

英 [seɪ]

美 [seɪ]

v.  说; 讲; 告诉; 念; 朗诵; 背诵; 表达,表述(见解)
n.  决定权; 发言权
int.  (表示惊讶或兴奋)嘿,啧啧; (提请别人注意、提出建议或作出评论)喂,我说

过去式:said 第三人称单数:says 过去分词:said 现在分词:saying 


Oxford 3000 / Collins.5 / BNC.32 / COCA.19



sayv. 说,讲
Did you finish what you wanted to say?
How do you say this in Japanese?
She said 'Good Morning' to the teacher.
The letter says that he will come next week.
speakv. 说(话),讲话
The child hasn't learnt to speak yet.
He spoke at the meeting.
Can you speak Chinese?
- Who's speaking?
- This is Peter speaking.
talkv. 说,说话,交谈
普通用词,用作不及物动词时,侧重指与人交谈时的连续说话,可指单方面较长谈话,和 speak 一样,强调说话的动作而非内容;用作及物动词时,宾语多为 sense,nonsense,business,rubbish 等。
Human beings can talk while animals can't.
He could have come to the office if he wanted to talk.
I don't understand what you're talking about.
He's talking nonsense.
tellv. 告诉
Tell me your address and telephone number, please.
You can tell them that I hope to be back by tomorrow night.
The light tells you if the machine is on.
Her mother told her not to talk to any strangers.



      before you can say Jack Robinson
    • 转瞬间;一刹那;说时迟,那时快
      very quickly; in a very short time
    • go without saying
    • 不用说;显而易见
      to be very obvious or easy to predict
    • Of course I'll help you. That goes without saying .
    • have something, nothing, etc. to say for yourself
    • 有话(或没什么等)要说
      to be ready, unwilling, etc. to talk or give your views on sth
    • She doesn't have much to say for herself (= doesn't take part in conversation) .
    • He had plenty to say for himself (= he had a lot of opinions and was willing to talk) .
    • Late again─what have you got to say for yourself (= what is your excuse) ?
    • having said that
    • (用以缓和语气)虽然这么说,话虽如此
      used to introduce an opinion that makes what you have just said seem less strong
    • I sometimes get worried in this job. Having said that, I enjoy doing it, it's a challenge.
    • I'll say!
    • (明确表示肯定)当然,我敢说,没错
      used for emphasis to say ‘yes’
    • ‘Does she see him often?’ ‘I'll say! Nearly every day.’
    • I must say
    • (强调所发表的意见)
      used to emphasize an opinion
    • Well, I must say, that's the funniest thing I've heard all week.
    • I say
    • (表示惊奇、震惊等)
      used to express surprise, shock, etc.
    • I say! What a huge cake!
    • (用以引起注意或引出新的话题)
      used to attract sb's attention or introduce a new subject of conversation
    • I say, can you lend me five pounds?
    • it says a lot, very little, etc. for sb/sth
    • 说明某人(或某事物)很好(或不怎么样等)
      it shows a good/bad quality that sb/sth has
    • It says a lot for her that she never lost her temper.
    • It didn't say much for their efficiency that the order arrived a week late.
    • I wouldn't say no (to sth)
    • (表示想要或愿意接受某物)
      used to say that you would like sth or to accept sth that is offered
    • I wouldn't say no to a pizza.
    • ‘Tea, Brian?’ ‘I wouldn't say no.’
    • least said soonest mended
    • 只要没人再说,事情就会过去
      a bad situation will pass or be forgotten most quickly if nothing more is said about it
    • the less/least said the better
    • 少说为妙
      the best thing to do is say as little as possible about sth
    • never say die
    • 别泄气;别气馁;不言放弃
      do not stop hoping
    • not say boo to a goose
    • 非常胆怯;十分温和
      to be very shy or gentle
    • He's so nervous he wouldn't say boo to a goose.
    • not to say
    • (引出语气更重的描述)即使不是…,虽不能说…
      used to introduce a stronger way of describing sth
    • a difficult, not to say impossible, task
    • say cheese
    • (照相前请人微笑时说)笑一笑
      used to ask sb to smile before you take their photograph
    • say no (to sth)
    • 拒绝;否定
      to refuse an offer, a suggestion, etc.
    • If you don't invest in this, you're saying no to a potential fortune.
    • say no more
    • 我早知道了;还用你说
      used to say that you understand exactly what sb means or is trying to say, so it is unnecessary to say anything more
    • ‘They went to Paris together.’ ‘Say no more!’
    • say your piece
    • 说出心里话
      to say exactly what you feel or think
    • say what?
    • (表示惊奇)你说什么
      used to express surprise at what sb has just said
    • ‘He's getting married.’ ‘Say what?’
    • say when
    • (给饮料或食物时说)够了请说一声
      used to ask sb to tell you when you should stop pouring a drink or serving food for them because they have enough
    • that is to say
    • 换句话说;也就是说
      in other words
    • three days from now, that is to say on Friday
    • that's not saying much
    • 也没什么了不起;这说明不了什么
      used to say that sth is not very unusual or special
    • She's a better player than me, but that's not saying much (= because I am a very bad player) .
    • that said
    • (用以缓和语气)话虽如此
      used to introduce an opinion that makes what you have just said seem less strong
    • there's no saying
    • 说不准;很难说
      used to say that it is impossible to predict what might happen
    • There's no saying how he'll react.
    • there's something, not much, etc. to be said for sth/doing sth
    • 有(或没有太多等)理由去做(或相信、同意)某事
      there are/are not good reasons for doing sth, believing sth or agreeing with sth
    • to say the least
    • 毫不夸张地说
      without exaggerating at all
    • I was surprised, to say the least.
    • to say nothing of sth
    • 更不用说…;而且还
      used to introduce a further fact or thing in addition to those already mentioned
    • It was too expensive, to say nothing of the time it wasted.
    • well said!
    • 说得好;完全赞同
      I agree completely
    • ‘We must stand up for ourselves.’ ‘Well said, John.’
    • what do/would you say (to sth/doing sth)
    • 你同意…吗;你看…好不好
      would you like sth/to do sth?
    • What do you say to eating out tonight?
    • Let's go away for a weekend. What do you say?
    • what/whatever sb says, goes
    • 凡是…说的,都得照办;无论…说什么,都能行得通
      a particular person must be obeyed
    • Sarah wanted the kitchen painted green, and what she says, goes.
    • whatever you say
    • (因不想争论而同意)由你,随你
      used to agree to sb's suggestion because you do not want to argue
    • when all is said and done
    • 说到底;毕竟;归根到底
      when everything is considered
    • I know you're upset, but when all's said and done it isn't exactly a disaster.
    • who can say (…)?
    • 谁知道(…)
      used to say that nobody knows the answer to a question
    • Who can say what will happen next year?
    • who says (…)?
    • (表示不同意)谁说(…)
      used to disagree with a statement or an opinion
    • Who says I can't do it?
    • who's to say (…)?
    • (表示说不定某事会发生或本来会发生了)谁说得准(…)
      used to say that sth might happen or might have happened in a particular way, because nobody really knows
    • Who's to say we would not have succeeded if we'd had more time?
    • you can say that again
    • 让你说对了;一点没错;正是这样
      I agree with you completely
    • ‘He's in a bad mood today.’ ‘You can say that again!’
    • you can't say fairer (than that)
    • (出价时说)再公道不过了
      used to say that you think the offer you are making is reasonable or generous
    • Look, I'll give you £100 for it. I can't say fairer than that.
    • you don't say!
    • 我就知道;不会吧;不至于吧
      used to express surprise
    • ‘They left without us.’ ‘You don't say!’ (= I'm not surprised)
    • you said it!
    • (同意对方所作而碍于礼貌自己不便作出的评价)这话可是你说的
      used to agree with sb when they say sth about themselves that you would not have been rude enough to say yourself
    • ‘I know I'm not the world's greatest cook.’ ‘You said it!’
    • (同意对方的提议)正合我心意
      used to agree with sb's suggestion
    • I dare say
    • 我想;很可能;大概
      used when you are saying that sth is probable
    • I dare say you know about it already.
    • enough said
    • 无须再讲;不必多说
      used to say that you understand a situation and there is no need to say any more
    • ‘He's a politician, remember.’ ‘Enough said.’
    • I'm glad to say (that…)
    • (表示对某种情况感到高兴)我很高兴地说
      used when you are commenting on a situation and saying that you are happy about it
    • Most teachers, I'm glad to say, take their jobs very seriously.
    • let us say
    • (提建议或举例)譬如说,比方说,例如
      used when making a suggestion or giving an example
    • I can let you have it for, well let's say £100.
    • mean to say
    • (强调要说的话,或问对方是否真是这个意思)意思是说
      used to emphasize what you are saying or to ask sb if they really mean what they say
    • I mean to say, you should have known how he would react!
    • Do you mean to say you've lost it?
    • if you don't mind me/my saying so…
    • (批评等之前说)你不会在意我这么说吧
      used when you are going to criticize sb or say sth that might upset them
    • That colour doesn't really suit you, if you don't mind my saying so.
    • needless to say
    • 不必说;不用说
      used to emphasize that the information you are giving is obvious
    • The problem, needless to say, is the cost involved.
    • put/place sth on (the) recordbe/go on (the) record (as saying…)
    • 公开发表(意见等)
      to say sth publicly or officially so that it may be written down and repeated
    • He didn't want to go on the record as either praising or criticizing the proposal.
    • no sooner said than done
    • 说干就干
      used to say that sth was, or will be, done immediately
    • I'm sorry to say
    • (表示某事令人失望)我遗憾地说
      used for saying that sth is disappointing
    • He didn't accept the job, I'm sorry to say.
    • suffice (it) to say (that)…
    • 无须多说;只需说…就够了
      used to suggest that although you could say more, what you do say will be enough to explain what you mean
    • not have a good word to say for sb/sth
    • 从不说…的好话
      to never say anything good about sb/sth
    • Nobody had a good word to say about him.


      have your say
    • 有机会充分发表意见
      to have the opportunity to express yourself fully about sth
    • She won't be happy until she's had her say.



        说 speak
      • 说;讲;告诉
        to speak or tell sb sth, using words
        1. ‘Hello!’ she said.
        2. ‘That was marvellous,’ said Daniel.
        3. Be quiet, I have something to say.
        4. She said nothing to me about it.
        5. He knew that if he wasn't back by midnight, his parents would have something to say about it (= be angry) .
        6. That's a terrible thing to say .
        7. I didn't believe a word she said.
        8. He said (that) his name was Sam.
        9. It is said that she lived to be over 100.
        10. She finds it hard to say what she feels.
        11. I said to myself (= thought) , ‘That can't be right!’
        12. ‘That's impossible!’ ‘ So you say (= but I think you may be wrong) .’
        13. ‘Why can't I go out now?’ ‘Because I say so .’
        14. ‘What do you want it for?’ ‘ I'd rather not say .’
        15. He said to meet him here.
        16. He is said to have been a brilliant scholar.
      • 复述 repeat words
      • 念;朗诵;背诵
        to repeat words, phrases, etc.
        1. to say a prayer
        2. Try to say that line with more conviction.
      • 表达见解 express opinion
      • 表达,表述(见解)
        to express an opinion on sth
        1. Say what you like (= although you disagree) about her, she's a fine singer.
        2. I'll say this for them , they're a very efficient company.
        3. Anna thinks I'm lazy─ what do you say (= what is your opinion) ?
        4. I can't say I blame her for resigning (= I think she was right) .
        5. I say (= suggest) we go without them.
        6. I wouldn't say they were rich (= in my opinion they are not rich) .
        7. That's not to say it's a bad movie (= it is good but it is not without faults) .
        8. It's hard to say what caused the accident.
        9. ‘When will it be finished?’ ‘ I couldn't say (= I don't know) .’
      • 举例 give example
      • 比方说;假设
        to suggest or give sth as an example or a possibility
        1. You could learn the basics in, let's say , three months.
        2. Let's take any writer, say (= for example) Dickens…
        3. Say you lose your job: what would you do then?
      • 表明思想 / 感情 show thoughts/feelings
      • 表明,显示,表达(思想、感情)
        to make thoughts, feelings, etc. clear to sb by using words, looks, movements, etc.
        1. His angry glance said it all .
        2. That says it all really, doesn't it? (= it shows clearly what is true)
        3. Just what is the artist trying to say in her work?
      • 标示 give written information
      • 提供信息;指示
        to give particular information or instructions
        1. The notice said ‘Keep Out’.
        2. The clock said three o'clock.
        3. The instructions say (that) we should leave it to set for four hours.
        4. The book doesn't say where he was born.
        5. The guidebook says to turn left.


      • 决定权;发言权
        the right to influence sth by giving your opinion before a decision is made
        1. We had no say in the decision to sell the company.
        2. People want a greater say in local government.
        3. The judge has the final say on the sentence.


      • (表示惊讶或兴奋)嘿,啧啧
        used for showing surprise or pleasure
        1. Say, that's a nice haircut!
      • (提请别人注意、提出建议或作出评论)喂,我说
        used for attracting sb's attention or for making a suggestion or comment
        1. Say, how about going to a movie tonight?


      • VERB 说;讲
        When yousaysomething, you speak words.
        1. 'I'm sorry,' he said...
        2. She said they were very impressed...
        3. Forty-one people are said to have been seriously hurt...
          据说 41 人身负重伤。
        4. I packed and said goodbye to Charlie...
        5. I hope you didn't say anything about Gretchen...
        6. You didn't say much when you telephoned...
        7. Did he say where he was going?...
        8. It doesn't sound exactly orthodox, if I may say so.
      • VERB (表达观点或陈述事实,否定用法表示婉转暗示某事并非事实)说,表示
        You usesayin expressions such asI would just like to sayto introduce what you are actually saying, or to indicate that you are expressing an opinion or admitting a fact. If you state that youcan't saysomething or youwouldn't saysomething, you are indicating in a polite or indirect way that it is not the case.
        1. I would just like to say that this is the most hypocritical thing I have ever heard in my life...
        2. I have to say I didn't even know Fox Lane Police Station existed till about four or five years ago...
          我必须承认直到四五年前我才知道有福克斯巷警察局 。
        3. I must say that rather shocked me, too...
        4. Dead? Well, I can't say I'm sorry.
      • VERB 告知;宣称;表明
        You can mention the contents of a piece of writing by mentioning what itsaysor what someonesaysin it.
        1. The report says there is widespread and routine torture of political prisoners in the country...
        2. Auntie Winnie wrote back saying Mam wasn't well enough to write...
        3. You can't have one without the other, as the song says...
        4. 'Highly inflammable,' it says on the spare canister...
        5. Jung believed that God speaks to us in dreams. The Bible says so too.
      • VERB (自己)想,琢磨;自忖
        If yousaysomethingto yourself, you think it.
        1. Perhaps I'm still dreaming, I said to myself...
        2. 'Keep your temper,' he said to himself.
      • N-SING 发言权;决定权
        If you havea say insomething, you have the right to give your opinion and influence decisions relating to it.
        1. You can get married at sixteen, and yet you haven't got a say in the running of the country...
          你 16 岁时可以结婚,但还无权参与国家政事。
        2. The students wanted more say in the government of the university.
      • VERB (钟、刻度盘、地图等)表明,指向,显示
        You indicate the information given by something such as a clock, dial, or map by mentioning what itsays.
        1. The clock said four minutes past eleven...
          钟显示时间是 11 点 4 分。
        2. The map says there's six of them.
      • VERB 说明;表明;表示
        If somethingsayssomethingabouta person, situation, or thing, it gives important information about them.
        1. I think that says a lot about how well Seles is playing...
        2. The appearance of the place and the building says something about the importance of the project.
      • VERB 说明,表示(…有很多优点)
        If somethingsaysa lotfora person or thing, it shows that this person or thing is very good or has a lot of good qualities.
        1. It says a lot for him that he has raised his game to the level required...
        2. It says much for Brookner's skill that the book is sad, but never depressing.
      • VERB (通常表示说话者认为某人优点不多)我会这样形容他们/你可以这样形容他们
        You usesayin expressions such asI'll say that for themandyou can say this for themafter or before you mention a good quality that someone has, usually when you think they do not have many good qualities.
        1. He's usually smartly-dressed, I'll say that for him...
        2. At the very least, he is devastatingly sure of himself, you can say that.
      • VERB 假定;假设
        You can usesaywhen you want to discuss something that might possibly happen or be true.
        1. Say you could change anything about the world we live in, what would it be?
      • 比如说;比方说
        You can usesayorlet's saywhen you mention something as an example.
        1. To see the problem here more clearly, let's look at a different biological system, say, an acorn...
        2. Someone with, say, between 300 and 500 acres could be losing thousands of pounds a year.
          比方说,拥有 300 到 500 英亩地的人,可能每年会损失几千英镑。
      • EXCLAM (用以唤起注意或表示惊讶、高兴、崇敬)嘿,喂,哎呀,啊
        Sayis used to attract someone's attention or to express surprise, pleasure, or admiration.
        1. Say, Leo, how would you like to have dinner one night, just you and me?
      • Note that, with the verbsay, if you want to mention the person who is being addressed, you should use the prepositionto. 'What did she say you?' is wrong. 'What did she say to you?' is correct. The verbtell, however, is usually followed by a direct object indicating the person who is being addressed.He told Alison he was suffering from leukaemia... What did she tell you?'What did she tell to you?' is wrong.Sayis the most general verb for reporting the words that someone speaks.Tellis used to report information that is given to someone.The manufacturer told me that the product did not contain corn.Tellcan also be used with a 'to' infinitive to report an order or instruction.My mother told me to shut up and eat my dinner.
        注意,如果要在动词 say 后提及说话的对象,应用介词 to。What did she say you 是错误说法,What did she say to you 是正确的。但是,动词 tell 后通常直接跟表示说话对象的直接宾语。例如:He told Alison he was suffering from leukaemia (他告诉艾利森他得了白血病),What did she tell you (她告诉你什么了)。What did she tell to you 是错误说法。say 是引述某人所说话的最常用动词。tell 用于传达提供给某人的信息:The manufacturer told me that the product did not contain corn (厂家告诉我该产品不含谷物)。tell 也可和带 to 的动词不定式连用表示引述命令或指示:My mother told me to shut up and eat my dinner (妈妈让我别说话好好吃饭)。

      • PHRASE 清楚说明事实;明确表达(…的)感觉
        If you say that somethingsays it all, you mean that it shows you very clearly the truth about a situation or someone's feelings.
        1. This is my third visit in a week, which says it all.
      • CONVENTION (表示吃惊)不会吧;(亦常表示事实上并不吃惊)我一点也不觉得奇怪,用不着你说也知道
        You can use 'You don't say' to express surprise at what someone has told you. People often use this expression to indicate that in fact they are not surprised.
        1. 'I'm a writer.' — 'You don't say. What kind of book are you writing?'
      • PHRASE 值得称道之处;优点
        If you say there is a lotto be said forsomething, you mean you think it has a lot of good qualities or aspects.
        1. There's a lot to be said for being based in the country.
      • PHRASE 寡言少语;不爱说话
        If you say that someonedoesn't have much to say for himselforherself, you mean that they are not speaking very much during a conversation.
        1. He's never got much to say for himself.
      • PHRASE 你有什么好说的;你有什么要辩解的
        If someone askswhatyouhave to say for yourself, they are asking what excuse you have for what you have done.
        1. 'Well,' she said eventually, 'what have you to say for yourself?'
      • PHRASE 显而易见;不言而喻;不用说
        If somethinggoes without saying, it is obvious.
        1. It goes without saying that if someone has lung problems they should not smoke.
      • PHRASE 发表意见;阐述观点
        When one of the people or groups involved in a discussionhastheirsay, they give their opinion.
        1. The Football Association have had their say.
      • PHRASE (用于对很多人不喜欢的人或事物表示赞赏时)随你怎么说,不管你怎么认为
        You use 'Say what you like aboutsomeone or something' when you are about to mention one good thing about a person or thing that many people do not like.
        1. Say what you like about them, but they did love their Mum.
      • CONVENTION (尤指乐于接受他人刚刚提出要给予自己的东西)我不反对,我没意见,好哇
        You use 'I wouldn't say no' to indicate that you would like something, especially something that has just been offered to you.
        1. I wouldn't say no to a drink.
      • PHRASE (引出语气更重或更极端的描述)即使不说是…,虽不能说…
        You can usenot to saywhen adding a stronger or more extreme description than the one you have just used.
        1. To those who've never received million dollar royalty cheques, this sounded a little odd, not to say offensive.
      • PHRASE 更不用说;何况
        You useto say nothing ofwhen you mention an additional thing which gives even more strength to the point you are making.
        1. Unemployment leads to a sense of uselessness, to say nothing of financial problems.
      • PHRASE (用于提醒别人所说话可能会具有冒犯性或令人震惊)可以说
        You useshall I sayandshall we sayin order to warn someone that what you are about to say may cause offence or be surprising.
        1. ...whereas when you get older you're rather set in your ways, shall I say...
        2. My involvement has not been altogether, shall we say, ethical.
      • PHRASE 亦即;也就是说;换句话说
        You usethat is to sayorthat's to sayto indicate that you are about to express the same idea more clearly or precisely.
        1. ...territories that were occupied in 1967, that is to say, in the West Bank and Gaza.
      • CONVENTION 让你说对了;一点没错;我同意;说得太对了
        You can use 'You can say that again' to express strong agreement with what someone has just said.
        1. 'Must have been a fiddly job.' — 'You can say that again.'
      • to say the least→ see:least



      • the chance to speak
        1. let him have his say


      • give instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority
        1. I said to him to go home
        2. She ordered him to do the shopping
        3. The mother told the child to get dressed
      • express a supposition
        1. Let us say that he did not tell the truth
        2. Let's say you had a lot of money--what would you do?
      • indicate
        1. The clock says noon
      • communicate or express nonverbally
        1. What does this painting say?
        2. Did his face say anything about how he felt?
      • recite or repeat a fixed text
        1. Say grace
        2. She said her `Hail Mary'
      • speak, pronounce, or utter in a certain way
        1. She pronounces French words in a funny way
        2. I cannot say `zip wire'
        3. Can the child sound out this complicated word?
        Synonym:pronouncearticulateenouncesound outenunciate
      • utter aloud
        1. She said `Hello' to everyone in the office
      • express in words
        1. He said that he wanted to marry her
        2. tell me what is bothering you
        3. state your opinion
        4. state your name
      • state as one's opinion or judgement
        1. I say let's forget this whole business
      • report or maintain
        1. He alleged that he was the victim of a crime
        2. He said it was too late to intervene in the war
        3. The registrar says that I owe the school money
      • have or contain a certain wording or form
        1. The passage reads as follows
        2. What does the law say?


      • 'I'm a writer.' — 'You don't say. What kind of book are you writing?'
      • Say you could change anything about the world we live in, what would it be?
      • It says a lot for him that he has raised his game to the level required
      • Unemployment leads to a sense of uselessness, to say nothing of financial problems.
      • The clock said four minutes past eleven
      • 'Well,' she said eventually, 'what have you to say for yourself?'
      • Say what you like about them, but they did love their Mum.
      • He's usually smartly-dressed, I'll say that for him
      • Perhaps I'm still dreaming, I said to myself
      • This is my third visit in a week, which says it all.