vt. 将(小说或事件)改编成剧本
vt.& vi. 使(事情)戏剧化,夸张
现在分词:dramatising 过去分词:dramatised 第三人称单数:dramatises 过去式:dramatised
- add details to
- represent something in a dramatic manner
- These events dramatize the lack of social responsibility among today's youth
- put into dramatic form
- adopt a book for a screenplay
- The only difference between the writer and the reader is that the writer is able to dramatise that private world.
作家和读者之间唯一的区别是作家能够戏剧性地表现这个私密世界。 - Remember to dramatise these facts when you include them in your screenplay.
记住你要将这些事实戏剧性的编织在你的剧本里。 - It is unhealthy to dramatise life.
生活的戏剧化是不健康的。 - There is no need to dramatise what he has done, he was a great friend and great president for me.
没有必要去夸张的描述他做了什么,他对我来说是一个伟大的朋友和伟大的主席。 - As a former Hollywood actor, Ronald Reagan was never afraid to dramatise what he saw as the greatest economic threat of the 1970s and 1980s.
前好莱坞演员罗纳德•里根(RONALDREAGAN)对他所认为的上世纪70和80年代最大的经济威胁,轻松地作出了戏剧性的描述。 - There really are two Americas, but they are not captured by the standard class warfare speeches that dramatise the gulf between the rich and the poor.
美国的确存在两个阶层,但标准的阶级斗争言论阐述得并不准确,它们夸大了富人与穷人的差距。 - We can begin by making our theatre a public space to dramatise and share our stories – for a child that never tells stories will just be a human shell.
让我们的戏剧成为一个公共空间,去戏剧化和分享我们的故事将会是一个开始,因为一个从未讲述故事的只会成为一个躯壳。 - There is no need to dramatise what he has done, he was a great friend and great president for me. It's only normal that he wants Inter to win.
没有必要夸大他所做的,他是一个伟大的朋友,伟大的主席,他希望国际米兰取胜,这是很正常的。 - But I also do not want to dramatise things.