

英 [ˈhiːlɪŋ]

美 [ˈhiːlɪŋ]

v.  给(鞋等)修理后跟; 倾侧; 倾斜



  • 足跟;脚后跟;踵
    Yourheelis the back part of your foot, just below your ankle.
    1. N-COUNT (鞋)后跟
      Theheelof a shoe is the raised part on the bottom at the back.
      1. He kicked it shut with the heel of his boot.
      2. ...the shoes with the high heels.
    2. N-PLURAL (女式)高跟鞋
      Heelsare women's shoes that are raised very high at the back.
      1. ...two well-dressed ladies in high heels...
      2. ...the old adage that you shouldn't wear heels with trousers.
    3. (袜子的)后跟
      Theheelof a sock or stocking is the part that covers your heel.
      1. N-COUNT (近腕处的)手掌根
        Theheel ofyour hand is the rounded pad at the bottom of your palm.
        1. He shoved the heel of his hand against the side of my face.
      2. See also:Achilles heel
      3. PHRASE 紧跟在后
        If a person or an animal isatyourheels, they are following close behind you.
        1. She strode off down the restaurant with Cavendish following close at her heels.
      4. PHRASE 使听话;使就范
        If youbringsomeoneto heel, you force them to obey you.
        1. It's still not clear how the president will use his power to bring the republics to heel.
      5. PHRASE 咔嚓一声立正(敬礼或问候)
        If someone such as a soldierclickstheirheels, they make a sound by knocking the heels of their shoes together when saluting or greeting someone.
        1. ...a courtly European who still clicked his heels when he met a lady.
      6. PHRASE 久等;空等
        If you arecoolingyourheels, someone is deliberately keeping you waiting, so that you get bored or impatient.
        1. Cohen didn't mention that he had Ted Forstmann cooling his heels in a back room.
      7. PHRASE 坚持立场;固执己见
        If youdigyourheels inordig inyourheels, you refuse to do something such as change your opinions or plans, especially when someone is trying very hard to make you do so.
        1. It was really the British who, by digging their heels in, prevented any last-minute deal.
      8. PHRASE (时间上)紧跟…之后,紧接着
        If you say that one event followshard on the heels ofanother orhot on the heels ofanother, you mean that one happens very quickly or immediately after another.
        1. Unfortunately, bad news has come hard on the heels of good...
        2. The visit follows hot on the heels of their season at the Edinburgh International Festival.
      9. PHRASE 紧追…之后;紧随…之后
        If you say that someone ishot onyourheels, you are emphasizing that they are chasing you and are not very far behind you.
        1. They sped through the American southwest with the law hot on their heels.
      10. PHRASE 无聊地等;不耐烦地等待
        If you arekickingyourheels, you are having to wait around with nothing to do, so that you get bored or impatient.
        1. The authorities wouldn't grant us permission to fly all the way down to San Francisco, so I had to kick my heels at Tunis Airport.
      11. PHRASE (尤指因生气或吃惊而)突然转身
        If youturn onyourheelorspin onyourheel, you suddenly turn round, especially because you are angry or surprised.
        1. He simply turned on his heel and walked away.
      12. PHRASE 逃走;脚底开溜
        If youtake toyourheels, you run away.
        1. He stood, for a moment, staring defiantly back at her, then took to his heels.
      13. head over heels→ see:head


      • The equivalent linear heeling motion differential equation is solved by the iterative method, and then the linear heeling responding amplitude value operator is obtained.
      • In formal heeling, if you want the dog to focus on the side of your face while in the heel position-you mark the moment he looks up at you face.
      • Based on the analysis of the helical spring dependent suspension, it is presented that the theoretical expression among the main parameters of the rear axle and the heeling angle stiffness.
      • She fainted heeling over from her chair onto the floor.
      • The anti-heeling system is provided for the container ship for controlling the heeling at the time of cargo handling.
      • There is an unconscious heeling process within the mind which mends up in spite of our desperate determination never to forget.
      • After analysis and comparison it is found that the vane will be in the optimal state of action when its heeling angle is zero in the double-action intra-vane pump.
      • Control of Heeling in the Submarine's Turning Circle Maneuver
      • The Control of the Heeling Angle during Submarine Turning in a Horizontal Plane by the Control Surface
      • Analysis of Influence of Rear Axle Parameters on Heeling Angle Stiffness of Helical Spring Dependent Suspension