英 [ˈslækəz]
美 [ˈslækərz]
n. 偷懒的人; 怠惰的人
- N-COUNT 偷懒的人;磨洋工的人
If you describe someone as aslacker, you mean that they are lazy and do less work than they should.- He's not a slacker, he's the best worker they've got.
- He's not a slacker, he's the best worker they've got.
- That idea spawned into a sport of it's own and there are now slackers all over the world.
这种想法孵化成了一项独立的运动,现在全世界各地都有人在走扁带。 - The slackers of the world also use it as a general pager ( cat file) and a complete text-editing environment ( cat>file).
世界上的懒鬼们还将它用作通用分页程序(catfile)和完整的文本编辑环境(cat>file)。 - Supporters saw it as the brave act of a boss determined to rid the company of slackers.
支持者认为,这是梅耶尔扫清公司懒虫的果敢行为。 - Strivers headed for Manhattan and Washington, whereas slackers preferred places such as Miami.
拼搏者向曼哈顿和华盛顿聚集,游手好闲者则偏爱迈阿密这样的地方。 - My English teacher friends in Japan's school system say, if anything, these kids are a bunch of slackers when it comes to mastering a second language.
我的在日本学校当英文教师的朋友们说:这些孩子在学第二种语言是普遍偷懒。 - That segment of the workforce ─ the employees who are neither superstars nor slackers ─ tends to be ignored by managers, he said.
他说,员工中的这个群体(既不是超级明星员工,也不是偷懒耍滑的员工)往往被管理者所忽视。 - Women who leave finance to focus on their families should be welcomed back at a senior level rather than penalised as "slackers".
对于那些离开金融界、集中精力照顾家庭的女性,金融机构应该欢迎她们回来,委以更高的职位,而不是把她们当成“懒鬼”加以惩罚。 - Philosophers and pop psychologists spent centuries trying to explain humankind, but only in 1996 did the South African novelist Jo-Anne Richards and I finally identify the three basic human types: strivers, slackers and fantasists.
哲学家和大众心理学家花费了数百年时间,试图理解人类,但直到1996年,南非小说家约-安妮理查兹(Jo-AnneRichards)和我才终于确定,人类有三种基本类型:拼搏者、游手好闲者和幻想者。 - When it comes to diet, slackers never succeed.
说到减肥,愉懒的人是永远不会成功的。 - A couple of slackers, Kevin said, shoving two rolls of sushi into his mouth.