

英 [rest]

美 [rest]

n.  剩余部分; 残留; 其余; 其余的人; 其他事物; 其他; 休息时间; 睡眠时间
v.  休息; 放松; (被)支撑; (使)倚靠; 托; 被搁置; 中止

现在分词:resting 过去式:rested 第三人称单数:rests 复数:rests 过去分词:rested 


Oxford 3000 / Collins.4 / BNC.703 / COCA.673


    rest on/upon sb/sth

    • 依靠;依赖
      to depend or rely on sb/sth
      1. 凝视;凝望
        to look at sb/sth
        1. I'm not doing this job for the rest of my life.
        2. How would you like to spend the rest of the day?
        3. Take what you want and throw the rest away.

      rest on sth

      • 基于;以…为基础
        to be based on sth

        rest with sb (to do sth)

        • 是…的责任(或分内的事)
          if it rests with sb to do sth , it is their responsibility to do it



              and (all) the rest (of it)
            • (列举时用)诸如此类,等等
              used at the end of a list to mean everything else that you might expect to be on the list
            • He wants a big house and an expensive car and all the rest of it.
            • and the rest
            • (比所说的)还要多;远不止此数
              used to say that the actual amount or number of sth is much higher than sb has stated
            • ‘It cost 250 pounds…’ ‘And the rest, and the rest!’
            • at rest
            • 静止;不动
              not moving
            • At rest the insect looks like a dead leaf.
            • (委婉说法,与dead同义)安息,长眠
              dead and therefore free from trouble or anxiety. People say at rest to avoid saying dead .
            • She now lies at rest in the churchyard.
            • come to rest
            • 停止移动;不再移动
              to stop moving
            • The car crashed through the barrier and came to rest in a field.
            • His eyes came to rest on Clara's face.
            • for the rest
            • 除此之外;至于其他
              apart from that; as far as other matters are concerned
            • The book has some interesting passages about the author's childhood. For the rest, it is extremely dull.
            • give it a rest
            • 不要再提(恼人的事)了
              used to tell sb to stop talking about sth because they are annoying you
            • give sth a rest
            • 暂停;暂时不做
              to stop doing sth for a while
            • lay sb to rest
            • (委婉说法,与bury同义)安葬
              to bury sb. People say to lay sb to rest to avoid saying to bury sb.
            • George was laid to rest beside his parents.
            • lay/put sth to rest
            • (通过揭穿假象)平息,使停止
              to stop sth by showing it is not true
            • The announcement finally laid all the speculation about their future to rest.
            • the rest is history
            • 结局是尽人皆知的;结果如何不必赘述
              used when you are telling a story to say that you do not need to tell the end of it, because everyone knows it already
            • put/set sb's mind at ease/rest
            • 安慰;宽解;使宽心
              to do or say sth to make sb stop worrying about sth
            • (there's) no peace/rest for the wicked
            • (有人抱怨工作太多时说)恶人决无平安
              used when sb is complaining that they have a lot of work to do


              rest assured (that…)
            • (强调所言确凿无误)尽管放心
              used to emphasize that what you say is true or will definitely happen
            • You may rest assured that we will do all we can to find him.
            • rest your case
            • 我的论证到此为止(已经足够)
              used to say that you do not need to say any more about sth because you think that you have proved your point
            • (律师在法庭上)对案情陈述完毕
              used by lawyers in court to say that they have finished presenting their case
            • The prosecution rests its case.
            • breathe/rest easy
            • 安下心;松口气
              to relax and stop worrying
            • You can rest easy─I'm not going to tell anyone.
            • God rest his/her soulGod rest him/her
            • 魂归天国;安息主怀
              used to show respect when you are talking about sb who is dead
            • rest/sit on your laurels
            • 满足于既得成就;不思进取
              to feel so satisfied with what you have already achieved that you do not try to do any more



                剩余的部分 / 人 / 事物 remaining part/people/things
              • 剩余部分;残留;其余
                the remaining part of sth
                1. I'm not doing this job for the rest of my life.
                2. How would you like to spend the rest of the day?
                3. Take what you want and throw the rest away.
              • 其余的人;其他事物;其他
                the remaining people or things; the others
                1. Don't blame Alex. He's human, like the rest of us.
                2. The first question was difficult, but the rest were pretty easy.
              • 休息时间 period of relaxing
              • 休息时间;睡眠时间
                a period of relaxing, sleeping or doing nothing after a period of activity
                1. I had a good night's rest.
                2. We stopped for a well-earned rest.
                3. to have/take a rest from all your hard work
                4. Try to get some rest ─you have a busy day tomorrow.
                5. There are no matches tomorrow, which is a rest day , but the tournament resumes on Monday.
              • 支撑物 support
              • 支撑物;支架;基座;托
                an object that is used to support or hold sth
                1. an armrest (= for example on a seat or chair)
              • 音乐 in music
              • 休止;休止符
                a period of silence between notes; a sign that shows a rest between notes


                  放松 relax
                • 休息;放松
                  to relax, sleep or do nothing after a period of activity or illness; to not use a part of your body for some time
                  1. The doctor told me to rest.
                  2. I can rest easy (= stop worrying) knowing that she's safely home.
                  3. He won't rest (= will never be satisfied) until he finds her.
                  4. Rest your eyes every half an hour.
                • 支撑 support
                • (被)支撑;(使)倚靠;托
                  to support sth by putting it on or against sth; to be supported in this way
                  1. His chin rested on his hands.
                  2. He rested his chin in his hands.
                  3. Rest your head on my shoulder.
                  4. Their bikes were resting against the wall.
                • 被搁置 be left
                • 被搁置;中止
                  if you let a matter rest , you stop discussing it or dealing with it
                  1. The matter cannot rest there─I intend to sue.
                • 被埋葬 be buried
                • (委婉说法,与be buried同义)安息,长眠
                  to be buried. People say rest to avoid saying be buried .
                  1. She rests beside her husband in the local cemetery.
                  2. May he rest in peace .


                  QUANTIFIER USES 数量词用法

                  • QUANT 剩余部分
                    The rest is used to refer to all the parts of something or all the things in a group that remain or that you have not already mentioned.
                    1. It was an experience I will treasure for the rest of my life...
                    2. I'm going to throw a party, then invest the rest of the money...
                    3. He was unable to travel to Barcelona with the rest of the team.
                    4. Restis also a pronoun.
                    5. Only 55 per cent of the raw material is canned. The rest is thrown away.
                  • PHRASE 诸如此类;如此等等;不一而足
                    You can addand the restorall the rest of itto the end of a statement or list when you want to refer in a vague way to other things that are associated with the ones you have already mentioned.
                    1. ...a man with nice clothes, a Range Rover and the rest...
                    2. And what about racism and all the rest of it?
                  • If you are talking about something that cannot be counted, the verb followingrestis singular.The rest of the food was delicious.If you are talking about several people or things, the verb is plural.The rest of the boys were delighted.
                    谈论对象是不可数名词时,跟在rest后面的动词用单数:The rest of the food was delicious (其余的食物非常可口)。如果是谈论多个人或物,动词则用复数:The rest of the boys were delighted (其余的男孩都很高兴)。

                  VERB AND NOUN USES 动词和名词用法

                  • VERB 休息;歇息;放松(身体)
                    If yourestor if yourestyour body, you do not do anything active for a time.
                    1. He's tired and exhausted, and has been advised to rest for two weeks...
                    2. Try to rest the injured limb as much as possible.
                  • N-VAR 休息;歇息
                    If you get somerestor have arest, you do not do anything active for a time.
                    1. 'You're worn out, Laura,' he said. 'Go home and get some rest.'...
                    2. After I've had a good rest, I'll tell you everything.
                  • VERB 依赖;取决于;以…为基础
                    If something such as a theory or someone's successrests ona particular thing, it depends on that thing.
                    1. Such a view rests on a number of incorrect assumptions...
                    2. The long-term future of the country rests on how we teach our children.
                  • VERB (权力、责任、决定权)在于,属于
                    If authority, a responsibility, or a decisionrests withyou, you have that authority or responsibility, or you are the one who will make that decision.
                    1. The judge said that whether Miss Bergman wishes to admit it or not, the responsibility rests with her. ...
                    2. The final decision rested with the President.
                  • VERB 放置;安置
                    If yourestsomething somewhere, you put it there so that its weight is supported.
                    1. He rested his arms on the back of the chair...
                    2. He rested one of his crutches against the rail.
                  • V-ERG (使)倚靠;(被)支撑
                    If somethingis restingsomewhere, or if youare restingit there, it is in a position where its weight is supported.
                    1. His head was resting on her shoulder...
                    2. He had been resting his head in his hands, deep in thought.
                  • VERB 靠;倚;躺
                    If youreston or against someone or something, you lean on them so that they support the weight of your body.
                    1. He rested on his pickaxe for a while.
                  • N-COUNT (尤指头或四肢的)支撑物;撑架;托架
                    Arestis an object that is used to support something, especially your head, arms, or feet.
                    1. When you are sitting, keep your elbow on the arm rest.
                  • VERB (目光)停留,凝视
                    If your eyesrest ona particular person or object, you look directly at them, rather than somewhere else.
                    1. As she spoke, her eyes rested on her husband's face.
                  • See also:rested
                  • PHRASE 停止移动
                    When an object that has been movingcomes to rest, it finally stops.
                    1. The plane had plowed a path through a patch of forest before coming to rest in a field.
                  • PHRASE 放心;高枕无忧;不担心
                    If you say that someone canrest easy, you mean that they don't need to worry about a particular situation.
                    1. How can any woman rest easy now, knowing her breast cancer may be misdiagnosed?
                  • PHRASE 暂停;暂时不做
                    If someone tells you togivesomethinga rest, they want you to stop doing it because it annoys them or because they think it is harming you.
                    1. Give it a rest, will you? We're trying to get some sleep...
                    2. I think you ought to give football a rest for a time.
                  • PHRASE 安葬
                    If you say that someone who has diedis laid to rest, you mean that they are buried.
                    1. His dying wish was to be laid to rest at the church near his Somerset home.
                  • PHRASE 消除(恐惧);平息(谣言)
                    If youlaysomething such as fears or rumoursto restor if youputthemto rest, you succeed in proving that they are not true.
                    1. His speech should lay those fears to rest...
                    2. I am determined to put to rest these rumours that we are in financial trouble.
                  • PHRASE (尤指长时间的谈论后)停止讨论(某个话题)
                    If someone refuses toleta subjectrest, they refuse to stop talking about it, especially after they have been talking about it for a long time.
                    1. I am not prepared to let this matter rest...
                    2. Let it rest, Rachel. Leave her in peace.
                  • PHRASE 让…安心;使…放心
                    Toputsomeone'smind at restorsettheirmind at restmeans to tell them something that stops them worrying.
                    1. She was quick to put his mind at rest. 'Mrs Barrett will be delighted to have your brothers back,' she said...
                    2. A brain scan last Friday finally set his mind at rest.
                  • rest assured→ see:assured



                  • freedom from activity (work or strain or responsibility)
                    1. took his repose by the swimming pool
                  • a support on which things can be put
                    1. the gun was steadied on a special rest
                  • a musical notation indicating a silence of a specified duration
                    1. something left after other parts have been taken away
                      1. there was no remainder
                      2. he threw away the rest
                      3. he took what he wanted and I got the balance
                    2. euphemisms for death (based on an analogy between lying in a bed and in a tomb)
                      1. she was laid to rest beside her husband
                      2. they had to put their family pet to sleep
                      Synonym:eternal restsleepeternal sleepquietus
                    3. a state of inaction
                      1. a body will continue in a state of rest until acted upon
                    4. a pause for relaxation
                      1. people actually accomplish more when they take time for short rests
                      Synonym:respitereliefrest period


                    • be at rest
                      1. stay the same
                        1. The dress remained wet after repeated attempts to dry it
                        2. rest assured
                        3. stay alone
                        4. He remained unmoved by her tears
                        5. The bad weather continued for another week
                      2. take a short break from one's activities in order to relax
                          Synonym:breathecatch one's breathtake a breather
                        1. give a rest to
                          1. He rested his bad leg
                          2. Rest the dogs for a moment
                        2. rest on or as if on a pillow
                          1. pillow your head
                        3. sit, as on a branch
                          1. The birds perched high in the tree
                        4. not move
                          1. put something in a resting position, as for support or steadying
                            1. Rest your head on my shoulder
                          2. be inactive, refrain from acting
                            1. The committee is resting over the summer
                          3. be inherent or innate in
                            1. have a place in relation to something else
                              1. The fate of Bosnia lies in the hands of the West
                              2. The responsibility rests with the Allies


                            • I am determined to put to rest these rumours that we are in financial trouble.
                            • I am not prepared to let this matter rest
                            • He rested one of his crutches against the rail.
                            • He's tired and exhausted, and has been advised to rest for two weeks
                            • He rested on his pickaxe for a while.
                            • When you are sitting, keep your elbow on the arm rest.
                            • He had been resting his head in his hands, deep in thought.
                            • Let it rest, Rachel. Leave her in peace.
                            • I'm going to throw a party, then invest the rest of the money
                            • His dying wish was to be laid to rest at the church near his Somerset home.