英 [ˈləʊlɪɪst]
美 [ˈloʊlɪɪst]
adj. 地位低的; 不重要的; 无足轻重的
- ADJ-GRADED 卑微的;低级的;无足轻重的
If you describe someone or something aslowly, you mean that they are low in rank, status, or importance.- ...lowly bureaucrats pretending to be senators...
假称是参议员的低级官员 - He was irked by his lowly status.
- ...lowly bureaucrats pretending to be senators...
- The other 40 per cent expect only the lowliest of presents, ranging from bacon to hotpot seasonings, to a box of condoms and three tablets of Viagra.
其余40%的人预计只能得到最低档的奖品,范围从咸肉、火锅调料,到一盒避孕套和3片伟哥。 - They're just simple classes& even the lowliest Java class can become a web service.
它们仅仅是简单的Java类,但是即使是最简单的Java类页可以作为Web服务。 - On the one hand the lowliest place elimination series have the positive function, like arouses staff's work enthusiasm, to simplify administration and so on;
一方面末位淘汰制有积极的作用,如调动职工的工作积极性、精简机构等; - However, the lowliest place elimination is not universally applicable truth, its abuse has also brought many negative effects.
但是,末位淘汰制并非放之四海而皆准的真理,它的滥用也带来了诸多的负面影响。 - The lowliest place elimination as a personnel management system, can stimulate the staff vitality, to maximize the interests of enterprises, so it is widely used by the unit.
末位淘汰制作为一种人事管理制度,能够激发员工活力,实现企业利益最大化,因此被用人单位广为采用。 - On the other hand the lowliest place elimination series also have the negative aspect, like harms the personal dignity, too brutally and so on.
另一方面末位淘汰制也有消极的方面,如有损人格尊严、过于残酷等。 - When I try to bow to thee, my obeisance cannot reach down to the depth where thy feet rest among the poorest, and the lowliest, and the lost.
我想向你鞠躬,我的敬礼不能达到你驻足歇息之处的最深处-那最贫贱最无家可归的人群中。 - Here is thy footstool and there rest thy feet where live the poorest, and the lowliest, and the lost.
这是你的脚凳,你驻足歇息在最贫贱最流离失所的人群中。 - Junior officers take heart: it seems that the lowliest ranks have as much chance of grabbing power and holding on to it as their medal-bestrewn seniors.
普通将领无疑受到了鼓舞:和那些胸前挂满勋章的高级将领相比,即使是职位最卑微的军界人士也一样可以夺取并守住政权。 - My family is the lowliest in my tribe and I am the least in the family of my father.