英 [ˈkʌvə(r)]
美 [ˈkʌvər]
v. 掩蔽; 遮盖; 盖; 覆盖; 撒上,洒上,溅上(一层液体、尘土等)
n. 覆盖物; 掩蔽物; 套子; 罩子; 躲避处; 避难所; 庇护所; (书刊的)封面,封皮
过去分词:covered 现在分词:covering 第三人称单数:covers 过去式:covered 复数:covers
Oxford 3000 / Collins.5 / BNC.525 / COCA.560
buryv. 埋葬;埋藏
He was buried in the churchyard nearby.
The fox buried his prey beneath the ground.
The fox buried his prey beneath the ground.
concealv. 〈正式〉隐藏;隐瞒
He concealed himself in the cave.
She concealed her feelings from her husband.
She concealed her feelings from her husband.
coverv. 遮蔽,遮盖
She covered the food with a piece of cloth.
The bright moon was covered by heavy clouds.
The bright moon was covered by heavy clouds.
sheltern. 避难所,庇护所
The soldiers built a shelter from a few pieces of wood.
It's a shelter for battered women.
Some volunteers worked in the animal shelter.
It's a shelter for battered women.
Some volunteers worked in the animal shelter.
asylumn. (政治)避难
He was granted asylum in Germany.
The number of refugees seeking political asylum has risen recently.
The number of refugees seeking political asylum has risen recently.
covern. 躲避处,掩蔽处
He was forced to take cover in a barn.
She was shot in the shoulder as she ran for cover.
She was shot in the shoulder as she ran for cover.
havenn. 避难所,安全地
A happy family is a haven.
The small woods are a haven for birds.
This studio is a haven for artists and hippies.
The small woods are a haven for birds.
This studio is a haven for artists and hippies.
refugen. 避难处,庇护所
a wildlife refuge
a refuge for battered wives
The tourists were seeking refuge from the storm.
a refuge for battered wives
The tourists were seeking refuge from the storm.
cover up
1. (用…)盖在…上(以保护或隐藏) 2. 隐藏,遮掩(事实)
cover sth↔in
- (给露天场地)装顶盖,加顶
to put a covering or roof over an open space
cover sth↔over
- (完全)盖住,遮住
to cover sth completely so that it cannot be seen
cover up
cover yourself up
- 加(或多)穿衣服;穿暖和
to put on more clothes
cover sth↔up
- (完全)盖住,遮住
to cover sth completely so that it cannot be seen - 掩盖(错误、罪行等的)真相
to try to stop people from knowing the truth about a mistake, a crime, etc.- $100 should cover your expenses.
100元该足够支付你的费用了。 - Your parents will have to cover your tuition fees.
你的父母得支付你的学费。 - The show barely covered its costs .
- $100 should cover your expenses.
- cover all the bases
- 考虑周全;面面俱到
to consider and deal with all the things that could happen or could be needed when you are arranging sth cover your back - 粉饰污点;防止可预见的指责
to realize that you may be blamed or criticized for sth later and take action to avoid this - Get everything in writing in order to cover your back.
一切都要立字为据,以绝后患。 cover your tracks - 掩盖自己的行径
to try and hide what you have done, because you do not want other people to find out about it - He had attempted to cover his tracks by making her death appear like suicide.
他使她的死亡看起来像是自杀,企图以此掩盖自己的罪行。 cover/hide a multitude of sins - 掩藏实情;掩盖真相
to hide the real situation or facts when these are not good or pleasant
- break cover
- 匆匆离开隐蔽处;冲出躲藏处
to leave a place that you have been hiding in, usually at a high speed under cover - (为秘密活动)伪装着,装扮着,冒名顶替
pretending to be sb else in order to do sth secretly - a police officer working under cover
做隐蔽工作的警察 - 在…下(避风雨)
under a structure that gives protection from the weather under (the) cover of sth - 在…的掩护(或保护)下
hidden or protected by sth - Later, under cover of darkness, they crept into the house.
后来他们在夜幕的掩护下溜进了房子。 under separate cover - 另函
in a separate envelope - The information you requested is being forwarded to you under separate cover.
现另函寄上所要资料。 don't judge a book by its cover - 勿以貌取人;勿只凭外表判断
used to say that you should not form an opinion about sb/sth from their appearance only
- 隐藏;保护 hide/protect
- 掩蔽;遮盖
to place sth over or in front of sth in order to hide or protect it- Cover the chicken loosely with foil.
用锡箔把鸡肉松松地盖起来。 - She covered her face with her hands.
她双手掩面。 - He laughed to cover (= hide) his nervousness.
覆盖 spread over surface - Cover the chicken loosely with foil.
- 盖;覆盖
to lie or spread over the surface of sth- Snow covered the ground.
大雪覆盖了大地。 - Much of the country is covered by forest.
- Snow covered the ground.
- 撒上,洒上,溅上(一层液体、尘土等)
to put or spread a layer of liquid, dust, etc. on sb/sth- The players were soon covered in mud.
那些运动员很快就浑身溅满了泥。 - The wind blew in from the desert and covered everything with sand.
包括 include - The players were soon covered in mud.
- 包括;包含;涉及;处理
to include sth; to deal with sth- The survey covers all aspects of the business.
调查包括这家企业的各个方面。 - The lectures covered a lot of ground (= a lot of material, subjects, etc.) .
这些讲座涉及的内容极为广泛丰富。 - the sales team covering the northern part of the country (= selling to people in that area)
负责这个国家北部地区的销售队伍 - Do the rules cover (= do they apply to) a case like this?
钱币 money - The survey covers all aspects of the business.
- 足以支付;够付
to be or provide enough money for sth- $100 should cover your expenses.
100元该足够支付你的费用了。 - Your parents will have to cover your tuition fees.
你的父母得支付你的学费。 - The show barely covered its costs .
距离;面积 distance/area - $100 should cover your expenses.
- 行走(一段路程)
to travel the distance mentioned- By sunset we had covered thirty miles.
到日落时我们已走了三十英里。 - They walked for a long time and covered a good deal of ground .
- By sunset we had covered thirty miles.
- 占(一片面积)
to spread over the area mentioned- The reserve covers an area of some 1 140 square kilometres.
保护区占地面积大约1 140平方公里。
报道新闻 report news - The reserve covers an area of some 1 140 square kilometres.
- 报道;电视报道
to report on an event for television, a newspaper, etc.; to show an event on television- She's covering the party's annual conference.
她正在报道这个政党的年会新闻。 - The BBC will cover all the major games of the tournament.
代替某人 for sb - She's covering the party's annual conference.
- 代替,顶替,替补(某人工作或履行职责)
to do sb's work or duties while they are away- I'm covering for Jane while she's on leave.
- I'm covering for Jane while she's on leave.
- (为免他人陷入麻烦而用谎话或借口)遮掩,掩盖,敷衍
to invent a lie or an excuse that will stop sb from getting into trouble- I have to go out for a minute─will you cover for me if anyone asks where I am?
保险 with insurance - I have to go out for a minute─will you cover for me if anyone asks where I am?
- 给…保险
to protect sb against loss, injury, etc. by insurance- Are you fully covered for fire and theft?
你是否买了足够的火险和盗窃险? - Does this policy cover my husband to drive?
防遭指责 against blame - Are you fully covered for fire and theft?
- 采取预防行动(以使自己免遭责备)
to take action in order to protect yourself against being blamed for sth- One reason doctors take temperatures is to cover themselves against negligence claims.
用枪 with gun - One reason doctors take temperatures is to cover themselves against negligence claims.
- 掩护
to protect sb by threatening to shoot at anyone who tries to attack them- Cover me while I move forward.
- Cover me while I move forward.
- 用枪瞄准(以致无人可逃跑或开枪)
to aim a gun at a place or person so that nobody can escape or shoot- The police covered the exits to the building.
警方用枪封锁了那栋大楼的出口。 - Don't move─we've got you covered !
歌曲 song - The police covered the exits to the building.
- 翻唱(原来由另一乐队或歌手演唱的歌曲)
to record a new version of a song that was originally recorded by another band or singer- They've covered an old Rolling Stones number.
- They've covered an old Rolling Stones number.
- 保护;遮蔽物 protection/shelter
- 覆盖物;掩蔽物;套子;罩子
a thing that is put over or on another thing, usually to protect it or to decorate it- a cushion cover
靠垫套 - a plastic waterproof cover for the stroller
- a cushion cover
- 躲避处;避难所;庇护所
a place that provides shelter from bad weather or protection from an attack- Everyone ran for cover when it started to rain.
雨下起来时,大家都跑着找地方避雨。 - The climbers took cover from the storm in a cave.
登山运动员在山洞里躲避暴风雨。 - After the explosion the street was full of people running for cover .
书 of book - Everyone ran for cover when it started to rain.
- (书刊的)封面,封皮
the outside of a book or a magazine- the front/back cover
封面 / 底 - Her face was on the cover (= the front cover) of every magazine.
各种杂志的封面都有她的头像。 - He always reads the paper from cover to cover (= everything in it) .
保险 insurance - the front/back cover
- (保险公司的)保险
protection that an insurance company provides by promising to pay you money if a particular event happens- accident cover
事故保险 - cover against accidental damage
武器 with weapons - accident cover
- 掩护;防护
support and protection that is provided when sb is attacking or in danger of being attacked- The ships needed air cover (= protection by military planes) once they reached enemy waters.
树木;植物 trees/plants - The ships needed air cover (= protection by military planes) once they reached enemy waters.
- (生长在一个地区的)树木植物,自然植被
trees and plants that grow on an area of land- The total forest cover of the earth is decreasing.
云;雪 cloud/snow - The total forest cover of the earth is decreasing.
- (云层的)遮盖;(雪的)覆盖
the fact of the sky being covered with cloud or the ground with snow- Fog and low cloud cover are expected this afternoon.
预计今天下午有雾和低空云层。 - In this area there is snow cover for six months of the year.
床上 on bed - Fog and low cloud cover are expected this afternoon.
- 床单;床罩;毯子;被子
the sheets, blankets , etc. on a bed- She threw back the covers and leapt out of bed.
歌曲 song歌曲 song隐藏 hiding sth - She threw back the covers and leapt out of bed.
- (对身份、感情或违法事情的)掩盖,掩饰
activities or behaviour that seem honest or true but that hide sb's real identity or feelings, or that hide sth illegal- His work as a civil servant was a cover for his activities as a spy.
他以公务员的工作作为搞间谍活动的掩护。 - Her over-confident attitude was a cover for her nervousness.
她以过分自信的态度来掩饰她紧张的心情。 - It would only take one phone call to blow their cover (= make known their true identities and what they were really doing) .
代替某人工作 for sb's work - His work as a civil servant was a cover for his activities as a spy.
- 代替工作;代劳;替补
the fact of sb doing another person's job when they are away or when there are not enough staff- It's the manager's job to organize cover for staff who are absent.
安排他人顶替缺席的员工是经理的工作。 - Ambulance drivers provided only emergency cover during the dispute.
- It's the manager's job to organize cover for staff who are absent.
- VERB 遮盖;掩蔽
If youcoversomething, you place something else over it in order to protect it, hide it, or close it.- Cover the casserole with a tight-fitting lid...
用大小合适的盖子盖住砂锅。 - He whimpered and covered his face...
他掩面抽泣。 - Keep what's left in a covered container in the fridge.
- Cover the casserole with a tight-fitting lid...
- VERB 盖在…上面;铺在…上面
If one thingcoversanother, it has been placed over it in order to protect it, hide it, or close it.- His finger went up to touch the black patch which covered his left eye...
他伸手去触摸遮住左眼的黑眼罩。 - His head was covered with a khaki turban.
- His finger went up to touch the black patch which covered his left eye...
- VERB 盖;覆盖;遮住
If one thingcoversanother, it forms a layer over its surface.- The clouds had spread and nearly covered the entire sky...
云彩扩散开来,几乎遮住了整个天空。 - Two oil slicks are covering a total area of seven square miles...
两层浮油漂浮在7平方英里的区域上。 - The desk was covered with papers...
桌子上摆满了公文。 - I looked in the mirror and saw that my face was covered in blood.
- The clouds had spread and nearly covered the entire sky...
- VERB 用…遮盖;把…铺在…上
Tocoversomethingwithorinsomething else means to put a layer of the second thing over its surface.- The trees in your garden may have covered the ground with apples, pears or plums...
你花园里的果树也许已经落了一地的苹果、梨或李子。 - She covered the walls with the signs of the zodiac.
- The trees in your garden may have covered the ground with apples, pears or plums...
- VERB 行走(一段路程)
If youcovera particular distance, you travel that distance.- It would not be easy to cover ten miles on that amount of petrol...
就那么点儿汽油很难开10英里。 - It covered the distance in 28 hours compared with the train's six days.
- It would not be easy to cover ten miles on that amount of petrol...
- VERB (用枪等)掩护
Tocoversomeone or something means to protect them from attack, for example by pointing a gun in the direction of people who may attack them, ready to fire the gun if necessary.- You go first. I'll cover you.
- You go first. I'll cover you.
- N-UNCOUNT (飞机等的)掩护,防护
Coveris protection from enemy attack that is provided for troops or ships carrying out a particular operation, for example by aircraft.- They said they could not provide adequate air cover for ground operations.
- They said they could not provide adequate air cover for ground operations.
- N-UNCOUNT 躲避处;避难所;庇护所
Coveris trees, rocks, or other places where you shelter from the weather or from an attack, or hide from someone.- Charles lit the fuses and they ran for cover.
查尔斯点燃了导火索,他们便赶紧四处躲避。 - ...barren wastes of field with no trees and no cover.
- Charles lit the fuses and they ran for cover.
- VERB 给…保险
An insurance policy thatcoversa person or thing guarantees that money will be paid by the insurance company in relation to that person or thing.- Their insurer paid the £900 bill, even though the policy did not strictly cover it...
虽然严格来讲保险单并不包含这一项,他们的保险公司还是支付了那张900英镑的账单。 - These items are not covered by your medical insurance...
这些项目不在你的医保范围之内。 - You should take out travel insurance covering you and your family against theft.
- Their insurer paid the £900 bill, even though the policy did not strictly cover it...
- N-UNCOUNT (保险公司的)保险
Insurancecoveris a guarantee from an insurance company that money will be paid by them if it is needed.- Make sure that the firm's insurance cover is adequate.
- Make sure that the firm's insurance cover is adequate.
- VERB (法律)适用于,涉及
If a lawcoversa particular set of people, things, or situations, it applies to them.- The law covers four categories of experiments...
该法规适用于4类试验。 - Like any other commodity, pedigree dogs are covered by the Sale of Goods Act.
- The law covers four categories of experiments...
- VERB (在演讲、课程或书中)讨论,涉及
If youcovera particular topic, you discuss it in a lecture, course, or book.- The Oxford Chemistry Primers aim to cover important topics in organic chemistry...
《牛津化学初级读本》丛书旨在论述有机化学中的重要问题。 - Other subjects covered included nerves and how to overcome them.
- The Oxford Chemistry Primers aim to cover important topics in organic chemistry...
- VERB 报道
If journalists, newspapers, or television companiescoveran event, they report on it.- Robinson was sent to Italy to cover the 1990 World Cup...
鲁宾逊被派到意大利报道1990年的世界杯比赛。 - The US news media will cover the trial closely.
- Robinson was sent to Italy to cover the 1990 World Cup...
- VERB (钱)足以支付,够付
If a sum of moneycoverssomething, it is enough to pay for it.- Send it to the address given with £1.50 to cover postage and administration...
将它寄到指定地址,并附上1.50英镑以支付邮资和管理费。 - Those figures might not even cover the cost of breakages.
- Send it to the address given with £1.50 to cover postage and administration...
- N-COUNT 覆盖物;套子;罩子;盖子
Acoveris something which is put over an object, usually in order to protect it.- ...a family room with washable covers on the furniture.
家具上套有可清洗外罩的家庭娱乐室 - ...a duvet cover.
- ...a family room with washable covers on the furniture.
- N-PLURAL 被子;毯子;床单;床罩
Thecoverson your bed are the things such as sheets and blankets that you have on top of you.- She set her glass down and slid farther under the covers.
- She set her glass down and slid farther under the covers.
- N-COUNT (书刊的)封面,封皮
Thecoverof a book or a magazine is the outside part of it.- A few years ago, David Byrne was on the cover of Time magazine.
几年前,大卫·拜恩曾登上《时代》周刊的封面。 - ...a small spiral-bound booklet with a green cover...
有绿色封皮的螺旋装订的活页小册子 - I used to read every issue from cover to cover.
- A few years ago, David Byrne was on the cover of Time magazine.
- N-COUNT (对秘密或违法之事的)掩盖,掩饰
Something that is acoverfor secret or illegal activities seems respectable or normal, and is intended to hide the activities.- They set up a spurious temple that was a cover for sexual debauchery...
他们建立起一座为淫秽活动作掩护的假寺庙。 - As a cover story he generally tells people he is a freelance photographer.
- They set up a spurious temple that was a cover for sexual debauchery...
- VERB (通过提供假信息或不完全的信息来)遮掩,掩盖,包庇
If youcover forsomeone who is doing something secret or illegal, you give false information or do not give all the information you have, in order to protect them.- Why would she cover for someone who was trying to kill her?
- Why would she cover for someone who was trying to kill her?
- VERB 代替,顶替(某人工作)
If youcover forsomeone who is ill or away, you do their work for them while they are not there.- She did not have enough nurses to cover for those who went ill or took holiday.
- She did not have enough nurses to cover for those who went ill or took holiday.
- VERB 翻唱(歌曲)
Tocovera song originally performed by someone else means to record a new version of it.- He must make a decent living from other artists covering his songs.
- He must make a decent living from other artists covering his songs.
- N-COUNT 同 cover version
Acoveris the same as acover version.- The single is a cover of an old Rolling Stones song.
- The single is a cover of an old Rolling Stones song.
- See also:coveredcovering
- PHRASE 揭露,揭示(真实身份或工作的真实性质)
Toblowsomeone'scovermeans to cause their true identity or the true nature of their work to be revealed.- Asking those kind of questions could blow my cover...
问那种问题会暴露我的身份。 - The young man looked embarrassed, as if he were a spy whose cover had been blown.
- Asking those kind of questions could blow my cover...
- PHRASE (通常为到达另一地点)离开隐蔽处,冲出躲藏处
If youbreak cover, you leave a place where you have been hiding or sheltering from attack, usually in order to run to another place.- They began running again, broke cover and dashed towards the road.
- They began running again, broke cover and dashed towards the road.
- PHRASE 躲避(炮火、轰炸或坏天气)
If youtake cover, you shelter from gunfire, bombs, or the weather.- Shoppers took cover behind cars as police marksmen returned fire.
- Shoppers took cover behind cars as police marksmen returned fire.
- PHRASE 在…的遮掩下(躲避炮火轰炸、坏天气等)
If you areunder cover, you are under something that protects you from gunfire, bombs, or the weather.- 'Get under cover!' shouted Billy, and we darted once more for the tables.
- 'Get under cover!' shouted Billy, and we darted once more for the tables.
- PREP-PHRASE 在…的掩护下
If you do somethingunder cover ofa particular situation, you are able to do it without being noticed because of that situation.- They move under cover of darkness.
- They move under cover of darkness.
- PHRASE 保护自己(免受批评、谴责等);辩解
If youcoveryourbackorcoveryourrear, you do something in order to protect yourself, for example against criticism or against accusations of doing something wrong.- The canny Premier covered his back by pointing out that he was of Scottish stock.
- The canny Premier covered his back by pointing out that he was of Scottish stock.
- PHRASE 同 cover your back
Coveryourassmeans the same ascoveryourback.- Just play it safe, cover your ass, keep your head down.
- Just play it safe, cover your ass, keep your head down.
- fire that makes it difficult for the enemy to fire on your own individuals or formations
- artillery provided covering fire for the withdrawal
- the act of concealing the existence of something by obstructing the view of it
- the cover concealed their guns from enemy aircraft
- a false identity and background (especially one created for an undercover agent)
- her new name and passport are cover for her next assignment
- the protective covering on the front, back, and spine of a book
- the book had a leather binding
- bedding that keeps a person warm in bed
- he pulled the covers over his head and went to sleep
- a recording of a song that was first recorded or made popular by somebody else
- they made a cover of a Beatles' song
- a covering that serves to conceal or shelter something
- a screen of trees afforded privacy
- under cover of darkness
- the brush provided a covert for game
- the simplest concealment is to match perfectly the color of the background
- covering for a hole (especially a hole in the top of a container)
- he removed the top of the carton
- he couldn't get the top off of the bottle
- put the cover back on the kettle
- a natural object that covers or envelops
- under a covering of dust
- the fox was flushed from its cover
- a fixed charge by a restaurant or nightclub over and above the charge for food and drink
- clothe, as if for protection from the elements
- cover your head!
- sit on (eggs)
- Birds brood
- The female covers the eggs
- protect by insurance
- The insurance won't cover this
- be responsible for reporting the details of, as in journalism
- Snow reported on China in the 1950's
- The cub reporter covered New York City
- maintain a check on
- The second officer covered the top floor
- act on verbally or in some form of artistic expression
- This book deals with incest
- The course covered all of Western Civilization
- The new book treats the history of China
- hold within range of an aimed firearm
- protect or defend (a position in a game)
- he covered left field
- be responsible for guarding an opponent in a game
- play a higher card than the one previously played
- Smith covered again
- form a cover over
- The grass covered the grave
- provide with a covering or cause to be covered
- cover her face with a handkerchief
- cover the child with a blanket
- cover the grave with flowers
- put something on top of something else
- cover the meat with a lot of gravy
- copulate with a female, used especially of horses
- The horse covers the mare
- cover as if with a shroud
- The origins of this civilization are shrouded in mystery
- travel across or pass over
- The caravan covered almost 100 miles each day
- spread over a surface to conceal or protect
- This paint covers well
- hide from view or knowledge
- The President covered the fact that he bugged the offices in the White House
- be sufficient to meet, defray, or offset the charge or cost of
- Is this enough to cover the check?
- to take an action to protect against future problems
- Count the cash in the drawer twice just to cover yourself
- help out by taking someone's place and temporarily assuming his responsibilities
- She is covering for our secretary who is ill this week
- invest with a large or excessive amount of something
- She covered herself with glory
- include in scope
- This group encompasses a wide range of people from different backgrounds
- this should cover everyone in the group
- make up for shortcomings or a feeling of inferiority by exaggerating good qualities
- he is compensating for being a bad father
- provide for
- The grant doesn't cover my salary
- span an interval of distance, space or time
- The war extended over five years
- The period covered the turn of the century
- My land extends over the hills on the horizon
- This farm covers some 200 acres
- The Archipelago continues for another 500 miles
- Why would she cover for someone who was trying to kill her?
她为什么要包庇想要杀她的人呢? - Asking those kind of questions could blow my cover
问那种问题会暴露我的身份。 - Keep what's left in a covered container in the fridge.
把剩下的食物装入带盖的容器,放进冰箱。 - The clouds had spread and nearly covered the entire sky
云彩扩散开来,几乎遮住了整个天空。 - They began running again, broke cover and dashed towards the road.
他们又开始跑,离开隐蔽处朝公路冲去。 - The trees in your garden may have covered the ground with apples, pears or plums
你花园里的果树也许已经落了一地的苹果、梨或李子。 - He must make a decent living from other artists covering his songs.
其他艺术家翻唱他的歌曲,一定使他过上了收入颇为可观的生活。 - Cover the casserole with a tight-fitting lid
用大小合适的盖子盖住砂锅。 - Their insurer paid the £ 900 bill, even though the policy did not strictly cover it
虽然严格来讲保险单并不包含这一项,他们的保险公司还是支付了那张900英镑的账单。 - She set her glass down and slid farther under the covers.