n. 不变;永恒性;不变性
BNC.43460 / COCA.38318
- the quality of being incapable of mutation
- Darwin challenged the fixity of species
- Education equity has the character of objectivity, regularity, relativity, dynamic and immutability.
教育公平具有客观性、规律性、相对性、动态性和永恒性等特征。 - This is by design, since having a DTO write back to e.g.a domain model would ( among other things) take away its immutability, and is often considered an anti-pattern.
这需要通过设计完成,因为让DTO回写到,比方说:域模型或其他东西,就会更改它的持久性,同时人们也认为它是反模式的。 - Location independence and the guarantee of immutability of LSIDs make them perfect candidates for database cross-references.
LSID的位置独立性和不变性的保证使其成为数据库交叉引用的极佳候选。 - Immutability means that once changes are committed to a repository, they are a permanent part of a project's historical record.
不变性表示将更改提交到存储库之后,它们就成为项目历史记录不变的一部分。 - Owing to their uniqueness and immutability, fingerprints have become the most widely used biometric feature in recent years.
由于指纹具有唯一性和终身不变性,正成为近年来应用最为广泛的生物特征。 - Because Java is optimized for manipulating state, you have to work around some of those mechanisms to gain the benefits of immutability.
因为Java已针对操纵状态进行了优化,因此您不得不绕过这样的一些机制来获得的不变性的一些好处。 - Those who talk of the permanence and immutability of the finite, as well subjective as objective, may see the reverse illustrated in the operations of every appetite.
对那些大谈有限事物以及主观事物和客观事物的固定性和不可克服性的人来说,每一个意欲的活动都可以提供相反的例证。 - Mostly, it embodies some characteristics of freedom and immutability.
壁画的时空建构与一般架上绘画相比体现为一种自由性和永恒性。 - Immutability also allows us to simplify reasoning about concurrency and provide cheap reads of shared data.
不可变性还允许我们简化有关并发性的推理,并提供读取共享数据的低成本方法。 - In this installment, I discuss one of the building blocks of functional programming: immutability.