

英 [ɡeɪm]

美 [ɡeɪm]

n.  (有规则的)游戏,运动,比赛项目; (一项)游戏,比赛; 比赛(或游戏)时用的手法; 比赛(或游戏)技巧
adj.  甘愿尝试; 有冒险精神
v.  打赌; 赌输赢; 赌输

复数:games 现在分词:gaming 过去式:gamed 第三人称单数:games 过去分词:gamed 


Oxford 3000 / Collins.5 / BNC.464 / COCA.273



matchn. 〈尤英〉比赛
There is a tennis match tomorrow.
How many matches are there this season?
competitionn. 比赛,竞赛
The swimming competition has started.
He was the winner of that photography competition.
contestn. 比赛,竞赛
The spelling contest will take place at our school next week.
Are you going to attend the talent contest?
gamen. 比赛
She prefers to see games on TV with her family.
What's the result of the Spain's World Cup game against France?



      be a game
    • 不当一回事;当儿戏;闹着玩
      to not be considered to be serious
    • For her the whole project was just a game .
    • be on the game
    • 卖淫;当“野鸡”
      to be a prostitute
    • the game is up
    • (对做坏事被抓或罪行败露者说的话)戏该收场了,别再演戏了
      said to sb who has done sth wrong, when they are caught and the crime or trick has been discovered
    • game on
    • (赛场局势发生变化后表明)胜负难料
      used after sth has happened that makes it clear that a contest is not yet decided and anyone could still win
    • We were losing 2–0 with ten minutes to go, and then we scored. It was game on!
    • give the game away
    • 不慎泄露;露馅;露马脚
      to tell a secret, especially by accident; to show sth that should be kept hidden
    • the only game in town
    • 同类中最重要的事物;唯一的选择
      the most important thing of a particular type, or the only thing that is available
    • play the game
    • 办事公道;为人诚实
      to behave in a fair and honest way
    • play sb's game
    • (无意中)促成某人的计划
      to do sth which helps sb else's plans, especially by accident, when you did not intend to help them
    • play (silly) games (with sb)
    • (与某人)耍花招,玩鬼把戏
      not to treat a situation seriously, especially in order to cheat sb
    • Don't play silly games with me; I know you did it.
    • two can play at that game
    • (表示也会对方耍的花招)这一套你会我也会
      used to tell sb who has played a trick on you that you can do the same thing to them
    • what's sb's/your game?
    • 想干什么;怎么啦
      used to ask why sb is behaving as they are
    • beat sb at their own game
    • 赢某人的看家本领;打败某人的强项
      to defeat or do better than sb in an activity which they have chosen or in which they think they are strong
    • play (a game of) cat and mouse with sbplay a cat-and-mouse game with sb
    • 和某人玩起猫捉老鼠的游戏;耍弄
      to play a cruel game with sb in your power by changing your behaviour very often, so that they become nervous and do not know what to expect
    • fun and games
    • 嬉戏;欢闹;寻欢作乐
      activities that are not serious and that other people may disapprove of
    • a mug's game
    • 徒劳无功的事;不易成功的事;不易获利的事
      an activity that is unlikely to be successful or make a profit
    • the name of the game
    • 问题的实质;最为重要的方面
      the most important aspect of an activity; the most important quality needed for an activity
    • Hard work is the name of the game if you want to succeed in business.
    • numbers game
    • 数字游戏(即只注重参与的人数、事情的几项结果等,而不考虑参与者是谁、结果是什么)
      a way of considering an activity, etc. that is concerned only with the number of people doing sth, things achieved, etc., not with who or what they are
    • MPs were playing the numbers game as the crucial vote drew closer.
    • the rules of the game
    • 游戏规则;大家共同遵守的行为标准
      the standards of behaviour that most people accept or that actually operate in a particular area of life or business
    • (the game is) not worth the candle
    • 得不偿失;代价太高
      the advantages to be gained from doing sth are not great enough, considering the effort or cost involved



        活动;体育运动 activity/sport
      • (有规则的)游戏,运动,比赛项目
        an activity or a sport with rules in which people or teams compete against each other
        1. card games
        2. board games
        3. a game of chance/skill
          靠运气决定胜负 / 凭技巧取胜的游戏
        4. ball games , such as football or tennis
        5. We're going to the ball game (= baseball game) .
      • (一项)游戏,运动,比赛
        an occasion of playing a game
        1. to play a game of chess
        2. Saturday's League game against Swansea
        3. Let's have a game of table tennis.
        4. They're in training for the big game.
      • 比赛(或游戏)时用的手法;比赛(或游戏)技巧
        the way in which sb plays a game
        1. Hendry raised his game to collect the £40 000 first prize.
        2. Stretching exercises can help you avoid injury and improve your game.
      • 体育运动 sports
      • (学校的)体育课,体育活动
        sport as a lesson or an activity at school
        1. I always hated games at school.
      • 运动会
        a large organized sports event
        1. the Olympic Games
      • 体育比赛的一部分 part of sports match
      • (网球等比赛的)一局,一场
        a section of some games , such as tennis , which forms a unit in scoring
        1. two games all (= both players have won two games)
      • 儿童活动 children's activity
      • 儿童游戏
        a children's activity when they play with toys, pretend to be sb else, etc.
        1. a game of cops and robbers
      • 娱乐 fun
      • 娱乐;消遣;玩耍
        an activity that you do to have fun
        1. He was playing games with the dog.
      • 活动;行业 activity, business
      • 行当;行业;职业
        a type of activity or business
        1. How long have you been in this game?
        2. the game of politics
        3. I'm new to this game myself.
        4. Getting dirty was all part of the game to the kids.
      • 秘密计划 secret plan
      • 诡计;策略;花招
        a secret and clever plan; a trick
        1. So that's his game (= now I know what he has been planning) .
      • 野生鸟兽 wild animals/birds
      • 猎物;野禽;野味
        wild animals or birds that people hunt for sport or food


        • 甘愿尝试;有冒险精神
          ready and willing to do sth new, difficult or dangerous
          1. She's game for anything.
          2. We need a volunteer for this exercise. Who's game to try?


        • N-COUNT 游戏;运动;比赛(项目)
          Agameis an activity or sport usually involving skill, knowledge, or chance, in which you follow fixed rules and try to win against an opponent or to solve a puzzle.
          1. ...the wonderful game of football.
          2. ...a playful game of hide-and-seek.
          3. ...a video game.
        • N-COUNT (一场)游戏,比赛
          Agameis one particular occasion on which a game is played.
          1. It was the first game of the season...
          2. He regularly watched our games from the stands...
          3. We won three games against Australia.
        • N-COUNT (网球、桥牌等比赛中的)一局,一盘,一场
          Agameis a part of a match, for example in tennis or bridge, consisting of a fixed number of points.
          1. She won six games to love in the second set.
          2. ...the last three points of the second game.
        • N-PLURAL 运动会
          Gamesare an organized event in which competitions in several sports take place.
          1. ...the 2000 Olympic Games at Sydney.
        • N-PLURAL (学校的)体育课,体育活动
          Gamesare organized sports activities that children do at school.
          1. At his grammar school he is remembered for being bad at games but good in debates.
        • N-SING (某人比赛或游戏时的)手法,技巧,风格
          Someone'sgameis the degree of skill or the style that they use when playing a particular game.
          1. Once I was through the first set my game picked up.
        • N-COUNT 玩笑;儿戏;不认真对待的事情
          You can describe a situation that you do not treat seriously as agame.
          1. Many people regard life as a game: you win some, you lose some...
          2. It's a cat-and-mouse game to him, and I'm the mouse.
        • N-COUNT 策略;计谋;诡计
          You can usegameto describe a way of behaving in which a person uses a particular plan, usually in order to gain an advantage for himself or herself.
          1. When the uncertainties become greater than the certainties, we end up in a game of bluff...
          2. Until now, the Americans have been playing a very delicate political game.
        • N-UNCOUNT 猎物;野味
          Wild animals or birds that are hunted for sport and sometimes cooked and eaten are referred to asgame.
          1. ...men who shot game for food.
        • ADJ-GRADED 甘愿尝试(新鲜或不平常事物)的;有冒险精神的
          If you aregame forsomething, you are willing to do something new, unusual, or risky.
          1. After all this time he still had new ideas and was game to try them...
          2. He said he's game for a similar challenge next year.
        • See also:gamely
        • PHRASE 泄露秘密;露马脚;露馅
          If someone or somethinggives the game away, they reveal a secret or reveal their feelings, and this puts them at a disadvantage.
          1. The faces of the two conspirators gave the game away.
        • PHRASE 对…不了解;缺乏经验
          If you arenew toa particulargame, you have not done a particular activity or been in a particular situation before.
          1. Don't forget that she's new to this game and will take a while to complete the task.
        • 卖淫;当妓女(或“鸭子”)
          If a man or woman ison the game, he or she is working as a prostitute.
          1. PHRASE 将计就计;以其人之道还治其人之身
            If you beat someoneattheirown game, you use the same methods that they have used, but more successfully, so that you gain an advantage over them.
            1. He must anticipate the maneuvers of the other lawyers and beat them at their own game...
            2. The police knew that to trap the killer they had to play him at his own game.
          2. PHRASE (某种情况下)常有的事,司空见惯的事
            If you say that something isall part of the game, you are telling someone not to be surprised or upset by something, because it is a normal part of the situation that they are in.
            1. For investors, risks are part of the game.
          3. PHRASE 不认真对待;耍花招;玩把戏
            If you say that someone isplaying gamesorplaying silly games, you mean that they are not treating a situation seriously and you are annoyed with them.
            1. 'Don't play games with me!' he thundered...
            2. From what I know of him he doesn't play silly games.
          4. PHRASE (通常在压力下)开始更好表现,干得更出色
            If you say that someonehas raisedtheirgame, you mean that they have begun to perform better, usually because they were under pressure to do so.
            1. The world No. 9 had to raise his game to see off a strong challenge from Dale...
            2. As it expands its services around the continent, the competition it offers should force the other airlines to raise their game.
          5. PHRASE 戏该收场了,别再演戏了(指所从事的秘密计划或活动被揭穿)
            If you saythe game is up, you mean that someone's secret plans or activities have been revealed and therefore must stop because they cannot succeed.
            1. Some thought they would hold out until Sunday. The realists knew that the game was already up.



          • an amusement or pastime
            1. they played word games
            2. he thought of his painting as a game that filled his empty time
            3. his life was all fun and games
          • a contest with rules to determine a winner
            1. you need four people to play this game
          • a single play of a sport or other contest
            1. the game lasted two hours
          • frivolous or trifling behavior
            1. for actors, memorizing lines is no game
            2. for him, life is all fun and games
          • your occupation or line of work
            1. he's in the plumbing game
            2. she's in show biz
          • animal hunted for food or sport
            1. the game equipment needed in order to play a particular game
              1. the child received several games for his birthday
            2. a secret scheme to do something (especially something underhand or illegal)
              1. they concocted a plot to discredit the governor
              2. I saw through his little game from the start
              Synonym:plotsecret plan
            3. the flesh of wild animals that is used for food
              1. (games) the score at a particular point or the score needed to win
                1. the game is 6 all
                2. he is serving for the game
              2. (tennis) a division of play during which one player serves




                • Some thought they would hold out until Sunday. The realists knew that the game was already up.
                • Until now, the Americans have been playing a very delicate political game.
                • He must anticipate the maneuvers of the other lawyers and beat them at their own game
                • After all this time he still had new ideas and was game to try them
                • Many people regard life as a game: you win some, you lose some
                • 'Don't play games with me!' he thundered
                • As it expands its services around the continent, the competition it offers should force the other airlines to raise their game.
                • Once I was through the first set my game picked up.
                • He said he's game for a similar challenge next year.
                • He regularly watched our games from the stands