

英 [ɡrəʊps]

美 [ɡroʊps]

v.  摸索; 搜索; 搜寻; 探寻; (用手)摸索着往前走; 猥亵; 摸(某人)


  • VERB 摸索;探寻
    If yougrope forsomething that you cannot see, you try to find it by moving your hands around in order to feel it.
    1. With his left hand he groped for the knob, turned it, and pulled the door open...
    2. Bunbury groped in his breast pocket for his wallet.
  • VERB 摸索着走
    If yougropeyourwayto a place, you move there, holding your hands in front of you and feeling the way because you cannot see anything.
    1. I didn't turn on the light, but groped my way across the room.
  • VERB 探索;努力寻求
    If yougrope forsomething, for example the solution to a problem, you try to think of it, when you have no real idea what it could be.
    1. He groped for solutions to the problems facing the country...
    2. She groped for a simple word to express a simple idea.
  • VERB 抚摸;猥亵
    If one persongropesanother, they touch or take hold of them in a rough, sexual way.
    1. He would try to grope her breasts and put his hand up her skirt.
    2. Gropeis also a noun.
    3. She even boasted of having a grope in a cupboard with a 13-year-old.


  • In the end the article gropes for a few solutions to the existing problems with performance evaluation in state-owned medicine circulation enterprises.
  • The evolution of outlook of social devlopment reflects human endless gropes in course of self-advancement and unceasingly deepening and expanding cognition on social evolvement.
  • Ecological ethics is a branch of ethics, which studies and gropes the human ethics and morality in the ecological environment.
  • The objects were divided into two gropes: The special and the general population. The special population means the group in which the people exposure to some single Toxoplasma-gondii-related factor, the special population was divided into 9 sorts according to exposure factors.
  • In imagination I can hear Homer singing, as with unsteady, hesitating steps he gropes his way from camp to camp-singing of life, of love, of war, of the splendid achievements of a noble race.
  • In other words, the practice of socialism can be regarded as that of rationalism. And he rightly adds that "practice gropes in the dark if its path is not illumined by revolutionary theory".
  • Experiments and Gropes: Community Remedy System in Our Country
  • By manufacturing and applying high-power fast gleithobel plough made in China, this paper gropes a effective way that is good for my country thin coal mechanize cutting and it gets clear economic returns and social benefits.
  • Hawthorne asks questions but rarely answers them: he gropes, with no confidence in the outcome.
  • Ultra structure grade: The model gropes are significant higher than that of the normal grope ( P< 0.01);