英 [ˈaɪdəlaɪzd]
美 [ˈaɪdəlaɪzd]
v. 崇拜; 热爱
- VERB 把…当偶像崇拜;非常敬慕;宠爱
If youidolizesomeone, you admire them very much.- Naomi idolised her father as she was growing up...
慢慢长大的娜奥米把父亲视为偶像。 - A tall, soft-spoken woman, she is idolized by her young patients.
- Naomi idolised her father as she was growing up...
in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 idolise
- regarded with deep or rapturous love (especially as if for a god)
- adored grandchildren
- an idolized wife
- He is idolized by millions of Chinese girls and, in America, he is regarded as a conceited NBA rookie.
他既是魔鬼,也是天使。他就是即将登陆美国篮球大联盟的&易建联。 - Educational model not only has the Characteristic educational model but also has the consummate idolized characteristic at the same time under simultaneous molding in education and art.
教育榜样不但具有教育的榜样特点,同时在教育和艺术的塑造下,他们又同时具有完美的偶像化特征。 - But I was told that I was idolized in the world of computer games.
但是我得知原来我是电脑游戏界的偶像。 - In the late 1990s, South Korea lifted a ban on Japanese products, including comics, which idolized beautiful men who were less masculine than tradition expected.
上世纪九十年代末,韩国解禁了漫画等日本舶来品。日本漫画中十分推崇那些比传统男性形象更为阴柔的美男子。 - A woman who has an unmatchable vitality for life is and should be idolized.
一个对生活有着无尽能量的女人可以也应当被膜拜。 - Yesterday idolized, today hated and spit upon, tomorrow forgotten, and the day after tomorrow promoted to Sainthood.
昨日被视为偶像的,今日会被唾弃;明天会被遗忘的,而后天又被奉为圣贤。 - Napoleon had great prestige in the army, and his men idolized him.
拿破仑在军队里颇有威信,他的士兵非常崇拜他。 - We're lucky to share a dressing room with men who are idolized by many.
我们很幸运的能同许多人的偶像共用一个更衣室。 - If she had not had Cosette, it is certain that her daughters, idolized as they were, would have received the whole of it; but the stranger did them the service to divert the blows to herself.
假使她没有珂赛特,她那两个女儿,尽管百般宠爱,一定也还是要受尽她的打骂的。但是那个外来的女孩做了她们的替身,代受了打骂。 - He was glad to have the clothes, for American styles were idolized in germany.