

英 [weɪt]

美 [weɪt]

v.  等; 等待; 等候; (尤指长期地)希望,盼望,期待; 准备妥; 在手边; 可得到; 可使用
n.  等候; 等待; 等待的时间

现在分词:waiting 过去式:waited 过去分词:waited 第三人称单数:waits 复数:waits 


Oxford 3000 / Collins.5 / BNC.463 / COCA.400


wait around
1. (长时间地)干等,空等  

wait in
1. 在家等候  

wait on
1. 等待(某事发生)  

wait up
1. 等着不睡;熬夜等待;(尤指)等待夜归的人  2. 走慢点;等一等  


    wait about/around

    • 白白等着;空等
      to stay in a place, with nothing particular to do, for example because you are expecting sth to happen or sb to arrive
      1. She rang the bell and waited.
      2. Have you been waiting long?
      3. I've been waiting (for) twenty minutes.
      4. Wait for me!
      5. We're waiting for the rain to stop before we go out.
      6. I'll wait outside until the meeting's over.
      7. Hurry up! We're waiting to go.
      8. You'll just have to wait your turn (= wait until your turn comes) .

    wait behind

    • 等到他人走后留下来(尤指为与人私下谈话)
      to stay after other people have gone, especially to speak to sb privately
      1. There's a letter waiting for you at home.
      2. The hotel had a taxi waiting to collect us.

    wait in

    • 在家等候(人、电话等)
      to stay at home because you are expecting sb to come, telephone, etc.

      wait on sb

      • 伺候,服侍,招待(尤指进餐)
        to act as a servant to sb, especially by serving food to them

        wait on sth/sb

        • 等待…(才采取行动或作出决定)
          to wait for sth to happen before you do or decide sth

          wait sth↔out

          • 等待(令人不快的事情)结束
            to wait until an unpleasant event has finished

            wait up

            • 等一等,慢点走(以便某人赶上)
              used to ask sb to stop or go more slowly so that you can join them

              wait up (for sb)

              • 熬夜,不睡觉(等人回家)
                to wait for sb to come home at night before you go to bed



                    an accident/a disaster waiting to happen
                  • 隐患
                    a thing or person that is very likely to cause danger or a problem in the future because of the condition it is in or the way they behave
                  • I, they, etc. can't wait/can hardly wait
                  • (我、他们等)迫不及待
                    used when you are emphasizing that sb is very excited about sth or keen to do it
                  • The children can't wait for Christmas to come.
                  • I can hardly wait to see him again.
                  • keep sb waiting
                  • (尤指因迟到)让人等候,使人耽搁
                    to make sb have to wait or be delayed, especially because you arrive late
                  • I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.
                  • wait and see
                  • 耐心等待;等着瞧
                    used to tell sb that they must be patient and wait to find out about sth later
                  • We'll just have to wait and see─there's nothing we can do at the moment.
                  • a wait-and-see policy
                  • ‘Where are we going?’ ‘Wait and see!’
                  • wait at table
                  • 伺候进餐;(往饭桌上)端饭上菜
                    to serve food to people, for example at a formal meal
                  • wait for it
                  • (要说出令人吃惊或高兴的事情)听着,听好了
                    used to say that you are about to tell sb sth that is surprising or amusing
                  • They're off on a trip, to─wait for it─the Maldives!
                  • (让人在得到通知前别做某事)等候通知
                    used to tell sb not to start doing sth yet, but to wait until you tell them
                  • wait a minute/moment/second
                  • 等一会儿;稍等一下
                    to wait for a short time
                  • Can you wait a second while I make a call?
                  • (刚注意到、想起某事或突然有了个主意)且慢,等一等
                    used when you have just noticed or remembered sth, or had a sudden idea
                  • Wait a minute─this isn't the right key.
                  • wait on sb hand and foot
                  • 过分照顾;让…饭来张口,衣来伸手
                    to take care of sb's needs so well that they do not have to do anything for themselves
                  • wait tables
                  • (在餐馆)端盘子,招待顾客
                    to work serving food to people in a restaurant
                  • wait till/until…
                  • (兴奋地表示或展示某事物)等到…吧
                    used to show that you are very excited about telling or showing sth to sb
                  • Wait till you see what I've found!
                  • what are we waiting for?
                  • (建议都应开始去做商议中的事)我们还在等什么呢
                    used to suggest that you should all start doing what you have been discussing
                  • what are you waiting for?
                  • (让人马上就干而不要往后拖)你还等什么呢
                    used to tell sb to do sth now rather than later
                  • If the car needs cleaning, what are you waiting for?
                  • (just) you wait
                  • (用以加强威胁、警告或允诺的语气)你就等着吧,你就等着瞧
                    used to emphasize a threat, warning or promise
                  • I'll be famous one day, just you wait!
                  • (waiting) in the wings
                  • 准备接替某工作;准备就绪
                    ready to take over a particular job or be used in a particular situation when needed


                    lie in wait (for sb)
                  • 隐蔽待机以出其不意;伏击;埋伏以待
                    to hide, waiting to surprise, attack or catch sb
                  • He was surrounded by reporters who had been lying in wait for him.



                    • 等;等待;等候
                      to stay where you are or delay doing sth until sb/sth comes or sth happens
                      1. She rang the bell and waited.
                      2. Have you been waiting long?
                      3. I've been waiting (for) twenty minutes.
                      4. Wait for me!
                      5. We're waiting for the rain to stop before we go out.
                      6. I'll wait outside until the meeting's over.
                      7. Hurry up! We're waiting to go.
                      8. You'll just have to wait your turn (= wait until your turn comes) .
                    • (尤指长期地)希望,盼望,期待
                      to hope or watch for sth to happen, especially for a long time
                      1. Leeds United had waited for success for eighteen years.
                      2. This is just the opportunity I've been waiting for.
                      3. He's waiting for me to make a mistake.
                      4. I waited my chance and slipped out when no one was looking.
                    • 准备妥;在手边;可得到;可使用
                      to be ready for sb to have or use
                      1. There's a letter waiting for you at home.
                      2. The hotel had a taxi waiting to collect us.
                    • 推迟;搁置;延缓
                      to be left to be dealt with at a later time because it is not urgent
                      1. I've got some calls to make but they can wait until tomorrow.


                    • 等候;等待;等待的时间
                      an act of waiting; an amount of time waited
                      1. We had a long wait for the bus.
                      2. He now faces an agonizing two-month wait for the test results.


                    • VERB 等待;等候
                      When youwait forsomething or someone, you spend some time doing very little, because you cannot act until that thing happens or that person arrives.
                      1. I walk to a street corner and wait for the school bus...
                      2. Stop waiting for things to happen. Make them happen...
                      3. I waited to see how she responded...
                      4. Angus got out of the car to wait...
                      5. We will have to wait a week or so before we know whether the operation is a success...
                      6. He told waiting journalists that he did not expect a referendum to be held for several months.
                    • N-COUNT 等待;等待的时间
                      Awaitis a period of time in which you do very little, before something happens or before you can do something.
                      1. ...the four-hour wait for the organizers to declare the result.
                    • VERB 准备妥当;可获得;可使用
                      If somethingis waiting foryou, it is ready for you to use, have, or do.
                      1. There'll be a car waiting for you...
                      2. When we came home we had a meal waiting for us...
                      3. Ships with unfurled sails wait to take them aboard...
                      4. Three-hundred railway wagons were waiting to be unloaded...
                      5. He had a taxi waiting to take him to the train...
                      6. The President had his plane waiting, 20 minutes' drive away.
                    • VERB 延缓;推迟;搁置
                      If you say that something canwait, you mean that it is not important or urgent and so you will deal with it or do it later.
                      1. I want to talk to you, but it can wait...
                      2. Any changes will have to wait until sponsors can be found.
                    • Do not confusewait for,expect, andlook forward to. When youwait forsomeone or something, you stay in the same place until the person arrives or the thing happens.Whisky was served while we waited for him... We got off the plane and waited for our luggage.When you areexpectingsomeone or something, you think that the person or thing is going to arrive or that the thing is going to happen.I sent a postcard, so they were expecting me... We are expecting rain.When youlook forwardto something that is going to happen, you feel happy because you think you will enjoy it.I'll bet you're looking forward to your holidays... I always looked forward to seeing her.
                      不要混淆 wait for,expect 和 look forward to。wait for 是指在原地等待某人到来或某事发生。例如,Whisky was served while we waited for him (在我们等他的时候,威士忌端上来了),We got off the plane and waited for our luggage (我们下了飞机,等着取行李)。expect 表示认为某人或某物即将到来,或某事即将发生。例如,I sent a postcard, so they were expecting me (我寄了张明信片,所以他们知道我要来),We are expecting rain (我们预计会下雨)。look forward to 表示乐于见到某事发生,因为会从中获取乐趣。例如,I'll bet you're looking forward to your holidays (我敢肯定你正盼望着假期),I always looked forward to seeing her (我总盼望着见到她)。

                    • VERB (用于鼓励或威胁)等着
                      You can usewaitwhen you are trying to make someone feel excited, or to encourage or threaten them.
                      1. If you think this all sounds very exciting, just wait until you read the book...
                      2. As soon as you get some food inside you, you'll feel more cheerful. Just you wait.
                    • VERB (用于打断讲话)等一下,慢着
                      Waitis used in expressions such aswait a minute,wait a second, andwait a momentto interrupt someone when they are speaking, for example because you object to what they are saying or because you want them to repeat something.
                      1. 'Wait a minute!' he broke in. 'This is not giving her a fair hearing!'
                    • VERB 服务;服侍;招待
                      If an employeewaits onyou, for example in a restaurant or hotel, they take orders from you and bring you what you want.
                      1. There were plenty of servants to wait on her...
                      2. Each student is expected to wait at table for one week each semester.
                    • PHRASE 等不及;迫不及待;渴望
                      If you say that youcan't waitto do something orcan hardly waitto do it, you are emphasizing that you are very excited about it and eager to do it.
                      1. We can't wait to get started...
                      2. It's gonna be great. I can hardly wait...
                      3. I could hardly wait to get out of there.
                    • CONVENTION (让人在命令下达前勿提前做某事)等一等
                      You say 'wait for it' to stop someone from doing something too soon because you have not yet given them the command to do it.
                      1. Arms bend. Arms upward. Wait for it. Stretch.
                    • PHRASE (表示接下来要说的内容非常有趣或令人惊奇)注意了,听好了
                      You can use 'wait for it' to indicate that you are about to say something that is amusing or surprising.
                      1. A cool $500,000 is to be spent on obtaining genuine 17th-century air from the inside of, wait for it, an occupied lead coffin.
                    • PHRASE 等着瞧;等等看
                      If you tell someone towait and see, you tell them that they must be patient or that they must not worry about what is going to happen in the future because they have no control over it.
                      1. We'll have to wait and see what happens.
                      2. ...a wait-and-see attitude.
                    • PHRASE (表示催促)你还等什么呢?
                      If you say to someone 'What are you waiting for?' you are telling them to hurry up and do something.
                      1. Well, what are you waiting for? Do I have to ask you for a kiss?
                    • an accident waiting to happen→ see:accident



                    • the act of waiting (remaining inactive in one place while expecting something)
                      1. the wait was an ordeal for him
                    • time during which some action is awaited
                      1. instant replay caused too long a delay
                      2. he ordered a hold in the action
                      Synonym:delayholdtime lagpostponement


                    • look forward to the probable occurrence of
                      1. We were expecting a visit from our relatives
                      2. She is looking to a promotion
                      3. he is waiting to be drafted
                    • serve as a waiter or waitress in a restaurant
                      1. I'm waiting on tables at Maxim's
                    • stay in one place and anticipate or expect something
                      1. I had to wait on line for an hour to get the tickets
                    • wait before acting
                      1. the scientists held off announcing their results until they repeated the experiment
                      Synonym:hold offhold back


                    • Three-hundred railway wagons were waiting to be unloaded
                    • Wait a minute! I'm beginning to catch on.
                    • The President had his plane waiting, 20 minutes 'drive away.
                    • Any changes will have to wait until sponsors can be found.
                    • We will have to wait a week or so before we know whether the operation is a success
                    • It's gonna be great. I can hardly wait
                    • I could hardly wait to get out of there.
                    • Tell them not to wait.
                    • Ships with unfurled sails wait to take them aboard
                    • He told waiting journalists that he did not expect a referendum to be held for several months.