

英 [leɪ]

美 [leɪ]

v.  (尤指轻轻地或小心地)放置,安放,搁; 铺,铺放,铺设(尤指在地板上); (在某物上)摊开,涂,敷; 用一层…覆盖
adj.  外行的; 非专业的; 缺少专门知识的; 平信徒的; 在俗的
n.  性伙伴; (尤指)性交的女人; (通常供吟唱的)叙事诗

过去分词:laid 过去式:laid 现在分词:laying 第三人称单数:lays 


Oxford 3000 / Collins.4 / BNC.958 / COCA.803


lay aside
1. 把…放在一边;搁置;储存…以备后用  2. 放下,抛开(情感或信仰)  

lay down
1. (通常指用完后)放下, 搁下  2. 规定;制定;颁布  3. 放下(武器)  

lay in
1. (购进后)储备,贮存  

lay off
1. (通常指因工作岗位不足而)辞退,解雇,使下岗  

lay on
1. (尤指慷慨或盛情地)提供(食物、娱乐、服务等)  

lay out
1. (整齐地)铺开,展开,摊开  2. 阐述;讲解;说明  3. 规划,布置,设计(场地或建筑)  4. 花(大钱)  

lay up
1. (疾病)使卧床  


    lay about sb (with sth)

    • 袭击(或猛打)某人
      to attack sb violently

      lay about you/yourself (with sth)

      • 乱打;(向四面)拳打脚踢,猛打
        to hit sb/sth without control or move your arms or legs violently in all directions
        1. to lay a carpet/cable/pipe
        2. The foundations of the house are being laid today.
        3. They had laid the groundwork for future development.

      lay sth↔aside

      • 把…放在一边(或搁置一旁)
        to put sth on one side and not use it or think about it
        1. 留存备用;留待以后处理
          to keep sth to use, or deal with later
          1. The cuckoo lays its eggs in other birds' nests.
          2. new-laid eggs
          3. The hens are not laying well (= not producing many eggs) .

        lay sth↔down

        • 放下;停止使用
          to put sth down or stop using it
          1. to lay the table
        • 中断(工作);辞(职);放弃
          to stop doing a job, etc.
          1. 规定,制定(条例或原则)
            if you lay down a rule or a principle, you state officially that people must obey it or use it
            1. The bill was laid before Parliament.
          2. 积存某物
            to produce sth that is stored and gradually increases

            lay sth↔in/up

            • 贮备;贮存
              to collect and store sth to use in the future

              lay into sb/sth

              • 猛打;痛打;责骂;抨击
                to attack sb violently with blows or words

                lay off

                  lay off sb/sth

                  • (让人停止做某事)停止,别再打扰
                    used to tell sb to stop doing sth
                    1. He went out hoping to get laid that night.

                  lay off sth

                  • 停止使用
                    to stop using sth

                    lay sb↔off

                    • (因工作不多而)解雇
                      to stop employing sb because there is not enough work for them to do
                      1. to lay a bet
                      2. She had laid $100 on the favourite.
                      3. I'll lay you any money you like (that) he won't come.

                    lay sth↔on

                    • 提供(尤指食物或娱乐)
                      to provide sth for sb, especially food or entertainment
                      1. His book explains the theory for the lay public.

                    lay sth on sb

                    • 使不得不处理(讨厌或困难的事)
                      to make sb have to deal with sth unpleasant or difficult

                      lay sb↔out

                      • 把…打昏
                        to knock sb unconscious
                        1. (给死者)作殡葬准备
                          to prepare a dead body to be buried

                          lay sth↔out

                          • 铺开;摆开;展开
                            to spread sth out so that it can be seen easily or is ready to use
                            1. 布置;策划;安排;设计
                              to plan how sth should look and arrange it in this way
                              1. 清晰谨慎地提出,策划(计划、论点等)
                                to present a plan, an argument, etc. clearly and carefully
                                1. 花钱
                                  to spend money

                                  lay over (at/in…)

                                  • (长途旅行期间)作短暂停留
                                    to stay somewhere for a short time during a long journey

                                    lay sb up

                                    • (因病或受伤而)卧床歇工
                                      if sb is laid up , they are unable to work, etc. because of an illness or injury

                                      lay sth ↔ up

                                        lay sth ↔ up

                                        • 自找(麻烦);自讨(苦吃)
                                          if you lay up problems or trouble for yourself, you do sth that will cause you problems later
                                          1. (船或其他交通工具维修时)停止使用,搁置不用
                                            to stop using a ship or other vehicle while it is being repaired




                                                  the lay of the landthe lay of the land



                                                    放下;展开 put down/spread
                                                  • (尤指轻轻地或小心地)放置,安放,搁
                                                    to put sb/sth in a particular position, especially when it is done gently or carefully
                                                    1. She laid the baby down gently on the bed.
                                                    2. He laid a hand on my arm.
                                                    3. The horse laid back its ears.
                                                    4. Relatives laid wreaths on the grave.
                                                    5. The cloth should be laid flat.
                                                  • 铺,铺放,铺设(尤指在地板上)
                                                    to put sth down, especially on the floor, ready to be used
                                                    1. to lay a carpet/cable/pipe
                                                    2. The foundations of the house are being laid today.
                                                    3. They had laid the groundwork for future development.
                                                  • (在某物上)摊开,涂,敷;用一层…覆盖
                                                    to spread sth on sth; to cover sth with a layer of sth
                                                    1. Before they started they laid newspaper on the floor.
                                                    2. The floor was laid with newspaper.
                                                    3. The grapes were laid to dry on racks.
                                                  • 卵 eggs
                                                  • (鸟、昆虫、鱼等)下(蛋),产(卵)
                                                    if a bird, an insect, a fish, etc. lays eggs, it produces them from its body
                                                    1. The cuckoo lays its eggs in other birds' nests.
                                                    2. new-laid eggs
                                                    3. The hens are not laying well (= not producing many eggs) .
                                                  • 桌子 table
                                                  • 摆放餐具于(餐桌,准备就餐)
                                                    to arrange knives, forks, plates, etc. on a table ready for a meal
                                                    1. to lay the table
                                                  • 提出建议 present proposal
                                                  • 提出,提交(建议、信息等)
                                                    to present a proposal, some information, etc. to sb for them to think about and decide on
                                                    1. The bill was laid before Parliament.
                                                  • 困境 difficult situation
                                                  • 使处于特定状态(尤指困境)
                                                    to put sb/sth in a particular position or state, especially a difficult or unpleasant one
                                                    1. to lay a responsibility/burden on sb
                                                      把责任 / 重担加于某人身上
                                                    2. to lay sb under an obligation to do sth
                                                  • 与名词连用 with nouns
                                                  • (与名词连用构成短语,其含义与该相关名词的动词相同)
                                                    used with a noun to form a phrase that has the same meaning as the verb related to the noun
                                                    1. to lay the blame on sb (= to blame sb)
                                                    2. Our teacher lays great stress on good spelling (= stresses it strongly) .
                                                  • 计划;圈套 plan/trap
                                                  • 周密准备;筹划;设置
                                                    to prepare sth in detail
                                                    1. to lay a trap for sb
                                                    2. She began to lay her plans for her escape.
                                                    3. Bad weather can upset even the best-laid plans.
                                                  • 性交 have sex
                                                  • 与(某人)性交
                                                    to have sex with sb
                                                    1. He went out hoping to get laid that night.
                                                  • 火 fire
                                                  • (摆好木、柴或煤)生(火)
                                                    to prepare a fire by arranging wood, sticks or coal
                                                    1. 打赌 bet
                                                    2. 对…下赌金;下赌注
                                                      to bet money on sth; to place a bet
                                                      1. to lay a bet
                                                      2. She had laid $100 on the favourite.
                                                      3. I'll lay you any money you like (that) he won't come.


                                                    • 外行的;非专业的;缺少专门知识的
                                                      not having expert knowledge or professional qualifications in a particular subject
                                                      1. His book explains the theory for the lay public.
                                                    • 平信徒的;在俗的
                                                      not in an official position in the Church
                                                      1. a lay preacher


                                                    • 性伙伴;(尤指)性交的女人
                                                      a partner in sex, especially a woman
                                                      1. an easy lay (= a person who is ready and willing to have sex)
                                                      2. to be a great lay
                                                    • (通常供吟唱的)叙事诗
                                                      a poem that was written to be sung, usually telling a story


                                                        VERB AND NOUN USES 动词和名词用法

                                                          In standard English, the formlayis also the past tense of the verbliein some meanings. In informal English, people sometimes use the wordlayinstead ofliein those meanings.

                                                          Do not confuse the verblaywith the verblie. Becauselayis used to talk about putting something in a particular place or position, it is related to the verblie. If someonelayssomething somewhere, itliesthere. The past tense and past participle oflayare bothlaidand it is usually a transitive verb.They laid him on the floor.However,lieis an intransitive verb with the past tenselayand the past participlelain.I lay on the floor with my legs in the air.
                                                          不要混淆lay和lie这两个动词。lay表示将某物放于某处或某个位置,意思上与动词lie有相关之处。如某人把某物安放(lay)在某处,此物即放(lie)在那里。lay的过去式和过去分词均为laid,它通常用作及物动词。例如,They laid him on the floor(他们把他放在地上)。lie则为不及物动词,其过去式为lay,过去分词为lain:I lay on the floor with my legs in the air(我躺在地上,双腿抬起)。

                                                        • VERB 放置;安放;搁
                                                          If youlaysomething somewhere, you put it there in a careful, gentle, or neat way.
                                                          1. Lay a sheet of newspaper on the floor...
                                                          2. My father's working bench was covered with a cloth and his coffin was laid there...
                                                          3. Mothers routinely lay babies on their backs to sleep.
                                                        • VERB 布置(餐桌);摆放(餐具)
                                                          If youlaythe table orlaythe places at a table, you arrange the knives, forks, and other things that people need on the table before a meal.
                                                          1. The butler always laid the table.
                                                        • in AM, use 美国英语用 set

                                                        • VERB 铺放;敷设;铺设
                                                          If youlaysomething such as carpets, cables, or foundations, you put them into their permanent position.
                                                          1. A man came to lay the saloon carpet...
                                                          2. Public utilities dig up roads to lay pipes.
                                                        • VERB 布设,设置(陷阱)
                                                          Tolaya trap means to prepare it in order to catch someone or something.
                                                          1. They were laying a trap for the kidnapper.
                                                        • VERB (鸟)产(卵),下(蛋)
                                                          When a female birdlaysan egg, it produces an egg by pushing it out of its body.
                                                          1. My canary has laid an egg...
                                                          2. Freezing weather in spring hampered the hens' ability to lay.
                                                        • VERB 奠定基础/制定规划
                                                          Layis used with some nouns to talk about making official preparations for something. For example, if youlay the basisfor something orlay plansfor it, you prepare it carefully.
                                                          1. Diplomats meeting in Chile have laid the groundwork for far-reaching environmental regulations...
                                                          2. The organisers meet in March to lay plans.
                                                        • VERB 归咎/起诉
                                                          Layis used with some nouns in expressions about accusing or blaming someone. For example, if youlay the blamefor a mistake on someone, you say it is their fault, or if the policelay chargesagainst someone, they officially accuse that person of a crime.
                                                          1. She refused to lay the blame on any one party...
                                                          2. He could not bear to lay too much responsibility for the unhappiness of his later years on his own shoulders...
                                                          3. Police have decided not to lay charges over allegations of a telephone tapping operation.
                                                        • VERB 押(赌注);就…打赌
                                                          If you say that you wouldlaybets, odds, or money on something happening, you mean that you are very confident that it will happen.
                                                          1. I wouldn't lay bets on his still remaining manager after the spring...
                                                          2. I'll lay odds that Dean is at your office right now.
                                                        • (指交媾)干,搞
                                                          Tolaysomeone means to have sex with them.
                                                          1. 床上功夫高者/轻易就上床者
                                                            Layis used in expressions such agood layor aneasy layto describe what someone is like as a sexual partner.
                                                            1. PHRASE 过分夸大;言过其实
                                                              If someoneis laying it on thickor islaying it on, they are exaggerating a statement, experience, or emotion in order to try to impress people.
                                                              1. Don't lay it on too thick, but make sure they are flattered...
                                                              2. I may have spoken a bit too freely, been a bit extreme, even laid it on a little.
                                                            2. PHRASE 使易受批评(或攻击)
                                                              If youlayyourselfopen tocriticism or attack, or if somethinglaysyouopen toit, something you do makes it possible or likely that other people will criticize or attack you.
                                                              1. The party thereby lays itself open to charges of conflict of interest...
                                                              2. Such a statement could lay her open to ridicule.
                                                            3. tolaysomethingbare→ see:bare

                                                            ADJECTIVE USES 形容词用法

                                                            • ADJ (基督教中)平信徒的,世俗的,非神职的
                                                              You uselayto describe people who are involved with a Christian church but are not members of the clergy or are not monks or nuns.
                                                              1. Edwards is a Methodist lay preacher and social worker.
                                                            • ADJ 业余的;外行的;门外汉的
                                                              You uselayto describe people who are not experts or professionals in a particular subject or activity.
                                                              1. It is difficult for a lay person to gain access to medical libraries...
                                                              2. It is not just a textbook for professional diplomats. The lay reader will enjoy the anecdotes.



                                                            • a narrative poem of popular origin
                                                              1. a narrative song with a recurrent refrain


                                                                • put into a certain place or abstract location
                                                                  1. Put your things here
                                                                  2. Set the tray down
                                                                  3. Set the dogs on the scent of the missing children
                                                                  4. Place emphasis on a certain point
                                                                • put in a horizontal position
                                                                  1. lay the books on the table
                                                                  2. lay the patient carefully onto the bed
                                                                  Synonym:put downrepose
                                                                • lay eggs
                                                                  1. This hen doesn't lay
                                                                • prepare or position for action or operation
                                                                  1. lay a fire
                                                                  2. lay the foundation for a new health care plan
                                                                • impose as a duty, burden, or punishment
                                                                  1. lay a responsibility on someone


                                                                • not of or from a profession
                                                                  1. a lay opinion as to the cause of the disease
                                                                • characteristic of those who are not members of the clergy
                                                                  1. set his collar in laic rather than clerical position
                                                                  2. the lay ministry


                                                                • Mothers routinely lay babies on their backs to sleep.
                                                                • The butler always laid the table.
                                                                • A man came to lay the saloon carpet
                                                                • Don't lay it on too thick, but make sure they are flattered
                                                                • She lay down on the soft, comfortable bed
                                                                • Public utilities dig up roads to lay pipes.
                                                                • Lay a sheet of newspaper on the floor
                                                                • Diplomats meeting in Chile have laid the groundwork for far-reaching environmental regulations
                                                                • The organisers meet in March to lay plans.
                                                                • She lay deathly still.