

英 [liːd , led]

美 [liːd , led]

v.  带路; 领路; 引领; (与…)相连,相通; 通向; 通往
n.  (竞赛中的)领先地位; 超前量; 领先的距离; 实例; 范例; 榜样
n.  铅; 铅笔芯

过去式:led 过去分词:led 现在分词:leading 第三人称单数:leads 复数:leads 


Oxford 3000 / Collins.2 / BNC.263 / COCA.318



guidev. 带领,引导
He guided us through a small lane to the bus stop.
Searchlights were used to guide the steamer into the harbour.
When I lose my way, you help guide and cheer me on.
conductv. 〈正式〉引导,带领;为…导游
On arrival, he was conducted to the headquarters.
The guide conducted us around the oldest museum in the country.
directv. 〈正式〉给…指路
Can you direct me to the railway station?
He asked the little girl to direct him to the zoo.
leadv. 引领,带领;给…当先导
The waiter led us to our table.
The guide led us to the cathedral.
The flagship led the fleet.


lead off
1. 起始于(某处)  2. 开始;启动;带头  

lead on
1. 怂恿;教唆;鼓动  

lead up to
1. (一系列事件)导致,致使,引致  2. (时间)临近,紧挨在…之前  3. (把谈话)引向(某个话题)  


    lead off (from) sth

    • 起始于(某地)
      to start at a place and go away from it

      lead off

        lead sth↔off

        • 开始(某事)
          to start sth
          1. the pipe leading from the top of the water tank
          2. The wire led to a speaker.

        lead sb on

        • 使误信,误导某人(尤指谎称自己喜爱对方或认为对方有魅力)
          to make sb believe sth which is not true, especially that you love them or find them attractive
          1. A path led up the hill.
          2. Which door leads to the yard?
          3. The track led us through a wood.

        lead up to sth

        • 是…的先导;是导致…的原因
          to be an introduction to or the cause of sth
          1. Eating too much sugar can lead to health problems.

        lead with sth

        • 把…作为头条新闻
          to have sth as the main item of news
          1. (用…手)率先出击,开始进攻
            to use a particular hand to begin an attack
            1. to lead a quiet life/a life of luxury/a miserable existence
              过宁静 / 奢侈 / 悲惨的生活



              lead sb by the nose
            • 牵着某人的鼻子走;完全操纵(或控制)某人
              to make sb do everything you want; to control sb completely
            • lead (sb) nowhere
            • 毫无成果
              to have no successful result for sb
            • This discussion is leading us nowhere.
            • lead sb a (merry) dance
            • 给某人造成许多麻烦(或忧虑)
              to cause sb a lot of trouble or worry
            • lead from the front
            • 带头;带动;引导
              to take an active part in what you are telling or persuading others to do
            • lead sb up/down the garden path
            • 给某人误导的信息(或提示);误导某人
              to make sb believe sth which is not true
            • the blind leading the blind
            • 盲人教盲人;盲人引导瞎子
              a situation in which people with almost no experience or knowledge give advice to others who also have no experience or knowledge
            • you can lead/take a horse to water, but you can't make it drink
            • 牵马近水易,逼马饮水难;机会可以给,做不做由人;老牛不饮水,不能强按头
              you can give sb the opportunity to do sth, but you cannot force them to do it if they do not want to
            • one thing leads to another
            • (暗示事情的发展过程显而易见)一来二去,自然而然
              used to suggest that the way one event or action leads to others is so obvious that it does not need to be stated
            • He offered me a ride home one night, and, well, one thing led to another and now we're married!


              go down like a lead balloon
            • 非常失败;不被接受
              to be very unsuccessful; to not be accepted by people
            • swing the lead
            • 装病偷懒
              to pretend to be ill/sick when in fact you are not, especially to avoid work
            • I don't think there's anything wrong with her─she's just swinging the lead.



                带路 show the way
              • 带路;领路;引领
                to go with or in front of a person or an animal to show the way or to make them go in the right direction
                1. He led us out into the grounds.
                2. The receptionist led the way to the boardroom.
                3. She led the horse back into the stable.
                4. I tried to lead the discussion back to the main issue.
                5. If you lead, I'll follow.
              • 连接两事物 connect two things
              • (与…)相连,相通
                to connect one object or place to another
                1. the pipe leading from the top of the water tank
                2. The wire led to a speaker.
              • 道路;小路;门 of road/path/door
              • 通向;通往
                to go in a particular direction or to a particular place
                1. A path led up the hill.
                2. Which door leads to the yard?
                3. The track led us through a wood.
              • 原因 cause
              • 导致,造成(后果)
                to have sth as a result
                1. Eating too much sugar can lead to health problems.
              • 使得出(观点);引导(某人)
                to be the reason why sb does or thinks sth
                1. What led you to this conclusion?
                2. He's too easily led (= easily persuaded to do or think sth) .
                3. This has led scientists to speculate on the existence of other galaxies.
                4. The situation is far worse than we had been led to believe .
              • 生活 life
              • 过(某种生活)
                to have a particular type of life
                1. to lead a quiet life/a life of luxury/a miserable existence
                  过宁静 / 奢侈 / 悲惨的生活
              • 属最佳 / 第一 be best/first
              • 最擅长于;处于首位;处于领先地位
                to be the best at sth; to be in first place
                1. The department led the world in cancer research.
                2. We lead the way in space technology.
                3. The champion is leading (her nearest rival) by 18 seconds.
              • 控制 be in control
              • 控制;掌管;领导;率领
                to be in control of sth; to be the leader of sth
                1. to lead an expedition
                2. to lead a discussion
                3. Who will lead the party in the next election?
              • 纸牌游戏 in card games
              • 开牌;率先出牌
                to play first; to play sth as your first card
                1. It's your turn to lead.
                2. to lead the ten of clubs


                首位 first place
              • (竞赛中的)领先地位
                the position ahead of everyone else in a race or competition
                1. She took the lead in the second lap.
                2. He has gone into the lead .
                3. The Democrats now appear to be in the lead .
                4. to hold/lose the lead
                  保持 / 失去领先地位
                5. The lead car is now three minutes ahead of the rest of the field.
              • 超前量;领先的距离
                the amount or distance that sb/sth is in front of sb/sth else
                1. He managed to hold a lead of two seconds over his closest rival.
                2. The polls have given Labour a five-point lead.
                3. a commanding/comfortable lead
                  遥遥 / 轻松领先
                4. to increase/widen your lead
                  加大 / 扩大领先优势
                5. Manchester lost their early two-goal lead.
              • 实例 example
              • 实例;范例;榜样
                an example or action for people to copy
                1. If one bank raises interest rates, all the others will follow their lead .
                2. If we take the lead in this (= start to act) , others may follow.
                3. You go first, I'll take my lead from you.
              • 信息 information
              • (尤指有关犯罪的)线索
                a piece of information that may help to find out the truth or facts about a situation, especially a crime
                1. The police will follow up all possible leads .
              • 演员;音乐家 actor/musician
              • (戏剧、电影等中的)主角;扮演主角的演员
                the main part in a play, film/movie, etc.; the person who plays this part
                1. Who is playing the lead ?
                2. the male/female lead
                  男 / 女主角
                3. a lead role
                4. the lead singer in a band
              • 狗 for dog
              • (牵狗用的)皮带,链条,绳索
                a long piece of leather, chain or rope used for holding and controlling a dog
                1. Dogs must be kept on a lead in the park.
              • 电 for electricity
              • 电线;导线
                a long piece of wire, usually covered in plastic, that is used to connect a piece of electrical equipment to a source of electricity


                  BEING AHEAD OR TAKING SOMEONE SOMEWHERE 领先;带领某人去某处

                  • VERB 在…前面走(或骑);为…带头
                    If youleada group of people, you walk or ride in front of them.
                    1. John Major and the Duke of Edinburgh led the mourners...
                    2. He walks with a stick but still leads his soldiers into battle...
                    3. Tom was leading, a rifle slung over his back.
                  • VERB 给…引路(或带路);带…(到某处)
                    If youleadsomeone to a particular place or thing, you take them there.
                    1. He took Dickon by the hand to lead him into the house...
                    2. She confessed to the killing and led police to his remains...
                    3. Leading the horse, Evandar walked to the door.
                  • VERB (路或门)通,至,达
                    If a road, gate, or doorleadssomewhere, you can get there by following the road or going through the gate or door.
                    1. ...the doors that led to the yard.
                    2. ...a short roadway leading to the car park...
                    3. Hundreds of people are said to have blocked a main highway leading north.
                  • VERB (在比赛或竞赛中)领先,占先
                    If youare leadingat a particular point in a race or competition, you are winning at that point.
                    1. He's leading in the presidential race...
                    2. So far Fischer leads by five wins to two...
                    3. Aston Villa last led the League in March 1990.
                  • N-SING 领先的地位;占先的位置
                    If you havethe leador arein the leadin a race or competition, you are winning.
                    1. England took the lead after 31 minutes with a goal by Peter Nail...
                    2. Labour are still in the lead in the opinion polls.
                  • N-SING 超前量;领先程度
                    Someone'slead overa competitor at a particular point in a race or competition is the distance, amount of time, or number of points by which they are ahead of them.
                    1. ...a commanding lead for the opposition is clearly emerging throughout the country...
                    2. His goal gave Forest a two-goal lead against Southampton...
                    3. Sainz now has a lead of 28 points.
                  • VERB 在…中领先;胜过;主导
                    If one company or countryleadsothers in a particular activity such as scientific research or business, it is more successful or advanced than they are in that activity.
                    1. When it comes to pop music we not only lead Europe, we lead the world.
                    2. ...foodstores such as Marks & Spencer, which led the market in microwaveable meals.
                  • VERB 领导;率领;指挥
                    If youleada group of people, an organization, or an activity, you are in control or in charge of the people or the activity.
                    1. He led the country between 1949 and 1984...
                    2. Mr Mendes was leading a campaign to save Brazil's rainforest from exploitation.
                  • N-COUNT 先河;榜样;表率
                    If you give alead, you do something new or develop new ideas or methods that other people consider to be a good example or model to follow.
                    1. ...the need for the president to give a moral lead...
                    2. The American and Japanese navies took the lead in the development of naval aviation...
                    3. Over the next 150 years, many others followed his lead.
                  • VERB 过(某种生活)
                    You can useleadwhen you are saying what kind of life someone has. For example, if youleada busy life, your life is busy.
                    1. She led a normal, happy life with her sister and brother...
                    2. Most of the women in here are not people who have led a life of crime.
                  • VERB 招致;致使;导致
                    If somethingleads toa situation or event, usually an unpleasant one, it begins a process which causes that situation or event to happen.
                    1. Ethnic tensions among the republics could lead to civil war...
                    2. He warned yesterday that a pay rise for teachers would lead to job cuts.
                  • VERB 促使;使得;使
                    If somethingleadsyoutodo something, it influences or affects you in such a way that you do it.
                    1. His abhorrence of racism led him to write The Algiers Motel Incident...
                    2. What was it ultimately that led you to leave Sarajevo for Zagreb?
                  • VERB 诱使;误导
                    If you say that someone or somethingledyoutothink something, you mean that they caused you to think it, although it was not true or did not happen.
                    1. Mother had led me to believe the new baby was a kind of present for me...
                    2. It was not as straightforward as we were led to believe.
                  • VERB 引导,掌控(谈话或讨论的内容)
                    If youleada conversation or discussion, you control the way that it develops so that you can introduce a particular subject.
                    1. After a while I led the conversation around to her job...
                    2. He planned to lead the conversation and keep Matt from changing the subject.
                  • VERB (讨论或文章中某一观点或话题)把…带到,为…引出(另一观点或话题)
                    You can say that one point or topic in a discussion or piece of writingleadsyoutoanother in order to introduce a new point or topic that is linked with the previous one.
                    1. Well, I think that leads me to the real point.
                  • N-COUNT 线索;头绪
                    Aleadis a piece of information or an idea which may help people to discover the facts in a situation where many facts are not known, for example in the investigation of a crime or in a scientific experiment.
                    1. The inquiry team is also following up possible leads after receiving 400 calls from the public.
                  • N-COUNT (戏剧、电影等中的)主角;扮演主角的演员
                    The leadin a play, film, or show is the most important part in it. The person who plays this part can also be called thelead.
                    1. Nina Ananiashvili and Alexei Fadeyechev from the Bolshoi Ballet dance the leads...
                    2. The leads are Jack Hawkins and Glynis Johns.
                  • N-COUNT 狗绳;牵狗带
                    A dog'sleadis a long, thin chain or piece of leather which you attach to the dog's collar so that you can control the dog.
                    1. An older man came out with a little dog on a lead.
                  • in AM, use 美国英语用 leash

                  • 导线;连接线
                    Aleadin a piece of equipment is a piece of wire covered in plastic which supplies electricity to the equipment or carries it from one part of the equipment to another.
                    1. N-SING (报纸或电视、电台的)要闻,头条
                      Thelead storyorleadin a newspaper or on the television or radio news is the most important story.
                      1. The Turkish situation makes the lead in tomorrow's Guardian...
                      2. Cossiga's reaction is the lead story in the Italian press.
                    2. See also:leading-led. to lead someone astray

                    SUBSTANCES 物质

                    • N-UNCOUNT 铅
                      Leadis a soft, grey, heavy metal.
                      1. ...drinking water supplied by old-fashioned lead pipes.
                    • N-UNCOUNT 枪弹;子弹;枪子儿
                      Leadis sometimes used to refer to bullets.
                      1. Eventually Bogart pumps him full of lead.
                    • (铅笔的)笔芯
                      Theleadin a pencil is the centre part of it which makes a mark on paper.



                      • the playing of a card to start a trick in bridge
                        1. the lead was in the dummy
                      • a position of leadership (especially in the phrase `take the lead')
                        1. he takes the lead in any group
                        2. we were just waiting for someone to take the lead
                        3. they didn't follow our lead
                      • a jumper that consists of a short piece of wire
                        1. it was a tangle of jumper cables and clip leads
                        Synonym:jumper cablejumper leadbooster cable
                      • mixture of graphite with clay in different degrees of hardness
                          Synonym:pencil lead
                        1. thin strip of metal used to separate lines of type in printing
                          1. restraint consisting of a rope (or light chain) used to restrain an animal
                            1. the timing of ignition relative to the position of the piston in an internal-combustion engine
                                Synonym:spark advance
                              1. an advantage held by a competitor in a race
                                1. he took the lead at the last turn
                              2. evidence pointing to a possible solution
                                1. the police are following a promising lead
                                2. the trail led straight to the perpetrator
                              3. the introductory section of a story
                                1. it was an amusing lead-in to a very serious matter
                              4. a news story of major importance
                                  Synonym:lead story
                                1. an indication of potential opportunity
                                  1. he got a tip on the stock market
                                  2. a good lead for a job
                                  Synonym:tipsteerconfidential informationwindhint
                                2. (baseball) the position taken by a base runner preparing to advance to the next base
                                  1. he took a long lead off first
                                3. an actor who plays a principal role
                                  1. (sports) the score by which a team or individual is winning
                                    1. the angle between the direction a gun is aimed and the position of a moving target (correcting for the flight time of the missile)
                                      1. a soft heavy toxic malleable metallic element
                                        1. the children were playing with lead soldiers
                                        Synonym:Pbatomic number 82


                                      • cause to undertake a certain action
                                        1. Her greed led her to forge the checks
                                      • preside over
                                        1. John moderated the discussion
                                      • lead, as in the performance of a composition
                                        1. conduct an orchestr
                                      • move ahead (of others) in time or space
                                        1. travel in front of
                                          1. The procession was headed by John
                                        2. take somebody somewhere
                                          1. We lead him to our chief
                                          2. can you take me to the main entrance?
                                          3. He conducted us to the palace
                                        3. be in charge of
                                          1. Who is heading this project?
                                        4. be conducive to
                                          1. The use of computers in the classroom lead to better writing
                                        5. have as a result or residue
                                          1. The water left a mark on the silk dress
                                          2. Her blood left a stain on the napkin
                                        6. tend to or result in
                                          1. This remark lead to further arguments among the guests
                                        7. stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope
                                          1. Service runs all the way to Cranbury
                                          2. His knowledge doesn't go very far
                                          3. My memory extends back to my fourth year of life
                                          4. The facts extend beyond a consideration of her personal assets
                                        8. lead, extend, or afford access
                                          1. This door goes to the basement
                                          2. The road runs South
                                        9. cause something to pass or lead somewhere
                                          1. Run the wire behind the cabinet
                                        10. be ahead of others
                                          1. she topped her class every year


                                        • His goal gave Forest a two-goal lead against Southampton
                                        • England took the lead after 31 minutes with a goal by Peter Nail
                                        • Well, I think that leads me to the real point.
                                        • She led a normal, happy life with her sister and brother
                                        • When it comes to pop music we not only lead Europe, we lead the world.
                                        • Ethnic tensions among the republics could lead to civil war
                                        • Leading the horse, Evandar walked to the door.
                                        • He took Dickon by the hand to lead him into the house
                                        • An older man came out with a little dog on a lead.
                                        • Tom was leading, a rifle slung over his back.