英 [ɡʊd]
美 [ɡʊd]
adj. 好的; 优质的; 符合标准的; 可接受的; 令人愉快的; 令人满意的; 合情理的; 有说服力的; 有充分根据的
n. 合乎道德的行为; 正直的行为; 善行; 有道德的人; 高尚的人; 好人; 用处; 好处; 益处
adv. 好
Oxford 3000 / Collins.5 / BNC.73 / COCA.110
- as good as
- 与…几乎一样;几乎;简直是
very nearly - The matter is as good as settled.
这事实际上可以说解决了。 - He as good as called me a coward (= suggested that I was a coward without actually using the word ‘coward’) .
他就差说我是懦夫了。 as good as it gets - (形势)不会有什么好转,还是老样子
used when you are saying that a situation is not going to get any better good and… - 完全;彻底
completely - I won't go until I'm good and ready.
我要完全准备就绪后才走。 a good few - 好几个;一些
several - There are still a good few empty seats.
还有好几个空座位。 good for you, sb, them, etc. - (称赞某人)真行,真棒
used to praise sb for doing sth well - ‘I passed first time.’ ‘Good for you!’
- all to the good
- 不失为好事
used to say that if sth happens, it will be good, even if it is not exactly what you were expecting - If these measures also reduce unemployment, that is all to the good.
要是这些措施也能降低失业率,那就不失为好事。 be no goodnot be any/much good - 没(或没什么、没多大)用处(或好处)
to not be useful; to have no useful effect - This gadget isn't much good.
这小玩意儿没多大用处。 - It's no good trying to talk me out of leaving.
想说服我不离开,没用。 - Was his advice ever any good?
他的建议有过用处吗? - 没(或没什么、没多大)乐趣
to not be interesting or enjoyable - His latest film isn't much good.
他最近拍摄的影片没多大意思。 do gooddo sb good - (对某人)有好处,有用处,有益;帮助
to have a useful effect; to help sb - Do you think these latest changes will do any good?
你认为最近这些变化有什么作用吗? - Don't you think talking to her would do some good?
你不觉得和她谈一谈会有用吗? - I'm sure a few days off would do you a power of good (= improve your health) .
休息几天肯定对你的身体大有好处。 for good - 永远;永久
permanently - This time she's leaving for good (= she will never return) .
她这次走是再也不会回来了。 to the good - 净赚;盈余
used to say that sb now has a particular amount of money that they did not have before - We are £500 to the good.
我们净赚500英镑。 up to no good - 做坏事;做不光彩的事
doing sth wrong or dishonest - Those kids are always up to no good.
那些孩子尽会恶作剧。 it's an ill wind (that blows nobody any good) - 没有绝对的坏事;任何坏事都会有利于某些人
no problem is so bad that it does not bring some advantage to sb do sb a power of good - 对身心大为有益
to be very good for sb's physical or mental health do sb/sth the world of good - 使…感到好得多;对…大有好处;改善
to make sb feel much better; to improve sth - A change of job would do you the world of good.
- 高质量 high quality
- 好的;优质的;符合标准的;可接受的
of high quality or an acceptable standard- a good book
一本好书 - good food
符合标准的食品 - The piano was in good condition.
这台钢琴状况良好。 - Your work is just not good enough.
你的工作真是不够好。 - The results were pretty good.
结果相当不错。 - Sorry, my English is not very good.
对不起,我的英语不太好。 - This is as good a place as any to spend the night.
有这么个地方过夜就很好了。 - You'll never marry her─she's much too good for you.
令人愉快 pleasant - a good book
- 令人愉快的;令人满意的
pleasant; that you enjoy or want- Did you have a good time in London?
你在伦敦过得愉快吗? - It's good to see you again.
再次见到你真高兴。 - This is very good news .
这消息真叫人高兴。 - Let's hope we have good weather tomorrow.
希望明天是个好天。 - We are still friends, though, which is good.
不过我们仍然是朋友,这令人感到欣慰。 - It's a good thing (= it's lucky) you came early.
合情理;有说服力 sensible/strong - Did you have a good time in London?
- 合情理的;有说服力的;有充分根据的
sensible, logical or strongly supporting what is being discussed- Thank you, good question .
谢谢,问题提得好。 - Yes, that's a good point .
是的,那是个有说服力的论据。 - I have good reason to be suspicious.
我的怀疑有充分理由。 - What a good idea !
赞同 favourable - Thank you, good question .
- 赞同的;赢得赞许的;令人尊敬的
showing or getting approval or respect- The play had good reviews.
这部戏受到好评。 - The hotel has a good reputation.
这家旅馆声誉良好。 - He comes from a good family.
熟练 skilful - The play had good reviews.
- 能干的;精通的;娴熟的;擅长于…的
able to do sth well- to be a good actor/cook
是优秀的演员 / 出色的厨师 - to be good at languages/your job
精通多种语言;工作熟练 - Nick has always been good at finding cheap flights.
- to be a good actor/cook
- 灵巧的;精明的;善于应付…的
able to use sth or deal with people well- She's good with her hands (= able to make things, etc.) .
她手很巧。 - He's very good with children.
合乎道德 morally right - She's good with her hands (= able to make things, etc.) .
- 符合道德的;正派的;高尚的
morally right; behaving in a way that is morally right- She has tried to lead a good life .
她努力规规矩矩地生活。 - a good deed
高尚的行为 - Giving her that money was a good thing to do.
把那笔钱给她是做了一件善事。 - He is a very good man.
遵守规矩 following rules - She has tried to lead a good life .
- 循规蹈矩的;守规矩的
following strictly a set of rules or principles- It is good practice to supply a written report to the buyer.
向买主提供书面报告是诚信的做法。 - She was a good Catholic girl.
善良 kind - It is good practice to supply a written report to the buyer.
- 助人为乐的;心地善良的;好心的
willing to help; showing kindness to other people- He was very good to me when I was ill.
我生病时他对我关怀备至。 - It was very good of you to come.
你能来真是太好了。 - I had to take a week off work but my colleagues were very good about it.
孩子 child - He was very good to me when I was ill.
- 温顺的;乖的;有礼貌的
behaving well or politely- You can stay up late if you're good.
你要是听话就可以晚一点睡觉。 - Get dressed now, there's a good girl.
健康 healthy - You can stay up late if you're good.
- 健康的;强健的;健壮的
healthy or strong- Can you speak into my good ear?
对着我这只没毛病的耳朵说好吗? - I don't feel too good today.
我今天感觉不太舒服。 - ‘How are you?’ ‘I'm good.’ (= used as a general reply to a greeting)
有用;有益 useful/helpful - Can you speak into my good ear?
- (对…)有用,有好处
having a useful or helpful effect on sb/sth- Too much sun isn't good for you.
晒太阳太多对你并没有好处。 - It's probably good for you to get some criticism now and then.
偶尔受点批评或许对你还有好处。 - Shut your mouth, if you know what's good for you (= used as a threat) .
- Too much sun isn't good for you.
- 没有用处(或益处)
not having a useful or helpful effect- It's no good complaining─they never listen.
抱怨毫无用处——他们根本不听。 - This book is no good to me: I need the new edition.
合适 suitable - It's no good complaining─they never listen.
- 合适的;适宜的;恰当的;适合…的
suitable or appropriate- Now is a good time to buy a house.
现在买房子正是时候。 - She would be good for the job.
她干这工作很合适。 - Can we change our meeting─Monday isn't good (= convenient) for me.
表示赞同 showing approval - Now is a good time to buy a house.
- (表示赞同、满意或转向新的话题)
used to show that you approve of or are pleased about sth that has been said or done, or to show that you want to move on to a new topic of conversation- ‘Dinner's ready.’ ‘Good─I'm starving.’
“晚饭好了。”“太好了——我正饿着呢。” - ‘I got the job.’ ‘Oh, good.’
“我得到这工作了。”“啊,太好了。” - Good, I think we've come to a decision.
- ‘Dinner's ready.’ ‘Good─I'm starving.’
- (用作赞语)
used as a form of praise- Good old Jack!
好心的杰克! - ‘I've ordered some drinks.’ ‘Good man!’
感叹 in exclamations - Good old Jack!
- (用于感叹句)
used in exclamations- Good heavens!
天啊! - Good God!
大 large - Good heavens!
- (数量或程度)相当大的,相当多的
great in number, amount or degree- a good many people
相当多的人 - The kitchen is a good size.
这厨房相当大。 - We spent a good while (= quite a long time) looking for the house.
我们花了好长时间找这房子。 - He devoted a good deal of (= a lot of) attention to the problem.
他在这个问题上花了相当多的精力。 - There's a good chance (= it is likely) that I won't be here next year.
至少 at least - a good many people
- 不少于;稍多于
not less than; rather more than- We waited for a good hour.
我们等了整整一小时。 - It's a good three miles to the station.
彻底 thorough - We waited for a good hour.
- 彻底的;完全的
thorough; complete- We had a good laugh about it afterwards.
我们后来对此笑了个痛快。 - You'll feel better after a good sleep.
有趣 amusing - We had a good laugh about it afterwards.
- 有趣的;逗笑的
amusing- a good story/joke
有趣的故事 / 笑话 - That's a good one!
特定的时间 / 距离 for particular time/distance - a good story/joke
- (精力、健康、力量等)足以维持…的,能持续…的
having enough energy, health, strength, etc. to last for a particular length of time or distance- You're good for (= you will live) a few years yet.
- You're good for (= you will live) a few years yet.
- 有效的
valid for sth- The ticket is good for three months.
很可能 likely to provide - The ticket is good for three months.
- 能提供…的
likely to provide sth- He's always good for a laugh.
他总能逗人发笑。 - Bobby should be good for a few drinks.
- He's always good for a laugh.
- 合乎道德 morally right
- 合乎道德的行为;正直的行为;善行
behaviour that is morally right or acceptable- the difference between good and evil
善与恶的区别 - Is religion always a force for good?
- the difference between good and evil
- 有道德的人;高尚的人;好人
people who live a moral life; people who are admired for the work they do to help other people- a gathering of the great and the good
益处 sth helpful - a gathering of the great and the good
- 用处;好处;益处
something that helps sb/sth- Cuts have been made for the good of the company .
实行裁减是为了公司的利益。 - I'm only telling you this for your own good .
我把这事告诉你只是为你好。 - What's the good of (= how does it help you) earning all that money if you don't have time to enjoy it?
要是没时间去享受,赚这么多钱有什么用? - What good is it redecorating if you're thinking of moving?
- Cuts have been made for the good of the company .
- 好
well- ‘How's it going?’ ‘Pretty good.’
“事情进展如何?”“非常好。” - Now, you listen to me good!
- ‘How's it going?’ ‘Pretty good.’
- ADJ-GRADED 愉快的;有趣的;令人愉快的
Goodmeans pleasant or enjoyable.- We had a really good time together...
我们一起玩得真痛快。 - I know they would have a better life here...
我知道他们在这里会生活得更好。 - There's nothing better than a good cup of hot coffee...
没有比喝一大杯热咖啡更惬意的事情了。 - It's so good to hear your voice after all this time.
- We had a really good time together...
- ADJ-GRADED 好的;高品质的;高水准的
Goodmeans of a high quality, standard, or level.- Exercise is just as important to health as good food...
锻炼与合理膳食对健康同等重要。 - His parents wanted Raymond to have the best possible education...
父母想让雷蒙德接受最好的教育。 - The train's average speed was no better than that of our bicycles.
火车的平均速度比我们骑自行车的速度快不了多少。 - ...good quality furniture.
- Exercise is just as important to health as good food...
- ADJ-GRADED 擅长的;精通的;能干的
If you aregood atsomething, you are skilful and successful at doing it.- He was very good at his work...
他工作非常出色。 - I'm not very good at singing...
我不太擅长唱歌。 - He is one of the best players in the world...
他是世界上最优秀的选手之一。 - I always played football with my older brother because I was good for my age.
- He was very good at his work...
- ADJ-GRADED 有利的;有益的
If you describe a piece of news, an action, or an effect asgood, you mean that it is likely to result in benefit or success.- On balance biotechnology should be good news for developing countries...
总的来说,生物技术对发展中国家应该是有利的。 - I had the good fortune to be selected...
我有幸被选中。 - This is not a good example to set other children...
这可没有给别的孩子树立好榜样。 - I think the response was good.
- On balance biotechnology should be good news for developing countries...
- ADJ-GRADED 合情理的;理由充足的;有根据的
Agoodidea, reason, method, or decision is a sensible or valid one.- They thought it was a good idea to make some offenders do community service...
他们认为让一些违法者去社区做义工是个好主意。 - There is good reason to doubt this...
有充分理由对此提出质疑。 - Could you give me some advice on the best way to do this?
- They thought it was a good idea to make some offenders do community service...
- ADJ-GRADED 令人满意的;合适的;正确的
If you say thatit is good thatsomething should happen orgood todo something, you mean it is desirable, acceptable, or right.- I think it's good that some people are going...
我认为一些人要去是好事情。 - It is always best to choose organically grown foods if possible.
- I think it's good that some people are going...
- ADJ-GRADED 精确的;准确的
Agoodestimate or indication of something is an accurate one.- We have a fairly good idea of what's going on...
我们对正在发生的事有着相当清楚的认识。 - This is a much better indication of what a school is really like...
这是显示学校真面貌的一个更加精确的指标。 - Laboratory tests are not always a good guide to what happens in the world.
- We have a fairly good idea of what's going on...
- ADJ-GRADED 划算的;收益可观的
If you get agooddeal or agoodprice when you buy or sell something, you receive a lot in exchange for what you give.- Whether such properties are a good deal will depend on individual situations...
这样的地产是否可获得大笔收益还要视具体情形而定。 - The merchandise is reasonably priced and offers exceptionally good value.
- Whether such properties are a good deal will depend on individual situations...
- ADJ-GRADED 有利的;有益的
If something isgood fora person or organization, it benefits them.- Rain water was once considered to be good for the complexion...
雨水曾一度被认为可以滋养皮肤。 - Nancy chose the product because it is better for the environment.
- Rain water was once considered to be good for the complexion...
- N-SING 好处;利益
If something is done forthe goodof a person or organization, it is done in order to benefit them.- Furlaud urged him to resign for the good of the country...
弗劳德敦促他为了国家的利益辞职。 - Victims want to see justice done not just for themselves, but for the greater good of society...
受害者希望正义得到伸张,这不仅是为了他们自己,也是为了社会的更广泛的利益。 - I'm only telling you this for your own good!
- Furlaud urged him to resign for the good of the country...
- N-UNCOUNT 差强人意;低劣;不好
If someone or something isno goodor isnot any good, they are not satisfactory or are of a low standard.- If the weather's no good then I won't take any pictures...
如果天气不好,我就不拍照了。 - I was never any good at maths.
- If the weather's no good then I won't take any pictures...
- N-UNCOUNT 没好处;没用处
If you say that doing something isno goodor doesnotdoany good, you mean that doing it is not of any use or will not bring any success.- It's no good worrying about it now...
现在就为此发愁根本没用。 - We gave them water and kept them warm, but it didn't do any good...
我们给他们水喝,为他们驱寒,但是都不管用。 - There is no way to measure these effects; the chances are it did some good.
- It's no good worrying about it now...
- N-UNCOUNT 善行;美德;合乎道德的行为
Goodis what is considered to be right according to moral standards or religious beliefs.- Good and evil may co-exist within one family.
- Good and evil may co-exist within one family.
- ADJ-GRADED 正直的;高尚的;品行好的
Someone who isgoodis morally correct in their attitudes and behaviour.- The president is a good man...
总统是个品行端正的人。 - For me to think I'm any better than a homeless person on the street is ridiculous.
- The president is a good man...
- ADJ-GRADED (尤指小孩)乖的,恭顺的,有礼貌的
Someone, especially a child, who isgoodobeys rules and instructions and behaves in a socially correct way.- The children were very good...
孩子们非常听话。 - I'm going to be a good boy now...
我现在要做个乖孩子了。 - Both boys had good manners, politely shaking hands.
- The children were very good...
- ADJ-GRADED 好心的;体贴的
Someone who isgoodis kind and thoughtful.- You are good to me...
你对我很体贴。 - Her good intentions were thwarted almost immediately...
她的好心几乎马上被人拒绝了。 - Just ask the Admiral if he will be good enough to drop me a note.
- You are good to me...
- ADJ-GRADED (心情)愉快的
Someone who is in agoodmood is cheerful and pleasant to be with.- People were in a pretty good mood...
人们的心情十分舒畅。 - He exudes natural charm and good humour...
他表现出一种与生俱来的魅力和很强的幽默感。 - A relaxation session may put you in a better frame of mind.
- People were in a pretty good mood...
- ADJ-GRADED 亲密的;友好的
If people aregoodfriends, they get on well together and are very close.- She and Gavin are good friends...
她与加文是好朋友。 - She's my best friend, and I really love her.
- She and Gavin are good friends...
- ADJ (身体部位或器官)健全的,强健的
A person'sgoodeye, arm, or leg is the one that is healthy and strong, if the other one is injured or weak.- He turned his good eye on me and laughed.
- He turned his good eye on me and laughed.
- ADJ 相当的;非常的
You usegoodto emphasize the great extent or degree of something.- We waited a good fifteen minutes...
我们等了足足15分钟。 - This whole thing's got a good bit more dangerous.
- We waited a good fifteen minutes...
You say 'Good' or 'Very good' to express pleasure, satisfaction, or agreement with something that has been said or done, especially when you are in a position of authority.- 'Are you all right?' — 'I'm fine.' — 'Good. So am I.'...
“你还好吗?”——“我挺好。”——“那就好。我也还不错。” - Oh good, Tom's just come in...
哦,太好了,汤姆刚巧进来了。 - 'Strike Force Three are here, sir.' — 'Good.'
- 'Are you all right?' — 'I'm fine.' — 'Good. So am I.'...
- See also:bestbettergoods
- PHRASE 几乎;差不多
'As good as' can be used to mean 'almost.'- His career is as good as over...
他的事业差不多完蛋了。 - The vote as good as kills the chance of real reform.
- His career is as good as over...
- PHRASE 为了共同利益
If you do somethingfor the common good, you do it for the benefit or advantage of everyone.- ...communities working together for the common good...
为共同利益而团结协作的社区 - Many of them placed self-interest before the common good.
- ...communities working together for the common good...
- PHRASE 对…有好处(或有帮助)
If you say that something willdosomeonegood, you mean that it will benefit them or improve them.- The outing will do me good...
这次远足对我会有所助益。 - It's probably done you good to get away for a few hours...
离开几小时或许对你有好处。 - You don't do anybody any good by getting yourself arrested.
- The outing will do me good...
- PHRASE 永远;永久
If something changes or disappearsfor good, it never changes back or comes back as it was before.- The days of big-time racing at Herne Hill had gone for good...
在赫恩山举行盛大赛马会的日子早已一去不复返了。 - A few shots of this drug cleared up the disease for good.
- The days of big-time racing at Herne Hill had gone for good...
- CONVENTION (称赞某人)真行,真棒
People say 'Good for you' to express approval of your actions.- 'He has a girl now, who he lives with.' — 'Good for him.'
- 'He has a girl now, who he lives with.' — 'Good for him.'
- PHRASE 善于做;精通于
If someoneis good forsomething, you can rely on them to provide that thing.- Joe was always good for a colorful quote...
乔总能绘声绘色地旁征博引。 - She heard her father shouting that her mother was stupid, useless, and good for nothing but her money.
- Joe was always good for a colorful quote...
- PHRASE 庆幸的是,幸运的是(英国英语中作 it's a good job, that)
If you sayit's a good thing, or in British Englishit's a good job,thatsomething is the case, you mean that it is fortunate.- It's a good thing you aren't married...
幸好你没有结婚。 - It's a good job it happened here rather than on the open road.
- It's a good thing you aren't married...
- PHRASE 修复;恢复;偿付;赔偿
If youmake goodsome damage, a loss, or a debt, you try to repair the damage, replace what has been lost, or repay the debt.- It may cost several billion roubles to make good the damage.
- It may cost several billion roubles to make good the damage.
- PHRASE 兑现,履行(诺言等)
If someonemakes gooda threat or promise ormakes good onit, they do what they have threatened or promised to do.- Certain that he was going to make good his threat to kill her, she lunged for the gun...
他曾威胁要杀了她,而她确定他这次就要向她索命,便冲上前去拿枪。 - He was confident the allies would make good on their pledges.
- Certain that he was going to make good his threat to kill her, she lunged for the gun...
- PHRASE 获得成功;出名;发迹
If someonemakes good, they become successful, famous, or rich.- Both men are poor boys made good.
- Both men are poor boys made good.
- PHRASE (尤指在康复或修复后)同以前一样好
If you say that something or someone isas good as new, you mean that they are in a very good condition or state, especially after they have been damaged or ill.- I only ever use that on special occasions so it's as good as new...
我只在特别的场合下才使用它,所以它跟新的一样。 - In a day or so he will be as good as new.
- I only ever use that on special occasions so it's as good as new...
- PHRASE (用于人名、地名或事物名前表示喜爱)亲爱的,可爱的
You usegood oldbefore the name of a person, place, or thing when you are referring to them in an affectionate way.- Good old Harry. Reliable to the end...
亲爱的哈里。永远值得信赖。 - There is nothing wrong with good old cauliflower cheese.
- Good old Harry. Reliable to the end...
- 优裕的生活;奢华安逸的生活
If you say that someone is livingthe good life, you mean that they are living in comfort and luxury with few problems or worries. - tobe insomeone'sgood books→ see:book
- articles of commerce
- moral excellence or admirableness
- there is much good to be found in people
- that which is pleasing or valuable or useful
- weigh the good against the bad
- among the highest goods of all are happiness and self-realization
- benefit
- for your own good
- what's the good of worrying?
- promoting or enhancing well-being
- an arms limitation agreement beneficial to all countries
- the beneficial effects of a temperate climate
- the experience was good for her
- having the normally expected amount
- gives full measure
- gives good measure
- a good mile from here
- with or in a close or intimate relationship
- a good friend
- my sisters and brothers are near and dear
- thorough
- had a good workout
- gave the house a good cleaning
- generally admired
- good taste
- exerting force or influence
- the law is effective immediately
- a warranty good for two years
- the law is already in effect (or in force)
- resulting favorably
- it's a good thing that I wasn't there
- it is good that you stayed
- it is well that no one saw you
- all's well that ends well
- not left to spoil
- the meat is still good
- not forged
- a good dollar bill
- having desirable or positive qualities especially those suitable for a thing specified
- good news from the hospital
- a good report card
- when she was good she was very very good
- a good knife is one good for cutting
- this stump will make a good picnic table
- a good check
- a good joke
- a good exterior paint
- a good secretary
- a good dress for the office
- morally admirable
- tending to promote physical well-being
- beneficial effects of a balanced diet
- a good night's sleep
- the salutary influence of pure air
- in excellent physical condition
- good teeth
- I still have one good leg
- a sound mind in a sound body
- appealing to the mind
- good music
- a serious book
- agreeable or pleasing
- we all had a good time
- good manners
- most suitable or right for a particular purpose
- a good time to plant tomatoes
- the right time to act
- the time is ripe for great sociological changes
- capable of pleasing
- good looks
- deserving of esteem and respect
- all respectable companies give guarantees
- ruined the family's good name
- of moral excellence
- a genuinely good person
- a just cause
- an upright and respectable man
- having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude
- adept in handicrafts
- an adept juggler
- an expert job
- a good mechanic
- a practiced marksman
- a proficient engineer
- a lesser-known but no less skillful composer
- the effect was achieved by skillful retouching
- financially sound
- a good investment
- a secure investment
- (often used as a combining form) in a good or proper or satisfactory manner or to a high standard (`good' is a nonstandard dialectal variant for `well')
- the children behaved well
- a task well done
- the party went well
- he slept well
- a well-argued thesis
- a well-seasoned dish
- a well-planned party
- the baby can walk pretty good
- completely and absolutely (`good' is sometimes used informally for `thoroughly')
- he was soundly defeated
- we beat him good
- Exercise is just as important to health as good food
锻炼与合理膳食对健康同等重要。 - 'Are you all right?' — 'I'm fine.' — 'Good. So am I.'
“你还好吗?”——“我挺好。”——“那就好。我也还不错。” - The days of big-time racing at Herne Hill had gone for good
在赫恩山举行盛大赛马会的日子早已一去不复返了。 - I think it's good that some people are going
我认为一些人要去是好事情。 - 'He has a girl now, who he lives with.' — 'Good for him.'
“他现在有女朋友了,他们住在一起。”——“他可真行啊。” - Furlaud urged him to resign for the good of the country
弗劳德敦促他为了国家的利益辞职。 - If the weather's no good then I won't take any pictures
如果天气不好,我就不拍照了。 - We had a really good time together
我们一起玩得真痛快。 - They thought it was a good idea to make some offenders do community service
他们认为让一些违法者去社区做义工是个好主意。 - He was very good at his work