英 [hɑːd]
美 [hɑːrd]
adj. 坚固的; 坚硬的; 结实的; 难做的; 难懂的; 难以回答的; 困苦的; 艰苦的; 艰难的
adv. 努力地; 费力地; 艰难地; 猛力地; 猛烈地; 彻底认真地
Oxford 3000 / Collins.5 / BNC.573 / COCA.438
difficultadj. 困难的,不易的
Moving that huge stone was difficult.
The poem is difficult to read.
The entrance exam of that school was not difficult.
The poem is difficult to read.
The entrance exam of that school was not difficult.
arduousadj. 费力的,艰巨的
The arduous task is of great challenge to him.
All the 6 adventurers survived the arduous journey through the desert.
All the 6 adventurers survived the arduous journey through the desert.
hardadj. 困难的,艰难的
He found that it is hard to learn English well.
It's hard to say which is right.
More practice will make us a hard team to beat.
It's hard to say which is right.
More practice will make us a hard team to beat.
toughadj. 难办的,棘手的,费力的
His company survived a tough year.
Those tough questions really embarrassed him.
Those tough questions really embarrassed him.
firmadj. 坚硬的,结实的
She can't sleep well on a firm mattress.
He bought several firm green apples on his way home.
He bought several firm green apples on his way home.
hardadj. 硬的,坚固的
This piece of rock is so hard that you can barely embed anything in it.
There was almost no rain this year so the ground is now as hard as stone.
There was almost no rain this year so the ground is now as hard as stone.
inflexibleadj. 坚硬的
Be careful! This kind of plastic is inflexible.
solidadj. 坚硬的
solid ground
Solid food is easier to carry.
Solid food is easier to carry.
severeadj. 严厉的
The general had a severe manner.
My teacher was equally severe on students who were late for class.
The Prime Minister came under severe criticism for his handling of the crisis.
My teacher was equally severe on students who were late for class.
The Prime Minister came under severe criticism for his handling of the crisis.
cold-heartedadj. 冷酷无情的,铁石心肠的
He is a cold-hearted man.
I had no idea he could be so cold-hearted.
I had no idea he could be so cold-hearted.
hardadj. 冷酷无情的,严厉刻薄的
His father was a hard man.
She is too hard on her assistant.
She is too hard on her assistant.
harshadj. 严厉的,严酷的
He suffered harsh criticism from his colleagues.
He received a harsh punishment from his English teacher yesterday.
The critics had nothing but harsh words for her new book.
He received a harsh punishment from his English teacher yesterday.
The critics had nothing but harsh words for her new book.
- be hard on sb/sth
- 严厉对待,严格批评(某人 / 某事)
to treat or criticize sb in a very severe or strict way - Don't be too hard on him─he's very young.
别对他太苛刻了——他还很小呢。 - 使…为难;对…不公平
to be difficult for or unfair to sb/sth - It's hard on people who don't have a car.
对于没有车的人来说,这不公平。 - 可能损伤,可能损坏(某物)
to be likely to hurt or damage sth - Looking at a computer screen all day can be very hard on the eyes.
成天盯着计算机屏幕可能会对眼睛造成严重损害。 drive/strike a hard bargain - 狠狠地杀价
to argue in an aggressive way and force sb to agree on the best possible price or arrangement give sb a hard time - 给某人找茬儿;使某人不好过
to deliberately make a situation difficult and unpleasant for sb - They really gave me a hard time at the interview.
面试时他们确实是在难为我。 hard and fast - 板上钉钉;不容更改
that cannot be changed in any circumstances - There are no hard and fast rules about this.
这事没有什么硬性的规定。 (as) hard as nails - 冷酷无情;铁石心肠;毫无惧色
showing no sympathy, kindness or fear hard cheese - (常作反话)太不幸了,真够倒霉
used as a way of saying that you are sorry about sth, usually ironically (= you really mean the opposite) hard going - 难懂;费力
difficult to understand or needing a lot of effort - I'm finding his latest novel very hard going.
我觉得他最近的这部小说很晦涩。 hard luck/lines - (表示惋惜)真遗憾,太不幸了
used to tell sb that you feel sorry for them - ‘Failed again, I'm afraid.’ ‘Oh, hard luck.’
“恐怕我又失败了。”“哦,太不幸了。” the hard way - 通过痛苦的经历;通过出错
by having an unpleasant experience or by making mistakes - She won't listen to my advice so she'll just have to learn the hard way .
她不肯听我的忠告,所以只好吃了苦头才知道厉害。 make hard work of sth - 在某事上耗费过多时间(或精力);费冤枉力
to use more time or energy on a task than is necessary no hard feelings - (向争论或打败的对方表示继续友好)别往心里去,别记恨
used to tell sb you have been arguing with or have beaten in a contest that you would still like to be friendly with them - It looks like I'm the winner again. No hard feelings, Dave, eh?
看来我又赢了。你不会不高兴吧,戴夫? play hard to get - 故作姿态;故意摆谱;佯装拿架子
to make yourself seem more attractive or interesting by not immediately accepting an invitation to do sth too much like hard work - 太费力
needing too much effort - I can't be bothered making a hot meal─it's too much like hard work.
我懒得做热饭热菜——太麻烦了。 a hard/tough act to follow - 令人望尘莫及的人
a person who is so good or successful at sth that it will be difficult for anyone else coming after them to be as good or successful have a (hard/difficult) job doing/to do sth - 干某事很困难(或很吃力、很费力)
to have difficulty doing sth - You'll have a job convincing them that you're right.
要让他们信服你是对的还要费点劲。 - He had a hard job to make himself heard.
他好不容易才使别人听见他的声音。 a hard/tough nut (to crack) - 棘手的问题;不好对付的情形
a difficult problem or situation to deal with (caught/stuck) between a rock and a hard place - 进退两难;左右为难
in a situation where you have to choose between two things, both of which are unpleasant
- be/feel hard done by
- 受到不公平待遇;感到委屈
to be or feel unfairly treated - She has every right to feel hard done by─her parents have given her nothing.
她完全有权觉得委屈——她父母什么都没给她。 be hard pressed/pushed to do sthbe hard put (to it) to do sth - 很难做某事
to find it very difficult to do sth - He was hard put to it to explain her disappearance.
他很难对她的消失作出解释。 be hard up for sth - 某物匮乏
to have too few or too little of sth - We're hard up for ideas.
我们再想不出主意了。 hard on sth - 紧接着
very soon after - His death followed hard on hers.
她死后不久,他也死了。 take sth hard - 为某事很苦恼(或难受)
to be very upset by sth - He took his wife's death very hard.
他对妻子的死感到很难过。 old habits, traditions, etc. die hard - (旧习惯、传统等)难以改变,根深蒂固
used to say that things change very slowly (hard/hot) on sb's/sth's heels - 紧跟;紧接在后
very close behind sb/sth; very soon after sth - News of rising unemployment followed hard on the heels of falling export figures.
- 坚固;坚硬 solid/stiff
- 坚固的;坚硬的;结实的
solid, firm or stiff and difficult to bend or break- Wait for the concrete to go hard.
等待混凝土凝结。 - a hard mattress
硬床垫 - Diamonds are the hardest known mineral.
不易 difficult - Wait for the concrete to go hard.
- 难做的;难懂的;难以回答的
difficult to do, understand or answer- a hard choice/question
为难的选择;难以回答的问题 - It is hard to believe that she's only nine.
很难相信她只有九岁。 - It's hard to see how they can lose.
很难理解他们怎么会输。 - ‘When will the job be finished?’ ‘It's hard to say (= it is difficult to be certain) .’
“什么时候能完成这项工作?”“难说。” - I find his attitude very hard to take (= difficult to accept) .
他的态度让我难以接受。 - It's hard for old people to change their ways.
老年人难以改变他们的习惯。 - It must be hard for her, bringing up four children on her own.
她一个人抚养四个孩子一定很艰难。 - We're finding reliable staff hard to come by (= difficult to get) .
- a hard choice/question
- 困苦的;艰苦的;艰难的
full of difficulty and problems, especially because of a lack of money- Times were hard at the end of the war.
战争后期生活很艰苦。 - She's had a hard life.
费力;用力 needing/using effort - Times were hard at the end of the war.
- 耗费体力(或脑力)的;辛苦的
needing or using a lot of physical strength or mental effort- It's hard work shovelling snow.
铲雪是个苦活儿。 - I've had a long hard day.
- It's hard work shovelling snow.
- 努力的;勤劳的
putting a lot of effort or energy into an activity- She's a very hard worker.
她工作很卖力。 - He's hard at work on a new novel.
他正努力忙着写一本新小说。 - When I left they were all still hard at it (= working hard) .
- She's a very hard worker.
- 用力的;猛烈的
done with a lot of strength or force- He gave the door a good hard kick.
他狠狠踢了一下门。 - a hard punch
缺乏同情心 without sympathy - He gave the door a good hard kick.
- 冷酷无情的;硬心肠的;苛刻的
showing no sympathy or affection- My father was a hard man.
我父亲是个不讲情面的人。 - She gave me a hard stare.
她狠狠地看了我一眼。 - He said some very hard things to me.
不畏惧 not afraid - My father was a hard man.
- 准备战斗的;不软弱退缩的
ready to fight and showing no signs of fear or weakness- Come and get me if you think you're hard enough.
你要是觉得自己有种,就冲着我来吧。 - You think you're really hard, don't you?
事实;证据 facts/evidence - Come and get me if you think you're hard enough.
- 确凿的;可证实的;可靠的
definitely true and based on information that can be proved- Is there any hard evidence either way?
不管正反,有什么确凿证据吗? - The newspaper story is based on hard facts .
天气 weather - Is there any hard evidence either way?
- 寒冷的;凛冽的
very cold and severe- It had been a hard winter .
那年冬天特别冷。 - There was a hard frost that night.
饮料 drink - It had been a hard winter .
- 酒精浓度高的;烈性的
strongly alcoholic- hard liquor
烈酒 - a drop of the hard stuff (= a strong alcoholic drink)
水 water - hard liquor
- 硬的(含钙及镁盐较多)
containing calcium and other mineral salts that make mixing with soap difficult- a hard water area
硬水区 - Our water is very hard.
辅音 consonants - a hard water area
- 硬音的(如字母c或g在cat或go等词中的发音)
used to describe a letter c or g when pronounced as in ‘cat’ or ‘go’, rather than as in ‘city’ or ‘giant’
- 努力 with effort
- 努力地;费力地;艰难地
with great effort; with difficulty- to work hard
努力工作 - You must try harder .
你得更加努力。 - She tried her hardest not to show how disappointed she was.
她竭力不流露出自己有多失望。 - Don't hit it so hard!
别这么用力打! - He was still breathing hard after his run.
他跑完步,现在还气喘吁吁的。 - Our victory was hard won (= won with great difficulty) .
猛力 with force - to work hard
- 猛力地;猛烈地
with great force- Small businesses have been hit hard / hard hit by the recession.
仔细 carefully - Small businesses have been hit hard / hard hit by the recession.
- 彻底认真地
very carefully and thoroughly- to think hard
认真思考 - We thought long and hard before deciding to move house.
大量 a lot - to think hard
- 沉重地;大量地;长时间地
heavily; a lot or for a long time- It was raining hard when we set off.
左;右 left/right - It was raining hard when we set off.
- 向左 / 右急转弯
at a sharp angle to the left/right- Turn hard right at the next junction.
- Turn hard right at the next junction.
- ADJ-GRADED 硬的;坚硬的;坚固的
Something that ishardis very firm and stiff to touch and is not easily bent, cut, or broken.- He shuffled his feet on the hard wooden floor...
他拖着脚在硬木地板上走动。 - Something cold and hard pressed into the back of his neck.
- He shuffled his feet on the hard wooden floor...
- ADJ-GRADED 难做的;困难的
Something that ishardis very difficult to do or deal with.- It's hard to tell what effect this latest move will have...
很难说最近这次行动会有什么结果。 - She found it hard to accept some of the criticisms directed towards her and her work...
她发现某些针对自己和自己工作的批评意见很难接受。 - Our traveller's behaviour on the journey is hard to explain...
我们的旅客一路上的行为让人很难解释。 - That's a very hard question.
- It's hard to tell what effect this latest move will have...
- ADV-GRADED 努力地;使劲地
If you workharddoing something, you are very active or work intensely, with a lot of effort.- I'll work hard. I don't want to let him down...
我会努力工作,我不想让他失望。 - Am I trying too hard?
我是不是努力过头了? - Hardis also an adjective.
- I admired him as a true scientist and hard worker.
- I'll work hard. I don't want to let him down...
- ADJ-GRADED 累人的;费力的;费劲的
Hardwork involves a lot of activity and effort.- Coping with three babies is very hard work...
照顾3个宝宝是非常累人的活儿。 - ...a hard day's work...
一天的辛苦工作 - Their work is hard and unglamorous, and most people would find it boring.
- Coping with three babies is very hard work...
- ADV-GRADED 仔细地;认真地
If you look, listen, or thinkhard, you do it carefully and with a great deal of attention.- He looked at me hard...
他使劲盯着我看。 - You had to listen hard to hear the old man breathe...
你要仔细听才能听见老人的呼吸声。 - People are having to think hard about their holiday plans.
人们现在得仔细地琢磨自己的度假计划。 - Hardis also an adjective.
- It might be worth taking a long hard look at your frustrations and resentments.
- He looked at me hard...
- ADV-GRADED 猛力地;用力地
If you strike or take hold of somethinghard, you strike or take hold of it with a lot of force.- I kicked a dustbin very hard and broke my toe.
我狠狠地踢了一脚垃圾箱,结果脚趾骨折了。 - Hardis also an adjective.
- He gave her a hard push which toppled her backwards into an armchair.
- I kicked a dustbin very hard and broke my toe.
- ADV-GRADED 强烈地;猛烈的;长时间地
You can usehardto indicate that something happens intensely and for a long time.- I've never seen Terry laugh so hard...
我从未见过特里如此放声大笑。 - It was snowing hard by then.
- I've never seen Terry laugh so hard...
- ADJ-GRADED 冷酷无情的;心肠硬的
If a person or their expression ishard, they show no kindness or sympathy.- His father was a hard man...
他的父亲是个冷酷无情的人。 - Kate realized that the previous hard look on Maggie's face had been a mask.
- His father was a hard man...
- ADJ-GRADED 苛刻的;严厉的;不友善的
If you arehard onsomeone, you treat them severely or unkindly.- Don't be so hard on him.
别对他太苛刻了。 - Hardis also an adverb.
- He said the security forces would continue to crack down hard on the protestors.
- Don't be so hard on him.
- ADJ-GRADED 有害的;不利的
If you say that something ishard ona person or thing, you mean it affects them in a way that is likely to cause them damage or suffering.- The grey light was hard on the eyes...
光线暗淡对眼睛不利。 - These last four years have been hard on them.
- The grey light was hard on the eyes...
- ADJ-GRADED (生活、一段日子)艰难的,艰苦的
If you have ahardlife or ahardperiod of time, your life or that period is difficult and unpleasant for you.- It had been a hard life for her...
对她而言,那是一段非常艰苦的生活。 - Those were hard times.
- It had been a hard life for her...
- ADJ-GRADED 非常寒冷的;凛冽的
Ahardwinter or ahardfrost is a very cold one.- ...a prolonged period of hard frost...
漫长的强霜冻期 - I am expecting a long, hard winter.
- ...a prolonged period of hard frost...
- ADJ-GRADED (颜色)刺目的,晃眼的;(声音)刺耳的,难听的
Hardcolours or sounds are harsh or bright and unpleasant to see or hear.- The sea was a hard blue.
- The sea was a hard blue.
- ADJ (证据、资料)可靠的,确凿的
Hardevidence or facts are definitely true and do not need to be questioned.- He wanted more hard evidence...
他想要更多确凿的证据。 - There are probably fewer hard facts about the life of Henry Purcell than that of any other great composer since the Renaissance.
- He wanted more hard evidence...
- (水质)硬的(指含钙化合物较多)
Hardwater contains a lot of calcium compounds that stop soap making bubbles and sometimes appear as a deposit in kettles and baths. - (毒品)毒性强的,烈性的
Harddrugs are very strong illegal drugs such as heroin or cocaine. - (语音)发硬音的
In phonetics, ahardsound is one such as 'c' or 'g' as pronounced in the words 'cat' or 'give', and not as in the words 'cinema' or 'general'. - PREP-PHRASE 离…很近的
If one thing ishard byanother, it is very close to it.- Paradise Street was a short, crowded street near the railway station and hard by the factory.
- Paradise Street was a short, crowded street near the railway station and hard by the factory.
- PHRASE 受到不公平待遇的;委屈的
If you feelhard done by, you feel that you have not been treated fairly.- The hall porter was feeling hard done by at having to extend his shift.
- The hall porter was feeling hard done by at having to extend his shift.
- PHRASE 困难的;艰难的
If you say that something ishard going, you mean it is difficult and requires a lot of effort.- The talks had been hard going at the start.
- The talks had been hard going at the start.
- PHRASE 受到沉重打击的;受严重影响的
To behard hit bysomething means to be affected very severely by it.- California's been particularly hard hit by the recession.
- California's been particularly hard hit by the recession.
- PHRASE 佯装不感兴趣;故意摆谱
If someoneplays hard to get, they pretend not to be interested in another person or in what someone is trying to persuade them to do.- I wanted her and she was playing hard to get.
- I wanted her and she was playing hard to get.
- PHRASE 十分困难的;处于困境的
If someone ishard put todo something or, in British English if they arehard pushed todo something, they have great difficulty doing it.- Mr Morton is undoubtedly cleverer than Mr Kirkby, but he will be hard put to match his popularity.
- Mr Morton is undoubtedly cleverer than Mr Kirkby, but he will be hard put to match his popularity.
- PHRASE 为…而非常苦恼(或难受);因…而沮丧
If youtakesomethinghard, you are very upset or depressed by it.- Maybe I just took it too hard.
- Maybe I just took it too hard.
- not easy
- a difficult task
- nesting places on the cliffs are difficult of access
- difficult times
- why is it so hard for you to keep a secret?
- characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion
- worked their arduous way up the mining valley
- a grueling campaign
- hard labor
- heavy work
- heavy going
- spent many laborious hours on the project
- set a punishing pace
- dried out
- hard dry rolls left over from the day before
- unfortunate or hard to bear
- had hard luck
- a tough break
- resisting weight or pressure
- dispassionate
- took a hard look
- a hard bargainer
- (of speech sounds)
- Russian distinguished between hard consonants and palatalized or soft consonants
- (of light) transmitted directly from a pointed light source
- being distilled rather than fermented
- hard liquor
- given to excessive indulgence of bodily appetites especially for intoxicating liquors
- a hard drinker
- produced without vibration of the vocal cords
- unvoiced consonants such as `p' and `k' and `s'
- very strong or vigorous
- strong winds
- a hard left to the chin
- a knockout punch
- a severe blow
- with effort or force or vigor
- the team played hard
- worked hard all day
- pressed hard on the lever
- hit the ball hard
- slammed the door hard
- to the full extent possible
- hard alee
- the ship went hard astern
- swung the wheel hard left
- slowly and with difficulty
- prejudices die hard
- causing great damage or hardship
- industries hit hard by the depression
- she was severely affected by the bank's failure
- with firmness
- held hard to the railing
- earnestly or intently
- thought hard about it
- stared hard at the accused
- with pain or distress or bitterness
- he took the rejection very hard
- very near or close in space or time
- it stands hard by the railroad tracks
- they were hard on his heels
- a strike followed hard upon the plant's opening
- into a solid condition
- concrete that sets hard within a few hours
- indulging excessively
- he drank heavily
- It had been a hard life for her
对她而言,那是一段非常艰苦的生活。 - Am I trying too hard?
我是不是努力过头了? - He looked at me hard
他使劲盯着我看。 - Mr Morton is undoubtedly cleverer than Mr Kirkby, but he will be hard put to match his popularity.
莫顿先生无疑比柯克比先生更聪明,但他将很难像柯克比先生那样受人欢迎。 - Don't be so hard on him.
别对他太苛刻了。 - It's hard to tell what effect this latest move will have
很难说最近这次行动会有什么结果。 - The hall porter was feeling hard done by at having to extend his shift.
酒店行李搬运工因为被迫延长当班时间而愤愤不平。 - The sea was a hard blue.
大海呈一片耀眼的蓝色。 - I kicked a dustbin very hard and broke my toe.
我狠狠地踢了一脚垃圾箱,结果脚趾骨折了。 - I am expecting a long, hard winter.