnancy.
They are near relatives.
The school is adjacent to the church.
The closest shop is about 2 miles away.
It was close to 3 a.m.
I believe you and he were very close friends.
When is the next flight to Chicago?
Read the next two chapters before Saturday.
close down
1. (工厂、商店、学校等)永久性关闭;(使)停业;(使)倒闭
close in
1. 包围;逼近 2. (冬天、夜晚)来临,到来
close down
- (电台或电视台在一天的播送后)结束播放,停止播音
when a radio or television station closes down , it stops broadcasting at the end of the day
close down
close sth↔down
close sth↔down
close in
- (秋季白天)逐渐变短
when the days close in , they become gradually shorter during the autumn/fall- The museum has been closed for renovation.
博物馆已闭馆整修。 - The road was closed to traffic for two days.
这条路已经封路两天了。 - What time does the bank close?
那家银行什么时候关门? - We close for lunch between twelve and two.
- The museum has been closed for renovation.
- (天气)变坏
if the weather closes in , it gets worse- The club was closed by the police.
那家夜总会被警察查封了。 - The hospital closed at the end of last year.
这所医院去年年底关闭。 - The play closed after just three nights.
- The club was closed by the police.
- (夜色)加浓;(夜幕)降临
when the night closes in , it gets darker
close in (on sb/sth)
- (尤指为了进攻)逼近,靠近
to move nearer to sb/sth, especially in order to attack them
close sth↔off
- 隔离;封锁
to separate sth from other parts so that people cannot use it
close out sth
- 削价销售;降价处理;大甩卖
to sell goods very cheaply in order to get rid of them quickly - 结束;了结
to finish or settle sth- She closed her hand over his.
- She closed her hand over his.
close over sb/sth
- 环绕;遮盖;淹没
to surround and cover sb/sth- at the close of the 17th century
在17世纪末 - His life was drawing to a close .
他的生命正走向终点。 - Can we bring this meeting to a close ?
- at the close of the 17th century
close up
- (伤口)愈合
when a wound closes up , it heals - 避而不谈(思想感情)
to hide your thoughts or emotions
close up
close sth↔up
- (尤指临时)关门停业,锁上门
to shut and lock sth such as a shop/store or a building, especially for a short period of time - (使)靠拢,靠紧
to come closer together; to bring people or things closer together - (使)变狭窄
to become narrower and less open
- close the book on sth
- 放弃某事令半途而废
to stop doing sth because you no longer believe you will be successful or will find a solution - The police have closed the book on the case (= they have stopped trying to solve it) .
警方已经放弃侦破此案。 close its doors - 停业;歇业;关闭
to stop trading - The factory closed its doors for the last time in 2002.
这家工厂最后于2002年关闭。 close your mind to sth - 对…拒不考虑(或置之不理、置若罔闻)
to refuse to think about sth as a possibility close ranks - (尤指受到批评时)抱团,携手合作
if a group of people close ranks , they work closely together to defend themselves, especially when they are being criticized - It's not unusual for the police to close ranks when one of their officers is being investigated.
在一位警员受到调查时,警察抱团的事并不罕见。 - (士兵)成密集队形,相互靠拢
if soldiers close ranks , they move closer together in order to defend themselves close/shut the door on sth - 使不可能;拒…于门外;把…的门堵死
to make it unlikely that sth will happen - She was careful not to close the door on the possibility of further talks.
她十分注意不让进一步谈判的大门关上。 shut/close your ears to sth - (对…)充耳不闻,置之不理
to refuse to listen to sth - She decided to shut her ears to all the rumours.
她拿定主意对所有的谣言置之不理。 shut/close your eyes to sth - (对…)视而不见,熟视无睹,置若罔闻
to pretend that you have not noticed sth so that you do not have to deal with it
- at/from close quarters
- 很近;非常靠近
very near - fighting at close quarters
近距离作战 close, but no cigar - 很接近,但还是输了;猜得差不多,但不完全对
used to tell sb that their attempt or guess was almost but not quite successful a close call/shave - 侥幸避免事故;侥幸脱险;幸免于难
a situation in which you only just manage to avoid an accident, etc. a close thing - 成败机会各半
a situation in which success or failure is equally possible - We got him out in the end, but it was a close thing.
我们最后总算把他救了出来,可那是真险啊。 close to home - (话语或讨论的话题)因点中要害而使人局促不安(或尴尬)
if a remark or topic of discussion is close to home , it is accurate or connected with you in a way that makes you uncomfortable or embarrassed - Her remarks about me were embarrassingly close to home.
她说我的那些话使我尴尬不已。 keep a close eye/watch on sb/sth - 密切注视;严密监视
to watch sb/sth carefully - Over the next few months we will keep a close eye on sales.
在今后的几个月里我们将密切关注销售情况。 close/dear/near to sb's heart - 为某人所重视关心;为某人所爱
having a lot of importance and interest for sb
- close at hand
- 在附近;在顺手可及的地方
near; in a place where sb/sth can be reached easily - There are good cafes and a restaurant close at hand.
附近有几家挺不错的咖啡馆和一家餐馆。 close by (sb/sth) - (离…)不远;在不远处;在近旁
at a short distance (from sb/sth) - Our friends live close by.
我们的朋友住得不远。 - The route passes close by the town.
这条路离那座城镇不远。 close onclose to - 几乎;接近;差不多
almost; nearly - She is close on sixty.
她快满六十岁了。 - It is close on midnight.
时近午夜。 - a profit close to £200 million
接近2亿英镑的利润 a close run thing - (比赛或选举等中的)险胜,差距很小的败北
a situation in which sb only just wins or loses, for example in a competition or an election close toclose up - 在很近处;很近地
in a position very near to sth - The picture looks very different when you see it close to.
这幅画贴近看时就很不一样。 close up to sb/sth - (在空间上)离…很近
very near in space to sb/sth - She snuggled close up to him.
她紧紧地依偎着他。 come close (to sth/to doing sth) - 几乎达到;差不多
to almost reach or do sth - He'd come close to death.
他曾与死神擦肩而过。 - We didn't win but we came close.
我们输了,但离赢只差了那么一小点儿。 run sb/sth close - 与…不相上下;可与…媲美
to be nearly as good, fast, successful, etc. as sb/sth else - Germany ran Argentina very close in the final.
在决赛中,德国队发挥得几乎和阿根廷队一样出色。 hold/keep/play your cards close to your chest - 守口如瓶;秘而不宣
to keep your ideas, plans, etc. secret be close to/near the mark - (猜测、陈述等)接近准确,几乎无误
to be fairly accurate in a guess, statement, etc. sail close to the wind - 冒大风险(干危险或可能违法的事)
to take a risk by doing sth that is dangerous or that may be illegal
- 窗、门等 window/door, etc.
- 关;关闭;闭上
to put sth into a position so that it covers an opening; to get into this position- Would anyone mind if I closed the window?
我关上窗户会有人介意吗? - She closed the gate behind her.
她随手关上了身后的大门。 - It's dark now─let's close the curtains.
天黑了,咱们拉上窗帘吧。 - I closed my eyes against the bright light.
我闭上眼睛以防强光的照射。 - The doors open and close automatically.
书、伞等 book/umbrella, etc. - Would anyone mind if I closed the window?
- 合上;合拢
to move the parts of sth together so that it is no longer open- to close a book/an umbrella
店铺;商店;公司 shop/store/business - to close a book/an umbrella
- (使)关门,关闭(一段时间);不开放
to make the work of a shop/store, etc. stop for a period of time; to not be open for people to use- The museum has been closed for renovation.
博物馆已闭馆整修。 - The road was closed to traffic for two days.
这条路已经封路两天了。 - What time does the bank close?
那家银行什么时候关门? - We close for lunch between twelve and two.
- The museum has been closed for renovation.
- 停业;关闭;歇业;倒闭
if a company, shop/store, etc. closes , or if you close it, it stops operating as a business- The club was closed by the police.
那家夜总会被警察查封了。 - The hospital closed at the end of last year.
这所医院去年年底关闭。 - The play closed after just three nights.
结束 end - The club was closed by the police.
- (使)结束,终止
to end or make sth end- to close a meeting/debate
结束会议 / 辩论 - to close a case/an investigation
结案;结束调查 - to close an account (= to stop keeping money in a bank account)
注销账户 - The subject is now closed (= we will not discuss it again) .
这个话题的讨论现在已告结束。 - The meeting will close at 10.00 p.m.
会议将在晚上10点结束。 - The offer closes at the end of the week.
金融 finance - to close a meeting/debate
- 收盘
to be worth a particular amount at the end of the day's business- Shares in the company closed at 265p.
这家公司的股票收盘价为265便士。 - closing prices
距离;差别 distance/difference - Shares in the company closed at 265p.
- (使)缩小,接近;变小;变窄
to make the distance or difference between two people or things smaller; to become smaller or narrower- These measures are aimed at closing the gap between rich and poor.
这些措施旨在缩小贫富差距。 - The gap between the two top teams is closing all the time.
牢牢抓住 hold firmly - These measures are aimed at closing the gap between rich and poor.
- 把…牢牢抱住(或抓住、握住)
to hold sth/sb firmly- She closed her hand over his.
- She closed her hand over his.
- (一段时间或活动的)结束,终结,终了
the end of a period of time or an activity- at the close of the 17th century
在17世纪末 - His life was drawing to a close .
他的生命正走向终点。 - Can we bring this meeting to a close ?
- at the close of the 17th century
- V-ERG (使)关闭;(使)合上
When youclosesomething such as a door or lid or when itcloses, it moves so that a hole, gap, or opening is covered.- If you are cold, close the window...
要是冷就把窗户关上。 - Zacharias heard the door close...
扎卡赖亚斯听见门关上了。 - Keep the curtains closed.
- If you are cold, close the window...
- VERB 合上,合拢(书、伞等)
When youclosesomething such as an open book or umbrella, you move the different parts of it together.- Slowly he closed the book.
- Slowly he closed the book.
- VERB 关闭(计算机文档、窗口等)
If youclosesomething such as a computer file or window, you give the computer an instruction to remove it from the screen.- To close your document, press CTRL+W on your keyboard.
- To close your document, press CTRL+W on your keyboard.
- V-ERG (眼睛)闭上;合上(眼睛)
When youcloseyour eyes or your eyesclose, your eyelids move downwards, so that you can no longer see.- Bess closed her eyes and fell asleep...
贝丝合上眼睛睡着了。 - When we sneeze, our eyes close.
- Bess closed her eyes and fell asleep...
- V-ERG (使)暂时性关闭,(使)暂停营业;关门
When a placeclosesoris closed, work or activity stops there for a short period.- Shops close only on Christmas Day and New Year's Day...
商店只在圣诞日和元旦停业。 - It was Saturday; they could close the office early...
那天是星期六,他们可以早点下班。 - Government troops closed the airport...
政府军关闭了机场。 - The restaurant was closed for the night.
- Shops close only on Christmas Day and New Year's Day...
- V-ERG (工厂、商店、学校等)永久性关闭;(使)停业;(使)倒闭
If a place such as a factory, shop, or schoolcloses, or if itis closed, all work or activity stops there permanently.- Many enterprises will be forced to close...
很多家企业将被迫倒闭。 - If they do close the local college I'll have to go to Worcester.
如果他们真把本地的大学关闭了,我就得去伍斯特上大学了。 - Close downmeans the same asclose.
close down 同 close - Minford closed down the business and went into politics...
明福德弃商从政了。 - Many of the smaller stores have closed down.
- Many enterprises will be forced to close...
- VERB 封闭,封锁(街道、边界)
Toclosea road or border means to block it in order to prevent people from using it.- They were cut off from the West in 1948 when their government closed that border crossing.
- They were cut off from the West in 1948 when their government closed that border crossing.
- VERB 结束,终止(谈话、事件等)
Toclosea conversation, event, or matter means to bring it to an end or to complete it.- Judge Isabel Oliva said last night: 'I have closed the case. There was no foul play.'...
昨晚伊莎贝尔·奥利娃法官说:“此案我已审结,并无谋杀嫌疑。” - He needs another $30,000 to close the deal...
他还需要3万美元才能做成这笔买卖。 - The Prime Minister is said to now consider the matter closed.
据说首相现在认为此事已了结。 - ...the closing ceremony of the National Political Conference.
- Judge Isabel Oliva said last night: 'I have closed the case. There was no foul play.'...
- VERB 结清撤销,注销(银行账户)
If youclosea bank account, you take all your money out of it and inform the bank that you will no longer be using the account.- He had closed his account with the bank five years earlier.
- He had closed his account with the bank five years earlier.
- VERB (股票等)收盘
On the stock market or the currency markets, if a share price or a currencyclosesat a particular value, that is its value at the end of the day's business.- Dawson shares closed at 219p, up 5p...
道森股票以219便士收盘,上涨了5便士。 - The US dollar closed higher in Tokyo today.
- Dawson shares closed at 219p, up 5p...
- N-SING 结束;终止
The close ofa period of time or an activity is the end of it. To bring or draw somethingto a closemeans to end it.- By the close of business last night, most of the big firms were hailing yesterday's actions as a success...
昨晚交易结束的时候,多数大公司都称赞当天的活动取得了成功。 - Brian's retirement brings to a close a glorious chapter in British football history...
布莱恩的挂靴为英国足球史上光辉的一章画上了休止符。 - As 1999 draws to a close, the story is changing.
- By the close of business last night, most of the big firms were hailing yesterday's actions as a success...
- See also:closedclosing. to close the door on something
- ADJ-GRADED 近的;接近的
If one thing or person isclose toanother, there is only a very small distance between them.- Her lips were close to his head and her breath tickled his ear...
她的嘴唇贴近他的头,她的呼吸让他耳朵发痒。 - The whales were too close; this posed an immediate problem for my photography...
鲸鱼离得太近,这成了我眼下拍摄面临的迫切问题。 - The man moved closer, lowering his voice...
那位男子靠近了一步,压低声音。 - The tables were pushed close together so diners could talk across the aisles.
- Her lips were close to his head and her breath tickled his ear...
- ADJ-GRADED 亲近的;亲密的
You say that people areclose toeach other when they like each other very much and know each other very well.- She and Linda became very close...
她和琳达变得非常亲密。 - As a little girl, Karan was closest to her sister Gail...
卡兰小的时候和姐姐盖尔最亲。 - I shared a house with a close friend from school...
我和一个要好的同学合住一套房子。 - I had a close relationship with my grandfather.
- She and Linda became very close...
- ADJ-GRADED (血缘关系)近的;近亲的
Yourcloserelatives are the members of your family who are most directly related to you, for example your parents and your brothers or sisters.- ...large changes such as the birth of a child or death of a close relative.
- ...large changes such as the birth of a child or death of a close relative.
- ADJ-GRADED (盟友、伙伴)交往密切的,亲密的
Acloseally or partner of someone knows them well and is very involved in their work.- He was once regarded as one of Mr Brown's closest political advisers...
他曾一度被视作布朗先生最为亲信的政治顾问之一。 - A senior source close to Mr Blair told us: 'Our position has not changed.'
- He was once regarded as one of Mr Brown's closest political advisers...
- ADJ-GRADED (联系或合作)密切的
Closecontact or co-operation involves seeing or communicating with someone often.- Both nations are seeking closer links with the West...
两国都在寻求与西方国家建立更为紧密的联系。 - He lived alone, keeping close contact with his three grown-up sons.
- Both nations are seeking closer links with the West...
- ADJ-GRADED (联系)紧密的;酷似的
If there is acloseconnection or resemblance between two things, they are strongly connected or are very similar.- There is a close connection between pain and tension...
疼痛和紧张之间有着紧密的联系。 - Clare's close resemblance to his elder sister invoked a deep dislike in him.
- There is a close connection between pain and tension...
- ADJ-GRADED (检查或观察)仔细的,彻底的
Closeinspection or observation of something is careful and thorough.- He discovered, on closer inspection, that the rocks contained gold...
经过更为仔细的探察,他发现这些岩石含金。 - All these definitions, while sounding impressive, do not stand up under close scrutiny...
所有这些定义虽然听上去煞有其事,但都经不起推敲。 - Let's have a closer look.
- He discovered, on closer inspection, that the rocks contained gold...
- ADJ-GRADED (竞争或选举)势均力敌的,难分高下的
Aclosecompetition or election is won or seems likely to be won by only a small amount.- It is still a close contest between two leading opposition parties...
这仍然是两大主要反对党之间一场势均力敌的较量。 - It's going to be very close.
- It is still a close contest between two leading opposition parties...
- ADJ-GRADED 接近的;快要…的;即将…的
If you areclose tosomething or if it isclose, it is likely to happen or come soon. If you areclose todoing something, you are likely to do it soon.- She sounded close to tears...
她听上去要哭了。 - Drought has left more than two million people close to starvation...
干旱让两百多万人濒临饿死。 - A senior White House official said the agreement is close...
白宫的一位高级官员说即将达成协议。 - He's close to signing a contract.
- She sounded close to tears...
- ADJ-GRADED 近乎于…的;差点…的
If something iscloseor comesclose tosomething else, it almost is, does, or experiences that thing.- There is a simplicity about the interior which comes close to blandness...
室内布置得很简单,几乎有点平淡无奇。 - An airliner came close to disaster while approaching Heathrow Airport...
一架大型客机在飞近希思罗机场时差点儿发生空难。 - Her desire was closer to passion than love.
- There is a simplicity about the interior which comes close to blandness...
- 闷热的;不通风的
If the atmosphere somewhere isclose, it is unpleasantly warm with not enough air. - PHRASE 在附近;在近旁
Something that isclose byorclose at handis near to you.- Did a new hairdressing shop open close by?...
附近是不是新开了一家理发店? - His wife remains behind in Germany, but Jason, his 18-year-old son, is closer at hand.
- Did a new hairdressing shop open close by?...
- PHRASE 勉强脱险;幸免于难
If you describe an event as aclose shave, aclose thing, or aclose call, you mean that an accident or a disaster very nearly happened.- You had a close shave, but you knew when you accepted this job that there would be risks.
- You had a close shave, but you knew when you accepted this job that there would be risks.
- PHRASE 仔细观察;严密注视
If youkeep a close eye onsomeone or something orkeep a close watch onthem, you observe them carefully to make sure they are progressing as you want them to.- The President's foreign policy team are keeping a close eye on events.
- The President's foreign policy team are keeping a close eye on events.
- PREP-PHRASE 接近于(某数量或距离)
Close toa particular amount or distance means slightly less than that amount or distance. In British English, you can also sayclose ona particular amount or distance.- Sisulu spent close to 30 years in prison...
西苏卢在监狱里度过了将近30年的时光。 - Close to 50,000 people took part...
近5万人参加。 - Catering may now account for close on a quarter of pub turnover.
- Sisulu spent close to 30 years in prison...
- See also:They always look smaller close up.close-up
- PHRASE (比赛、选举等)势均力敌
If something such as a competition or an election istoo close to call, it is not possible to predict who will win because it seems likely to be won by only a very small margin.- In the Senate, the count is too close to call at this point.
- In the Senate, the count is too close to call at this point.
- at close quarters→ see:quarter
- VERB 靠近;接近
If youare closing onsomeone or something that you are following, you are getting nearer and nearer to them.- I was within 15 seconds of the guy in second place and closing on him.
- I was within 15 seconds of the guy in second place and closing on him.
- N-IN-NAMES (用于英国的一些街名中)巷,小街
Closeis used in the names of some streets in Britain.- ...116 Dendridge Close.
- ...116 Dendridge Close.
- the concluding part of any performance
- the last section of a communication
- in conclusion I want to say...
- the temporal end
- the stopping point of each round was signaled by a bell
- the market was up at the finish
- they were playing better at the close of the season
- finish a game in baseball by protecting a lead
- The relief pitcher closed with two runs in the second inning
- complete a business deal, negotiation, or an agreement
- We closed on the house on Friday
- They closed the deal on the building
- unite or bring into contact or bring together the edges of
- close the circuit
- close a wound
- close a book
- close up an umbrella
- move so that an opening or passage is obstructed
- Close the door
- shut the window
- become closed
- The windows closed with a loud bang
- fill or stop up
- Can you close the cracks with caulking?
- bar access to
- Due to the accident, the road had to be closed for several hours
- bring together all the elements or parts of
- Management closed ranks
- draw near
- The probe closed with the space station
- come together, as if in an embrace
- Her arms closed around her long lost relative
- change one's body stance so that the forward shoulder and foot are closer to the intended point of impact
- cause a window or an application to disappear on a computer desktop
- engage at close quarters
- close with the enemy
- finish or terminate (meetings, speeches, etc.)
- The meeting was closed with a charge by the chairman of the board
- cease to operate or cause to cease operating
- The owners decided to move and to close the factory
- My business closes every night at 8 P.M.
- close up the shop
- come to a close
- The concert closed with a nocturne by Chopin
- be priced or listed when trading stops
- The stock market closed high this Friday
- My new stocks closed at $59 last night
- marked by fidelity to an original
- a close translation
- a faithful copy of the portrait
- a faithful rendering of the observed facts
- rigorously attentive
- close supervision
- paid close attention
- a close study
- kept a close watch on expenditures
- not far distant in time or space or degree or circumstances
- near neighbors
- in the near future
- they are near equals
- his nearest approach to success
- a very near thing
- a near hit by the bomb
- she was near tears
- she was close to tears
- had a close call
- at or within a short distance in space or time or having elements near each other
- close to noon
- how close are we to town?
- a close formation of ships
- close in relevance or relationship
- a close family
- we are close sympathy with...
- close kin
- a close resemblance
- inclined to secrecy or reticence about divulging information
- although they knew her whereabouts her friends kept close about it
- crowded
- close quarters
- (of a contest or contestants) evenly matched
- a close contest
- a close election
- a tight game
- giving or spending with reluctance
- our cheeseparing administration
- very close (or near) with his money
- a penny-pinching miserly old man
- used of hair or haircuts
- a close military haircut
- fitting closely but comfortably
- a close fit
- confined to specific persons
- a close secret
- strictly confined or guarded
- kept under close custody
- of textiles
- a close weave
- smooth percale with a very tight weave
- lacking fresh air
- a dusty airless attic
- the dreadfully close atmosphere
- hot and stuffy and the air was blue with smoke
- near in time or place or relationship
- as the wedding day drew near
- stood near the door
- don't shoot until they come near
- getting near to the true explanation
- her mother is always near
- The end draws nigh
- the bullet didn't come close
- don't get too close to the fire
- in an attentive manner
- he remained close on his guard
- I gave a dinner party for a few close friends
我为几个密友办了晚宴。 - If they do close the local college I'll have to go to Worcester.
如果他们真把本地的大学关闭了,我就得去伍斯特上大学了。 - I know for a fact that Graham has kept in close touch with Alan.
我知道格雷厄姆确实与艾伦保持着密切的联系。 - I had a close relationship with my grandfather.
我和爷爷很亲。 - It's close to showtime now, so you retire into the dressing room.
开演时间快到了,你得进化装间了。 - Another celebration had drawn to its close.
又一场庆典结束了。 - Quebec has always had particularly close ties to France
魁北克和法国一向关系特别紧密。 - She and Linda became very close
她和琳达变得非常亲密。 - You had a close shave, but you knew when you accepted this job that there would be risks.
你这次侥幸脱险,不过在接受这项工作的时候,你就知道会有一些危险。 - If you are cold, close the window