v. 使受危害;使陷入危险,危及,危害
过去分词:jeopardised 现在分词:jeopardising 第三人称单数:jeopardises 过去式:jeopardised
- pose a threat to
- The pollution is endangering the crops
- All nuclear facilities are designed so that earthquakes and other external events will not jeopardise the safety of the plant.
在设计所有核设施时,都要考虑到确保地震和其它外部事件不危及到核电站的安全。 - America and Britain are loth to do anything that might jeopardise their links with pakistan's army and its intelligence services.
美国和英国不喜欢做些事情来损害他们与巴基斯坦军队和情报机构的关系。 - Withdrawing fiscal accommodation too early could therefore jeopardise the recovery, especially when measures announced this week by the Fed notwithstanding the monetary policy arsenal has been effectively drained.
因此,过早退出宽松财政政策可能会危及复苏,尤其是在货币政策手段实际上已经用光的时候尽管美联储(fed)上周又宣布了一些举措。 - Why should either want to jeopardise this relationship?
为什么他们要损害这一关系哪? - A drastic contraction of European bank balance sheets over the next 18 months could jeopardise financial stability and economic growth in Europe and beyond, according to the International Monetary Fund.
国际货币基金组织(imf)表示,欧洲各银行的资产负债表在未来18个月急剧收缩,可能危及欧洲乃至更大范围的金融稳定和经济增长。 - We will not jeopardise the economic and political integration of Europe, which is the basis of our own prosperity.
我们不会破坏欧洲的经济和政治一体化进程它是我们自身繁荣的基石。 - Others will worry that the US will jeopardise much-needed funding for its large current account deficits.
其他人会担心,美国此举将影响到其弥补巨额经常账户赤字所急需的融资。 - That, in turn, could jeopardise their economic recovery.
那进而可能危及他们的经济复苏。 - Most analysts agree China is unlikely to jeopardise its own interests by imposing meaningful sanctions on Boeing or other US arms suppliers.
多数分析人士都认为,中国不太可能对波音或其它美国军火供应商实施实质性制裁,进而危及自身利益。 - But it appears unlikely it will do anything to jeopardise an increasingly close economic relationship.